There’s 73,000,000 of us and I’m willing to bet a lot of Republicans & independents.

Have you ever tangled with really angry retired people?? I wouldn’t do it if I were you.

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The best explanation I’ve heard.

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I do recall everything being a 5 alarm fire back in 2016 being rather exhausting. What I took away from it is that the one setting the fires was a terrible person, not that we should re-elect him.

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LOVED this!

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Hey Charlie, me and my wife were driving to go vote in the primary for the state superintendent today, when your pod started playing. She no longer finds that strange. Anyhow, it was kinda tinny sounding. Too much treble. It’s a newer Chevy. I’m not a sound engineer but it was like am radio. She prefers more cowbell in the sound. Just sayin. Sounds fine in all my other speakers tho.

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As I listened to the horrible address JD Vance gave admonishing our allies and then today heard Trump blame Ukraine for almost inviting Russia to launch its hostile takeover of their sovereign country, it was difficult not to have a five- alarm response. And, I think one is deserved.

With that in mind, we have watched an idle or hamstrung Congress and the court remedy so slowly roll along, what else can be done in this moment of national insecurity?

I am wondering whether the other four living presidents uniting to issue a strong warning and urge immediate action would jar people to our present reality. I would be interested to hear people ponder that possible action to save democracy.

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Auggie got BIG! 😆

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Thank you Charlie for your tireless efforts.

Look forward to the joy of your dogs everyday.

Wisdom by Laurence Tribe:


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In defence of Latinx. I am not of Spanish American heritage. But I am an old-school, second-wave feminist. I also began a career as a reporter in 1968 as the first woman and only woman in my home-town newspaper newsroom. I was sent to cover occasions where there were no women members - the annual Premier’s address to the local Chamber of Commerce, the legislative press gallery that had no women’s bathroom. It wasn’t until the mid-to-late seventies that other women began to venture into newsrooms.

Latino means a man. Latina means a woman. People talk about “Latinos” and think they talk about all people of Spanish American heritage. They don’t. They only talk about the men. That’s like the bad old days when men tried to insist that when they said “men” it meant women and men…. Except when it came to legal matters…. It said men could vote… but women couldn’t because they weren’t men.

Now we say people or citizens or firefighters and Congresspeople and so many other words that include women. Latino doesn’t

Latinex is an attempt to be inclusive. People used to fight the use of firefighter if instead of fireman, postman instead of letter carrier, weather girl instead of meteorologist.

Do women of Spanish American heritage like Latinex instead of Latino? Have you ever asked them before you decided you didn’t liked it? It wasn’t for your benefit. It was for some very basic courtesy. If you don’t feel it is worth your time to acknowledge that women are equally deserving of your respect, that’s on you. That’s not on the woke mind virus. It’s just basic courtesy.ß

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Huh, interesting that someone here also believes that the end (OK, maybe the beginning of the end) of this craziness is catastrophe. That's not what I want, but it seems like voters will refuse to accept reality until they are hit over the head by disaster. Unfortunately, it's likely to be a disaster for the rest of us, too.

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Can you imagine? I actually thought Elon's tech-bros were going to come in and update all the hopelessly antiquated computer systems used by the government. Instead, thousands of solid, serious, hard working government employees are being treated like waste products. These are people with families and mortgages, pregnant people and people close to retirement, whose major life decisions have been based on where and what their jobs are. I simply cannot get over the lack of respect and the disregard of the human costs of thousands of people having their lives trampled as if it were nothing.

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A couple moments of hopium, and a whole lotta reality.

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Really appreciate your point of view, Charlie, not this time. Your guest is so off base, he may be in another ball park. If he can't see what is facing this country and doesn't know a 5-alarm fire when he sees one, maybe he needs to rethink......oh, wait, he went to Penn. Never mind.

I know a 5-alarm fire when I see one, I can recognize the arsonists and I know how to pull an alarm and how to track down the arsonists. I'm a Democrat. I lived in Manhattan for 21 years. There is a reason why we loath and despise the fake president. We shared an island with him, watched him thumb his nose at laws and bankrupt people by refusing to pay them. By building one of the most loathsome buildings in mid-town by tearing down the Bonwit Teller building after being told he could not destroy the facade. Amazing what one can do at 2 a.m. with a wrecking ball. He's just like the rest of his family. Grifters, liars, cheats, and publicity hounds who hang out with liars, cheats, grifters and now, it seems Nazis. Your guest just doesn't get it. He never will. He won't bite the hand that feeds him, as in the WaPo and the sullied lady aka the NY Times.

Not leaving the group, Charlie, but not having this kind of nonsense.

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I agreed w/ a lot of what Brian said, but I disagreed vehemently with some of it. My particular trigger is when "both sides" agree that Democrats are listening too much to the progressive movement.

Conceding that there are always young, inexperienced, and passionate edges to such movements, the fundamental progressive movement now is simply old-style New Deal Democrat. Sen. Sanders makes that clear, and many Americans resonated with it. In fact, the point Brian made that essentially, it's "kitchen table issues" that resonate jibes. Well, progressives are good at connecting in that way.

I'm very disappointed that "both sides" refuse to acknowledge that, and that economic inequality IS the five alarm fire that threatens to consume this nation. Our leaders are in denial.

Congress is filled with wealthy legislators of both stripes. They are disconnected w/ the average American. The loss of corporate donors is quite threatening to them. They almost never use the word "poor" or "working poor" in their campaign speeches. They listen to lobbyists, but save listening to average constituents for campaigns or statistical tallying or polls. News flash: the poor still have the right to vote unless they're purged. There's a Democratic message right there.

Unless this country has a serious conversation about Citizens United, it will go down eventually. You can't bandaid this, people.

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While I understand why Charlie wants to say that what is going on now is not the result of conservatism, but more of guys like Fr Coughlin or George Wallace, it is time to face up to the implications of Nixon's southern strategy. And remember, there are many conservatisms. Had the republicans staid with a conservatism born in the board room, we would not see what we see today. But Nixon's Southern Strategy accepted a Southern version of conservatism. This was always anti-intellectual and cruel. Perhaps this explains why the GOP House has long tried to shut down the govt - and fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

And remember, Reagan began his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia MS.

I voted for Nixon in my first election and then for Gerald Ford, but I could not vote for Reagan whose economics were bogus and who used racist dog whistles re those on welfare.

So what we see today is what conservatives do when they want keep power.

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I'm subscribed to your podcast and have tried 3 times to watch today's interview with Brian Rosenwald and failed 3 times, being thrown back to earlier interviews with other people. What's up?

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Off-topic but someone reminded me of a trigger topic of mine... "Where are all those campus protests against Trump's position on the Gaza occupation?"

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Good question. But then the right to express one's opinion is not for everyone, is it? It's not off topic, Penn is a perfect example of a school you may not want to send your child to. It is a school without honor, without backbone, and favors misogyny. New motto for it? "Money talks, integrity walks."

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