Is it only me? Every time I look at a photo of Trump, I don’t see anything behind that orange brow. Blank eyes, blank brain. He’s like a jukebox: Put in a nickel (showing my age here), out pops a proximate pre-recorded statement … and maybe a dance.

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Get these Fucking Maroons out of Power Already. America the 🤡 State!

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They believe in redemption,around here ..well .. obviously...your backing a convicted tax frauder , a convicted rapist, a Conman thug mob boss wanna be...so that's pretty obvious . But you didn't redeem Colin Kapernick for taking a knee for a equality issue , and the same situation you went to your knees in Congress for what ? For your begging for mercy for power and funding through the government (which is illegal ) politics and religion aren't supposed to mix . But you all condemned Colin ....for begging for mercy for equality .. your all so stupid ,you don't even see your discrimination .. and shouldn't be any type of government servant . Go to the church ,they'll understand your disallusioned unreality . Us Americans don't need your type in our tax paid positions

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Saying Kamala was "born mentally impaired..." It's just SO DAMN UGLY. And yet my niece and her husband, who have a daughter with Downs Syndrome, are going to vote for that POS..it's just so depressing.

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Do you think this is really real? Or are we just in a simulation and the creators are just having a little fun to see how crazy they can make it?

Or is their some kind of massive mind thing going on like in Havana a few years ago when people had strange things happen to their minds and such and I don’t think they have ever figured it out. Like a massive Manchurian Candidate thing? Hypnosis from afar.

Or some de-evolution process that dumbs down a large part of the public who have weak areas in their brains for cognitive thinking and rational thought. Like a mutation at work.

Something is not normal here..seriously.

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Well apparently mentally deficient Kamala kicked your fat ass in the debate DonOld, so badly you’re too cowardly to debate her again. What’s that say about you? Stoopider?

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That;s an old racist trope, isn’t it? And sexist too, if you think about it…: “She’s black, she’s a woman — of course she wasn’t gifted with the stable genius gene…”

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My worry is the sickness in America that makes this a 50/50 election, instead of the 80/20 one it ought to be. Tens of millions of Americans are stupid, ignorant and evil. Those are the ones driving your country off the cliff. America might be heading for one, giant bus plunge.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Agree Richard, I am very afraid what will happen in November. It is not the same at all any longer. It has been a sustained effort helped by so very many things over decades and into the past couple. Evil exploits weakness and it comes from weakness of many not aware or no longer able to see thru the veil of true evil at the top. The permission structure that has developed and the perversion by so many of a beloved democracy for power and wealth is so very sad. Lack of education of our own social studies and civic structure was replaced by social media, entertainment and algorithms. The brainwashing that has occurred and the entire media lack of accountability is stunning. I can't believe my eyes or ears any longer what emerges from some individuals. I find the late night monologs with their jokes unwatchable. There is nothing funny about this. My heart aches for this country and can only hope and pray that enough people will come to some sense. I am so grateful for the very good people like Charlie Sykes.

Thank you so much for your support and caring, from a fellow 50%Canadian long descended from New France settlers, still living somewhat close to but many miles to the south of Quebec in the U. S.

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It would be refreshing to hear Charlie and Co acknowledge the seeds of MAGA were sown by Reagan and Lee Atwater in 1980. In some ways, it goes back to the Goldwater era of the early 60's.

Anyone remember, "In your guts, you know he's nuts" ..?

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Auggie will have a “big” rival when Baby Eli is full grown. I wish harmony among the furry household members during this transition.

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Thank you, yet again Charlie for your dogs and for your summary / perspectives.


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After listening to parts of TFG speaking this past weekend and being a former suburban resident, it made me extremely mad and made me scream expletives at the TV. If he wants to make America great again then he needs to 1) lose his voice permanently 2) have a debilitating stroke where all he can do is drool or 3) take his rightful place in hell next to his parents. I honestly can’t stand his voice, his nasty name calling and what he thinks of people who are smarter than him. There’s no suburban, oh hell any smart woman (his female cult members barely graduated HS) that would tolerate what he says about those he hates. This is another reason why women hate him, not just him destroying Roe. It’s a shame when he was a kid nobody ever kicked his ass and taught him a lesson. It’s a shame anyone he’s ever stiffed didn’t do it either. Too bad he didn’t stiff the NY mob, we wouldn’t be dealing with him.

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The one thing I can give Fred Trump Sr, is he was there in the past to remind Donald of how stupid he actual is.

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At what point do his remarks become illegal? I would say essentially calling for Krystal nacht is inciting violence and should not covered by free speech given the history of him and his followers shouldn’t we prosecute?

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So “they” are not just eating pets but babies too, and Tucker Carlson accepts Rosanne Barr as an authoritative source for that revelation. It’s rather convenient to have all the crazy pretty much corralled in one party. At least there’s Jeff Flake lighting a path for Mitt Romney to follow in proclaiming he’s actually voting Harris/Walz. See, Mitt, it’s not that hard, you can do it! Your hand might not even tremble as you vote for the sane Democrat for President.

That’s quite the hellhole you and the boys have there in Wisconsin. How do you stand if?

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That is Donald. Fucked up our country royally in that disastrous first term. Worst president in the history of our country. Kamala Harris has never been president.

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I watched the meeting with Zelenskyy and did not know how he managed to maintain his inscrutable pose. Trump’s framing of this invasion as a dispute - rather than a crime perpetuated by Russia - was unreal. The party as we knew it is gone. It needs to continue burning itself to the ground so sane people can start all over again.

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I'd just prefer they not take the entire house down with themselves.

First rule of ethical self-immolation; no touching during the fireworks.

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At least poor Zelenskyy was enduring that humiliating moment and sucking it up for the sake of his country, not his career.

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Exactly! He is a courageous man with more character than Trump could dream of.

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“If Kamala is reelected, your town and every town just like it all across Wisconsin and all across our country, the heartland, the coast, it doesn’t matter — will be transformed into a third-world hell hole”

She isn’t running for reelection, but at least he concedes that she was elected.

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