I agree with others here that Kamala Harris should name Liz Cheney to her Cabinet as Secretary of State. It would not only reward talent, but help rebuild the two-party system so tragically in disarray.

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Why are neoconservatives aligning with the leftist authoritarian establishment?

This unusual partnership raises critical questions about the motivations behind their alliance.

Moreover, if we define “fascism” as a blend of corporatism and socialism, shouldn’t we scrutinize its application more closely?

Rather than associating it with the populist right, it appears to align more fittingly with the policies and tactics of the leftist authoritarian establishment. This tendency to label others reflects a psychological phenomenon known as projection.

When we stop playing games with neurolinguistic techniques and information warfare, we can then engage in a deeper conversation about the true nature of our political landscape and the implications of such alliances for the future of our democracy.

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The Huffington Post article that Charlie posted is an example why many of today's journalists are so stupid and look so foolish. The author said Democrats are "aggressively courting moderate Republicans and independents ― the kind cut from the same cloth as Cheney and Sykes." WRONG, dummy!

First, Cheney is no moderate Republican. She's a hyper conservative, voting 95% (or so) WITH TRUMP when she was in congress. To me, her policy beliefs are HORRIBLE. YUCK.

Charlie I don't know that well, policy-wise. But I suspect he's pretty far right of centre.

Second, the issue in this election - as that idiot journalist seem incapable of understanding - is adherence to the U.S. constitution. Will there be enough stupid, ignorant, and evil Trump cult members who want democracy to die? THAT'S the ballot box question.

Whether or not the Republican party survives - I hope not - a right-of-centre party that has integrity vis a vis the constitution is sorely needed.

I don't like most policy prescriptions of pols like Liz and pundits like Charlie much at all. THAT DOESN'T MATTER. Both have integrity, and wish to hash out issues within the bounds of the constitution.

But I'd guess that at least 100 million voters in the U.S. don't get that. They're willing to sleepwalk (or not) into fascism.

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Charlie, the reason America is so not normal is our schools. They have been run by self-serving power mongers for decades now. I, a former teacher, just published a book that explains that Trump’s rise to power and school shootings are rooted in the wrongdoing that nobody talks about the way they let Harvey Weinstein do his thing and the priests do theirs for so long. It’s entitled A Graver Danger: White Chalk Crime, The Stunning First-Ever Explanation for School Shootings & How We End Them.

I watch pundits on tv lost as to why Trump happened in total frustration.

So I wrote a book to do what I was born to do - teach.

Indecent schools created an indecent culture that would elect the actual Hitler if he were still alive because they’ve been so undereducated. People think education reform is impossible. The truth is those running our schools make it impossible so they can keep doing what they’re doing.

I’m trying to do what that one actress did to expose Harvey Weinstein only she had Ronan Farrow helping her. I have only my

book. However I guarantee you if people read it this country will shed the toxic culture in which our schools have drowned us. Trump happened because of our schools and the magnitude of destruction he’s done to us made my teaching this as important to me as every student I used to teach.

Check out WhiteChalkCrime.com and learn about me the Change Everything Teacher since the solution for a harmonious action and no more school shootings is the same - authentic schools.

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For a long time, I, too, was incredulous that 75M people would allow themselves to be brainwashed in the Fox News bubble. Then I remembered that people like to be told what they want to hear. They have hermetically sealed themselves away from the reality of the rest of us! Bravo for trying to penetrate the bubble!

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I am trying to "like"/agree with some of the comments, but for some reason, it is not letting me. Suffice it to say that I enjoyed this appearance of Kamala and Liz with you as moderator and applaud all of you. And thank you for the doggie pics!!

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The best question - and another honest answer: why aren’t more conservative and moderate voters following Charlie Sykes (and 100 other conservative thought leaders) across the line?

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Random question. Where are the pictures of baby Pete? He musta been a beautiful baby — did that happen before you got him? Or before we all began to have phones in our pockets at all times? I just realized that between your and the rest of your family’s social media posts I’ve managed to miss Pete’s origin story.

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On top of everything else you have done….The MKE Sentinel Q&A - I want to show my appreciation for laying it all out there on your own home base. It was brave and shows how much integrity you have. You are a role model for self reflection and accountability. Respect.

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I'm late arriving to the party today, but I would like to join others in congratulating you, Charlie, on your part in the forum and the successful effort to get out a necessary message. I hope people are listening in the WOW counties, and with an open mind. And I appreciate your candor in acknowledging your role in the events that have transpired with the right spinning out of control. I do not seek to rub it in, rather to note that it is the mark of a big person to admit responsibility and acknowledge consequences when so many others around us choose not to do so. Accordingly, much respect to and for you.

Since you brought it up ... I know we are not here to relitigate Act 10, and I've already made my voice heard enough on that topic over time on your pages. For the benefit of the readers who might not be so familiar with it, though, I'd like to stress just one thing, as it remains relevant even over a decade later. For so many of us Act 10 wasn't so much about the money or the working conditions. It was about how demonizing and dehumanizing the whole thing was, under Scott Walker's divide-and-conquer approach to "shared" governance. It was first and foremost about people, human beings just like the rest of us. I have had a front row seat all these years to its impact, and it brought so many of us almost to tears to see so many good, dedicated, hard-working and loyal public sector employees leave our system (University of Wisconsin) and others in the state not due to cause, rather due to agenda, not to be replaced in quantity and, especially, quality. Those good, caring, people who chose to live a life of service and giving to others were rewarded by being called union thugs, public sector leeches and parasites, and worse, when all they really wanted to do was make the lives of others around them better. All this time later, the scars are still there, and while we get by as we can and must, we know on the inside that it is not as good as it once was, and we continue to bleed good people (to early retirement, better jobs, and otherwise) who are burned out, frustrated, overworked, and underappreciated as the conditions of Act 10 and its impact remain in place.

I bring this up not as a plea for sympathy, rather as an acknowledgement that once we choose to go down such roads, it is nearly impossible to go back. It both enables and empowers MAGA and other grievance warriors on the extreme right to see others less as people like them and more as objects to be used and disposed of when no longer wanted or needed. It is a rot that stands to impact anyone who is not like those who seek to gain and wield power when the agenda dictates that those other people be purged, and for reasons seldom to do with rational thinking. With this election we are down to our last guardrail against that, and it is shaky rather than sturdy. My hope is that we remain vigilant in warning against the Scott Walkers, DJTs, and MAGAs in our midst rather than leave the door open even a crack for them to enter again, never mind offering them any aid and comfort that they would use against us in the end. Come whatever may, hopefully we all have learned some valuable and necessary lessons from what has transpired in, and to, our political process over the past decade or two or three. Knowledge is power, when used effectively.

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Pete...love the photos.

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I so enjoy your comments. And, I especially enjoy your dogs!! 'Love seeing Pete in his favorite jacket. Thank you defending the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and Freedom.

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Thank you!

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Nice dog team. Thank you Charlie. You did a great job with Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris. What a strange election cycle. Struck today by the absolute heinous acts of a former President who would reportedly speak in such a heinous way about a young Army soldier who was killed by a superior soldier while under his (POTUS) command. It made me sick to my stomach as a mother of my only daughter, a US Army veteran and her brothers, US Marine veterans. I voted 💙 and donated $ again, I hope it’s enough

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These dog pictures are marvelous. They keep getting better. One of the arts that has really suffered in the age of the internet has been photography. And your stuff rocks.

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I watched all three town halls and the last was the best. Great audience questions and Liz must have been inspired by you Charlie, as she pulled no punches. You've done yoeman's work as a Never Trumper. Thank you.

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