1) Jimmy Carter, even in his death, served this country once again by pissing off DJT. Thank you Mr. Carter fro your service.
2) Ann Telnes was one of the best things about the Post. I was reluctant to give up my subscription when they failed to endorse Harris. But the one off has become a pattern. The bug is now a feature. Katherine Graham must be spinning in her grave.
3)Carter and Telnes on the one hand, and Bezos and Trump on the other, show that money doesn’t buy you anything of value if you lack character. It may make you famous, but it won’t buy you respect.
Katherine Graham would never have slouched her way to Mar-a-Lago to pay homage to any President elect, President or ex President. She might have engaged with any of them (even Nixon) in chit-chat at a cocktail party but public displays of dependency were definitely not her style.
Methinks also that editorial cartoonists and journalists in general take themselves a bit too seriously. To pretend that they are anything but part of the money making food chain is, well, pretentious. It's just a cartoon.
In this case I think that the cartoonist is exploiting an opportunity to expand her brand and her market share. Too cynical? Her cartoon even showed up on my Facebook page amidst the cat, dog and kid videos, the toxic men of Tik-Tok and all the other unsolicited garbage that Mark Zuckerberg think I am just dying to see. I dumped the WaPo months ago (as well as the NYT) and yet I still got to see it because of the antisocial media. Yesterday she was just another obscure cartoonist, today she is a cause celeb and tomorrow she will be an influencer.
Finally one should notice that Bezos had nothing to do with the killing of the cartoon. The editors were anticipating the trouble that would be caused by publishing it and made a prudential decision not to offend their employer. I am not sure that it shows a lack of courage so much as it shows an overabundance of common sense.
Since Ann Telnaes is a person of actual accomplishments, and not an "influencer," she's not "exploiting an opportunity to expand her brand and her market share"; she's getting her message out. That's kinda what an artist ought to do.
Yep...too cynical for me. I guess Sykes, Kinzinger and Cheney also began "exploiting" opportunities to expand their brand and market share by throwing away their well-established careers (in the money food chains) while making it appear like a principled stand?
Who is taking themselves a bit too seriously here? My money is on the fact that ALL of them took these stands without knowing exactly what was on the other side of them. ALL of them knew that it wasn't going to be pleasant and that they would lose a lot of friends and constituents.. A cartoon editorialist is no different...she's throwing away prestige and a well paying job...not knowing what's on the other side.
The political industrial complex has many market opportunities for anyone with an ounce of entrepreneurial spirit, a good work ethic and a recognizable brand. There are speaker fees and paid appearances, there are book deals and podcasts, and consultancy fees, think tanks and advisory boards, fund raising companies and so many other opportunities.
When one has a achieved a certain level of success jumping ship is not as uncertain as it would be for you or me to walk out of our jobs on principle.
The cartoonist was jumping off a dying newspaper in a dying industry as long as she can monetize her work on social media she will be just fine as long as she delivers a product that has value to the market.
Excellent post, Charlie, thank you. Everything you wrote is absolutely the truth. Ann Telnaes is an openly honorable person. Jeff Bezos is not. As for the hideously amoral fpotus, whining and lying about flags at half staff for President Jimmy Carter? This fpotus monster is the most severely disgusting character ever to be tragically elected as our nation's leader. That's a fact.
RE: The Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces
Dumb Don Trump should realize that while "half mast" is appropriate for Navy and Coast Guard at sea, the land-based Marines, Army, Air Force, and Space Force would unfurl their flags at "half-mast".
Welcome soon the "greatest president of all time" according to the dimwit Mar-a-Lago historians.
Ann does seem to have Bezos with a wry smile, like he’s in on the joke. Didn’t help her though.
Zuc looks scared, Alt’s look “why do I have to be here?” He doesn’t. Soon-Shiong seem to love/revel being there. And Micky, Micky doesn’t deserve to be a stand-in for Disney. The morals difference between Mickey and Disney couldn’t be further apart.
Thank you for another great read Charlie. You are so important to so many of us. Keep up your wisdom and your spirit.♥️. PS. Hope your puppy’s toe nail heals soon.
I expect a trumpian flag event on Inauguration Day. I expect the event will be worthy of one of those djt trading cards (AI).
Can someone explain to me why Soon Shiong is depicted in the cartoon with a tube of lipstick? My internet search let me down.
The cartoons you find on any social media site when you type in #StandWithAnn are magnificent.
A couple of thoughts:
1) Jimmy Carter, even in his death, served this country once again by pissing off DJT. Thank you Mr. Carter fro your service.
2) Ann Telnes was one of the best things about the Post. I was reluctant to give up my subscription when they failed to endorse Harris. But the one off has become a pattern. The bug is now a feature. Katherine Graham must be spinning in her grave.
