May 26·edited May 26

RE: Nota Bene Via Politico: “The White House to the left: We told you so on crime.” How long will it take them to realize the same about Israel?

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I like the Pete tribute. It's our animal friends that keep us grounded in reality. This past week I lost my 17 year old tuxedo cat. Like Pete, always well dressed. He went through all nine of his lives this past year, but apparently being a follower of Dylan Thomas, he battled for more. Maybe the lesson to take from them is their strength in the face of overbearing reality, which we will all need in the face of the political onslaught that is ahead.

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Biden needs to launch a scorched-earth phase of his campaign beginning with the June debate. Forget policy, forget explaining any decisions on foreign policy, forget talking about how “good” the economy is…it is time to fight the bully in the street. Punch him right in the face with everything you have but remember to stop talking when your time is up…and then just sit silently until it is your turn to go at him again.

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Enjoy your weekend! Politics on hold to cleanse the mind!

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Sad, but somewhat understandable. Trump wears people down with his incessant lies and chaos. Unfortunately, the answer is not to bury one’s head in the sand. Believe him when he says what he is going to do. He is a cruel, vindictive man and he’s demonstrated it.

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I wish there was some way to be more proactive and less reactive. The initiative seems to be entirely with the bad guys right now. Personally -- and this is an extremely subjective thing that I have no interest in arguing whether it's "right" or "wrong" -- I seem to be reaching the end of my ability to be outraged, parse the outrage, express the outrage, bond with other people who are outraged, and get up tomorrow and do the same again.

We've been saying for nine years that coming up against this relentless firehose -- its shamelessness, intensity, volume, and sheer duration -- was going to be a different kind of challenge. Yet we don't seem any closer to meeting that challenge than we were on day one. We're not bringing a knife to a gun fight, we're bringing a bataca to a nuclear assault. We're like the wife of a violent drunk who's still arguing exasperatedly that it's not true that she gained weight or flirted with the mailman.

God bless Charlie Sykes for the essential work that he is doing. But for me, somehow, "buckle up" is just not cutting it anymore. I don't know what to do/think instead. But this feels like a different era from even a few months ago, and somehow we have to recognize that (or at least I do). The firehose of awfulness require special techniques and I don't think we've found them yet.

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Yes, I feel like the world is crazy! But thanks to you and others, your pictures of the dogs help. Hi to Auggie, as I smile look at sweet Pete! Have very a wonderful Memorial Day with your family. Safe travels.

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Thanks for the Pete montage. Looks as if I’ll have to write in Chris Christie for my NJ GOP primary vote instead of Haley now.

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What it doesn’t address is the question of why does almost 1/2 the country find this individual worthy of the Oval Office.

My contention is that reality TV has created this mass delusion that chaos is preferable to stability. Shows like Survivor and Big Brother made duplicity and self-interest admirable qualities. The Kardashians and similar shows made self-indulgence and narcissism acceptable behavior. And, The Apprentice made cut-throat behavior de rigueur.

In the years leading up to Obama The West Wing dominated the American television psyche. Leading to Trump? Reality television and its glorification of the worst in human behavior, filled the airwaves.

I posit that many of Trump’s admiring minions see themselves as part of his current show - The American Presidency. This is a game show in Trump’s mind. Can he break it all down and recreate it in his image?

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Very well said. Like too many series that have run far too long, American politics has jumped the shark.

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Excellent points.

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We’re in a political vertigo - an uncontrollable spinning of the ground underfoot, a nauseating taste in our mouth, the discourse is sickening, you’re scared of what the end might bring in eight months - a rule of tyranny and revenge. You almost don’t know how to escape from this despair of miasma. (“Stop the world, I want to get off!) From one day to the next you never know when the next insane attack will come.

Our once beautiful republic is suffering from this scourge called MAGA.

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I love your American dogs! Can’t say the same about some American citizens! Pete what a kind face.

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In our day, most people either read or listened to the Old Testament and knew the 10 Commandments. We did not believe that “Do unto others…” was a transactional deal. Justice was a punishment for Guilt. Life is hard and often unfair, but we were taught to pull ourselves up by our socks. Parents and teachers admonished us when we needed to shape up. Even basic mores from the Middle Ages have disappeared. I still have to believe the constant drip drip drip of misinformation from DT and his Media allies combined with powerful weed, Ketamine and opioids are much to blame for the current malaise.

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First of all, safe travels out East. I hope all of your flights arrive and depart on time with no turbulence issues. Thank you so much for sharing pictures of Pete. I never met Pete (as many others here as well) but I always felt he was part of my extended family. Grandpa in a good way. As another commentator pointed out we need to deprogram a large segment of society much like Jim Jones followers who drank the Kool Aid and are clearly part of the cult of Trump. Lastly, once you are in the voting booth, unless you clearly show your ballot to others, it remains secret. That being said, Haley may be saying thing and voting another way.

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While reading Charlie's excellent piece published in the Atlantic, I keyed on his comment about words no longer meaning what you think they do. Also Former's proclamation that Hannibal Lecter was a "wonderful" man, and something finally clanged in my brain. I reflected back on others that Former described as "wonderful", many of which normal people would describe in less glowing terms.

Could some of Former's seemingly babbling be ascribed to assigning alternate definitions to otherwise commonly understood words? Like BBC Radio sending the French Resistance coded messages in WWII? Cue the weird music.

How about the 71 percent of Republicans that think he is "honest and trustworthy"? If the polled Republicans simply understood the question to mean "honest and trustworthy TO US FOLLOWERS ONLY", the response would kind of make sense. Maybe pollsters and those interpreting their results should tighten things up.

Semantics is everything in today's political world. Anyway, something to file away for another day as we all ease into a fine Memorial Day weekend. Deepest thanks to those Vets that sacrificed everything for the rest of us.

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Nikki can have Trump. She knows better, ie she knows he stands for NOTHING, but him, and yet she’s willing to bet it will help her career in the long run?? Hmmm, NOT!! C’est la vie!! There’s no accounting for stupidity or blind ambition, or both. Let’s get on with protecting the country, and our kids’ future.

There is only ONE option in November. The issues are democracy, and personal freedom. Period!! It’s that simple. Get on board whether you’re a Dem, a Reagan Republican, an independent. The time for what’s in it for me, besides democracy and personal freedom, can wait.

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A service person, who was probably 40 years younger than I, fixed my TV the other day. When it went on The Former Guy appeared and, although I’m not usually open about my political views, I blurted, “NO! NO! NO!” thinking he had put on Fox. (He hadn’t; it was a clip on MSNBC.”) It turned out that he was as disgusted as I was. Sadly his solution is to vote for no one. The few words I could say did nothing to change his mind. Like the person above who plans to vote for Christie, my repair man’s solution will probably help TFG.

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