My mercy! I wish he would just melt away like the wicked witch of the west.

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Donald and Shrinkage…two words that go great together.

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In the asylum seekers, insane asylum thing, I’m much more of the opinion that Trump genuinely thinks ‘asylum seeker’ means people coming here from insane asylums

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If he is interfering with peace talks in Israel, no American citizen should even consider voting for him. This will result in continued death and destruction. I know his followers have no shame, but they need to quit pretending like they are the party of law and order, family values and caring about human life.

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I would venture a guess that the week he fears the mostest has the number 11 and 5 in it : )

Love the dog photos and your wife's northern tension line. The story about the skunk was one where you are inadvertently holding your breath, almost afraid of what would happen next. I was even worried about the new suede shoes.

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Charlie attending the ‘68 Dem convention? With larceny in his heart no less… who knew!! I remember seeing the riots on TV and then going into the city limits to get paint with my dad from his favorite hardware store… at 8 years old I thought it might be the end… Glad we both made it through!! I hope you still have that Wisconsin sign!! Always great to see your posts!!

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Trump’s walk off music is now “Good time Charlie’s got the blues…”

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A LOT like the pot calling the kettle black. All I can hear is a four year old telling their Mommy that, "the other kids are picking on me!" Apparently, Don-OLD can dish it out but he cannot take it. Ask me if I'm surprised? NOT!


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“A month ago, Democrats thought this convention would be a sort of grit-your-teeth, grim death march. Instead, it turned into a dance party-cum-dunkfest on the Orange God King, who is increasingly looking like a pale, bitter, shrunken, low energy, 78-year-old cockwomble whose sell-by date has come and gone.” 👩🏼‍🍳💋 Cockwomble was a nice touch. Exactly what I’ve come to expect from you, Charlie 😊

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The Democrats claimed their country and flag back. Patriotism is wanting freedom and equality for all. It recognizes that we are a diverse group bound by a shared belief in a country of the people, by the people and for the people with liberty and justice for all.

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The Orange Convicted Felon last week: "I have the BIGGEST CROWDS!!" 😅🤣😂

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Charlie , I do miss your morning podcasts but glad you are still hanging around. And it's clear that not only is the president a black job this year but Michelle confirmed that being First Lady is also often a black job. MooLoneya revealed as just that more pathetic. But then what kind of women are going to be attracted to TFG?

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“Marxist, communist, fascist ….” Yawn.

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Charlie ❤️ we’re the same age - I was 13 in 1968 what a year! Love those dogs

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Charlie Sykes is a Wisconsin hero! Your courage to speak out and stand up for what is right and good about our country is awesome and appreciated.

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I have to same treat ball for my dog. I cut all the 4 prongs out on one side bcs she is too frustrated if she doesn’t get any treats out. What do you do with your guys?

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