Jun 19Liked by Charlie Sykes

Your advice on “Blue Lights”. Extraordinary show- tight storyline and great characters - and now we have season 2. Yippee and gracias. Happy to have more of your recommendations.

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Jun 17Liked by Charlie Sykes

I thought the picture of Eli on your lap was a deepfake b/c he looks HUGE.

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I was starting to write more but it has been said. So, I’ll simply say thank you for everything in this post. 🌻

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Every time I see your dog pics, I feel obligated to say to myself, "Who's a good boy!"

As always, great newsletter.

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Even though Donald said it first, we need to say this, with the evidence, without sounding like we are against the first amendment.. “the media is the enemy” “fake news”.

We can also say that Republicans rig the election and are trying to steal it with voter suppression and election integrity laws.

We are being out foxed by the fox in the hen house.

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Jun 17Liked by Charlie Sykes

Charlie Sykes is the wolf whisperer. (His wife dances with wolves!) 😁🤫💃🐾

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Jun 17Liked by Charlie Sykes

"Pro-Palestinian protesters vandalize homes of Brooklyn Museum director, board members.”

The people doing this are not pro-Palestinian. They are pro-Hamas.

And they are despicable.

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Jun 17Liked by Charlie Sykes

You do not credibly condemn butchery by applauding it in anyone else. It is humiliating and infuriating to have the left and/or Democrats associated with us; this must be the way “RINOs” probably feel when they are assumed to be Trumpist. Anti-Semitism always seems to be there, like the pilot light on a gas stove.

Happy Fathers Day, Charlie!

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Jun 17Liked by Charlie Sykes

Part 1: Dogs are amazingly great!

Part 2: Many humans are horrifically vile.

Upshot: The comparison is deeply damning.

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Jun 16Liked by Charlie Sykes

Love the dog pictures. Can’t get enough even though my chocolate lab is the center of my life.

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These vandals are more likely to get TFG elected than winning people to their "cause". Where are AOC and the rest of The Squat on this? This is no longer "protesting" and now moving past the Cultural Revolution right to the border of the Nazi Youth Movement. Your call as to which side of the border they are encamped on. Of course if TFG is elected they can take to the streets on a daily basis which will be Nirvana for them, a consummation devoutly to be wished.

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Jun 16Liked by Charlie Sykes

Hope you had a wonderful Father's Day, Charlie. Thank you as always for those doggy pics. Oh - and thank you for being you and starting To the Contrary!

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So what do we hear from AOC and the rest of The Squat? Perfect way to draw people to your "cause". They have moved on from the Cultural Revolution and Mao's Little Red Book to the border of the Hitler Youth Movement. Your call as to which side of the border they are currently encamped on. This is how you drive people into voting for TFG but then you can take to the streets all the time which would be a bonus for them.

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Wishing you a very happy Father’s Day. Eight months later it’s still hard to see college students cheering on Hamas. Didn’t they learn some critical thinking? Do they not realize they’re cheering on a terrorist organization?

So thank you for calling them out. Netanyahu is no prize but it doesn’t help to see Americans touting Hamas.

Thank you again.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Charlie Sykes


It would appear the New York Post apparently has a large budget for editing. "Re-writing" may be more apropos here vis a vie that Friday headline and story you showed today, Charlie. It seems to me they could save Rupert and the kids a little dough on wasted column-inches by not (accidentally?) contradicting themselves with the truth every now and then.

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I’m glad you were there to protect Eli from the thunder. Dads are great. It is for reasons like your picture that I stick to small dogs lest I have to hoist them in the air or similar.

I think there are hateful people out there who are simply happy for any excuse to torment groups they can find an excuse to target. And finding like-minded (or lack of minded) comrades just distributes the guilt across more shoulders. Both sides of the original conflict have been stunningly awful. Hamas really hit lows I hoped never to hear about again. I don’t want the Palestinians in Gaza to be bombed and starved. I had hoped the IDF could do more surgical strikes, but Hamas uses others to hide. As other people have noted, those in Palestine will grow up to hate Israel and Israelis. I would feel a lot better if Netanyahu was not the head of the government. I don’t now nor have I ever trusted his motives. But it is beyond appalling that people in this country are physically and verbally threatening people who have no skin in the game as it were. What price is to be paid by Gaza? The hostages are dying. They needed to be rescued sooner. I put their lives at a higher price than killing off Hamas members—naive perhaps, but there it is. Surely the security forces could track and kill all of the Hamas leadership as soon as they leave their bunkers. They like the high life in other countries and will probably return to it as soon as possible.

On a happier note, I found the Lincoln Project’s ad about taking back the flag really moving. I felt very proud of our country. (Rick Wilson included it in a Substack column this past week).

And lastly,a party that loves to lie will naturally find deepfakes and altering of the truth to be perfectly acceptable. By my honor code, a politician should be disqualified for lying. I know—naive. Sigh.

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