Such a nice and accepting sentiment, words escape me.

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My day is better when I’ve heard from Charlie Sykes. -

From a life-long Democrat

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As a life long Democrat, I never thought I would miss real Republicans. But I do!

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Let’s see, deport millions—then who’s gonna do the dirty work? Oh, I know … bring back slavery!

Free labor! Property can’t vote … BUT you *can* rape property!

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Apparently J’Douche is Peter Thiels boy bitch.

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Those dogs are just awesome…

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I love your dog pictures.

Thank you for sacrificing and going to the convention. I hope the press and pundits takes your advise.

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Good to see you hanging with Michael.

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Thank you for help in trying to understand this crazy election. I am living in fear of what may come, not for me I'm old. But for my grandchildren who may never have a wonderful childhood like I did. My kids don't see the storm coming. They think they are invincible.

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Love seeing Elli & Auggie. They make my day. Don’t understand what the Dems are doing other than wasting time. They don’t seem serious about the upcoming elections. God help us!

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They’re paralyzed. My anger ricochets between MAGAland and the Democratic Party. Regardless of Biden’s decision, I’d vote for a cadaver over a felon, sexual predator, narcissistic grifter and con man like Trump who tried to overthrow a legitimate election.

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Jul 19Liked by Charlie Sykes

Nice to hear you speak at the Principles First gathering on NPR this morning. It was especially great to hear you expound your signature 'you are not the crazy ones' to a wider audience. I found it particularly interesting that NPR mentioned Principles First, you, and the Lincoln Project in their feature; not The Bulwark...

And... that is a very nice photo of you in front of the very large former president.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 19

In Order to make tonight's Live Broadcast RNC production more interesting & informative for the Home Viewing Public, we ask the Media Reporters on site to ASK Questions/Inquiries of Hulk Hogan & all named Trump regarding the Assassination attempt from Sat. July 13 [aka "the Miracle" according to boot-licker VP wannabe Tim Scott]

This is not a contest between "Strength & Weakness",,,,just another DJT Grift in Reality TV V.02

[Blood] RED = Green [$$$$$$$$]

Be Reminded that DJT is all about VISUAL IMAGE Messaging to the Public & COLLECTING $$$$$---AP has fact checked Trump Images to Date.....Look There

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I only wish I could run a bumper sticker of trump lettered 'Sieg heil!'

As I live in South Carolina, my truck might get trashed. Or magats cojld follow me around giving me thumbs up.

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If folks want to see the Original- Documentary 'Rise of the Nazis' is airing on PBS this week for close comparison to this DJT Shitshow version

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I am emotionally exhausted. On one side the illiberal rhetoric of the Republican versus the do nothing Democrats. I want to shake the Democrats and say, “Don’t you see what’s coming?”. They seem to be sleeping this one off.

The Trumpists ( the old Republican Party is gone), shout how American they and how they love the freedom and democracy here, yet all they talk about is curtailing everyone else’s freedoms. There seems no voice for the real Americans that want freedom and liberty for all.

I just can’t listen to Trump or his minion and the deafening lack of response from the Democrats. 4 months of freedom maybe 7 at most and life as we know it will be gone. And the cult will be thrown out and be left scratching their heads in wonderment. What happened? The gaslighting will be over, Trump won’t need them once in office. Once someone is of no use for the furtherance of Trump, they are gone. Anyone see Jeff Sessions lately

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

[Blood] RED = Green [$$$$$$$$]

WWE Hulk Hogan is in the House to CELEBRATE that DJT pulled off his "Blading" Demo on July 13 in Butler Pa.......as Proud WWE Mentor perhaps ???

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This is a stellar analysis, and a must read.

I posted a piece on the hypocrisy of the corporate media earlier today:


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The GOP handed over the keys, they’ve been evicted and moved out — MAGA has moved in. They have big plans for renovations, but for now, they enjoy their housewarming party.

It confuses me when the deplorables are so happy, not a good sign.

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