3)Carter and Telnes on the one hand, and Bezos and Trump on the other, show that money doesn’t buy you anything of value if you lack character. It may make you famous, but it won’t buy you respect.
Socialism for the rich.
Wealth redistribution
A couple of things struck me here.
Katherine Graham would never have slouched her way to Mar-a-Lago to pay homage to any President elect, President or ex President. She might have engaged with any of them (even Nixon) in chit-chat at a cocktail party but public displays of dependency were definitely not her style.
Methinks also that editorial cartoonists and journalists in general take themselves a bit too seriously. To pretend that they are anything but part of the money making food chain is, well, pretentious. It's just a cartoon.
In this case I think that the cartoonist is exploiting an opportunity to expand her brand and her market share. Too cynical? Her cartoon even showed up on my Facebook page amidst the cat, dog and kid videos, the toxic men of Tik-Tok and all the other unsolicited garbage that Mark Zuckerberg think I am just dying to see. I dumped the WaPo months ago (as well as the NYT) and yet I still got to see it because of the antisocial media. Yesterday she was just another obscure cartoonist, today she is a cause celeb and tomorrow she will be an influencer.
Finally one should notice that Bezos had nothing to do with the killing of the cartoon. The editors were anticipating the trouble that would be caused by publishing it and made a prudential decision not to offend their employer. I am not sure that it shows a lack of courage so much as it shows an overabundance of common sense.
Since Ann Telnaes is a person of actual accomplishments, and not an "influencer," she's not "exploiting an opportunity to expand her brand and her market share"; she's getting her message out. That's kinda what an artist ought to do.
Yep...too cynical for me. I guess Sykes, Kinzinger and Cheney also began "exploiting" opportunities to expand their brand and market share by throwing away their well-established careers (in the money food chains) while making it appear like a principled stand?
Who is taking themselves a bit too seriously here? My money is on the fact that ALL of them took these stands without knowing exactly what was on the other side of them. ALL of them knew that it wasn't going to be pleasant and that they would lose a lot of friends and constituents.. A cartoon editorialist is no different...she's throwing away prestige and a well paying job...not knowing what's on the other side.
The political industrial complex has many market opportunities for anyone with an ounce of entrepreneurial spirit, a good work ethic and a recognizable brand. There are speaker fees and paid appearances, there are book deals and podcasts, and consultancy fees, think tanks and advisory boards, fund raising companies and so many other opportunities.
When one has a achieved a certain level of success jumping ship is not as uncertain as it would be for you or me to walk out of our jobs on principle.
The cartoonist was jumping off a dying newspaper in a dying industry as long as she can monetize her work on social media she will be just fine as long as she delivers a product that has value to the market.
Excellent post, Charlie, thank you. Everything you wrote is absolutely the truth. Ann Telnaes is an openly honorable person. Jeff Bezos is not. As for the hideously amoral fpotus, whining and lying about flags at half staff for President Jimmy Carter? This fpotus monster is the most severely disgusting character ever to be tragically elected as our nation's leader. That's a fact.
RE: The Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces
Dumb Don Trump should realize that while "half mast" is appropriate for Navy and Coast Guard at sea, the land-based Marines, Army, Air Force, and Space Force would unfurl their flags at "half-mast".
Welcome soon the "greatest president of all time" according to the dimwit Mar-a-Lago historians.
I call it the "Wet Paint" tactic. It you want someone to touch something - put a Wet Paint sign on it.
Ann Telnaes has been skewering Trump for a while!
Ann does seem to have Bezos with a wry smile, like he’s in on the joke. Didn’t help her though.
Zuc looks scared, Alt’s look “why do I have to be here?” He doesn’t. Soon-Shiong seem to love/revel being there. And Micky, Micky doesn’t deserve to be a stand-in for Disney. The morals difference between Mickey and Disney couldn’t be further apart.
What's so galling is that this is "Inaugural Fund" is a protection racket. And the oligarchs are falling all over themselves to pay up.
And the soon to be President is going to former President Carter’s funeral? What a disgrace
Hopefully, the Carters will pull the Bush family "push aside" of Trump, as when Poppy died in 2018.
Don't let that mo-fo anywhere near the front row!!
Spot on
Thank you for another great read Charlie. You are so important to so many of us. Keep up your wisdom and your spirit.♥️. PS. Hope your puppy’s toe nail heals soon.
At least Augie is free of the Cone of Shame.
Isn't ironic, don't ya think that The Donald's inauguration is on MLK day?
(Thanks to Alanis Morrisette for her lyrics).
And if I remember correctly Rush Limbaugh received the Medal of Feedom during The Donald's State of The Union speech?
After that Pelosi tore up his speech.
I wonder what Mr. Hume thinks about that?
The greatest justice would be that there is a snow storm the day before dropping many inches of snow prior to the ceremonies.
The Southern MAGAts wouldn't know how to handle it!!