Well, you were prescient.

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Whelp! That was a freaking disaster! And that is being kind.

I was willing to go along with Joe, but after that painful couple of hours, something has to be done.

I could tell from the start it was going to go back when Joe came out. My wife pointed it out. "Look at how he shuffles! He doesn't walk, he shuffles!" she yelled. "His damn arms don't even move!" She was right. Biden looked like an old man.

But then people started talking. Trump spewed his tired lies. What did Joe do? Nothing! Yes, I know there were so many lies, where do you start. But damn it! You need to call it out and call it out strongly.

Worse though, Joe could barely be heard. He also got a bit confused and lost at times. My God! Joe gave the GOP a gift of ads that will keep on giving about Joe's age. I don't know how you walk away from that.

Sadly, the best remark on the evening came from Don Jr. Jr called out in a Tweet that his Dad seemed to do great without an audience because it allowed him to stay focused and not play to the audience.

If the Democrats want to win in November I really think Joe needs to step aside. The Washington Post has a good list of candidates - https://wapo.st/4ckNRPe

Heaven help us if Joe has to see this through.

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Amen Charlie. My boy Oliver concurs! He especially appreciated the pup pics!

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The more I have thought about this today, the more I hope Trump goes off the rails. Biden needs to try and gain control and if he cannot along with the moderators, just throw up his hands, wave to the cameras and walk off shaking his head. Let Trump just rant to a dead microphone until CNN takes the screen to black.

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Jun 25Liked by Charlie Sykes

I have felt so much sympathy for journalists, strategists and show hosts covering trump. He is trying to bring death to Democracy, women, gun safety, and the middle class, government institutions, but the truth telling media.

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Jun 25Liked by Charlie Sykes

Calling Thursday's debate a likely shit show is like calling calling the Sun "hot". I don't intend to watch it because I figure all I will need are the low lights of the evening. Anyone with any intelligence knows what will happen as you have well documented in your post. It will not change any minds and will do nothing to advance debating. A pointless exercise.

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Jun 25Liked by Charlie Sykes

Superb! Exactly how I feel and think, has been trying to tell, but lack your eloquence. Thank you!!!!!!!

I am terrified about the event. Under complete control of CNN, with all the ugly pundits who have demonstrated with manifest unequivocality their preference for Trump, how is a professional going to deliver a complex message to a load of dilettantes...

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Jun 24Liked by Charlie Sykes

Color coordinated.

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Jun 24Liked by Charlie Sykes

I'm just worried about the frog! Hope he's ok.

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Jun 24Liked by Charlie Sykes

Auggie, Looking good in your new green bandanna. Hello Eli and Mom. Charlie, I don’t think you were ranting on Nicolle Wallace’s show, but do know you were truth telling! I won’t live long enough to understand why Trump has such control over the Republican Party. He’s a dangerous and crazy bully. He is an embarrassment. I am scared for our country. I will watch the debate with Irish whiskey by my side. Thanks for the doggie pics.

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To me, Donald Trump is worse than a traitor. He is a complete self dealer. In his mind, it’s screw Ukraine,screw US security, forget the constitution and so forth. What can each moment bring him, help him fill the bottomless hole of his neediness. If he is cheered by some for his day one promises, if he is backslapped by others for his financial prognostications, if he is prayed over by some one else, great! He is without strategy, without moral compass, without love, compassion or in fact emotion, or thought. He has no country. The family is useful. He lives in an eternal present of self satisfaction. Trying to understand Trump is like picking up howler monkey turds just to have the monkey throw them again. I kind of agree with Papa Sitta’s mother in law. If the bottomless hole of need wins. It’s all over for us.

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Jun 24Liked by Charlie Sykes

I think Biden and the man from hell should not be on stage together, but in separate locations with moderators in control of picture and sound.

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Jun 24Liked by Charlie Sykes

Good to see that handsome Auggie Doggie! And Pete...sweet spirit! Ms. Carpenter hit it on the head with the "assailant" comment. For the last 8-9 years I feel all the bruises from the "assailant." If there is a next time, forget bruises. The country will be full blown traction or morgue! Stay strong, stay safe and keep those doggie and froggie pics coming!

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Jun 24Liked by Charlie Sykes

Love you Charlie! This old lady liberal agrees with you time and again.

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Jun 24Liked by Charlie Sykes

May I suggest putting a wide stick or untreated board into the window wells as a toad/frog ladder so they can come and go as desired?

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Charlie - I agree that it will be unseemly…but cutting out a tumor is not for the faint of heart - the more feces the TFG throws the better and the more that Dark Brandon points out the crap hitting the wall the better - Rump will embarrass himself AGAIN and a marginal number of undecideds in AZ, MI, PA, GA, NV?, NC?, not to mention your beloved WI need to see it… if a bunch of corporate marginal tax rate whores can see it, I trust even the undecideds to see the light… vote smart America!

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