Let’s see? I have a choice between the communists and Marxists OR the fascist dictatorial neo-nazis that tried to take over our government in January 2021. I think I will go with the communists and marxists this time! Just saying.

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Thank you! I missed a lot of these speeches due to family issues. Plus I hadn’t known tomato paste will work for a skunked dog! Less messy than tomato juice, I’m thinking.

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The Dems aren’t perfect but they are a hell of a lot better than having Trump grift and steal the country from our kids for the rest of his life. The conference was patriotism through and through because people see a legitimate chance of beating the shit out of Trump, Vance and the MAGA horde at the gates. VOTE to make it happen!

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First: eeeeuuuuu, Moses! My daughter’s dog got skunked AND quilled in one week up in MA. In NYC, my dogs biggest problem is staring down “rodents of unusual size. “ Anyway, I’m an Independent, having gotten fed up with the Dems a few years ago. I don’t feel orphaned, as it was my choice, but I am so proud of the Dems. Great work and don’t fuck it up.

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Harris never once suggested she was interested in Carter style cost controls. From the first time she mentioned price gouging, assumed she was in prosecutor mode, planning an attack on monopolistic anti competitive practices and those businesses that take unfair advantage of consumers during emergencies. It will be interesting to learn how she fleshes this out.

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Banning price gouging is wildly popular, though. That's the price you pay for having to be in a Democratic coalition- there being some policies you don't like.

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37 states have laws on the books about price gouging, including red states like Texas. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-slams-harris-call-ban-price-gouging-37-states-already-rcna167158

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It isn’t surprising for this Democrat to see heartfelt displays of patriotism at the DNC. Since Sarah Palin and her “real American” denigration of urban and other Democratic voters, I’ve been countering with the fact that we ARE patriotic Americans. It was terribly sad to watch flag waving and USA chants claimed by MAGA’s.

It’s one of the deepest sources of joy for Democrats now - that we can celebrate America in the hopes that its enemies may actually be defeated. And that we can claim back our flag and say this is our country and we love it and we all belong here.

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Hi Charlie,

Next time one of the boys gets sprayed by a skunk try this recipe instead of tomato paste:

1 qt hydrogen peroxide

1 tsp Dawn dish washing liquid

1/4 baking soda

I say next time because our boys never learned with skunks or porcupines either for that matter!

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i've always been solidly left and pissed off about ceding concepts of family and freedom and patriotism to the right. the right to love who you want is freedom. the right to decide your own family planning is freedom. having a different point of view doesn't make one unpatriotic and we used to know that back when the left and right passed legislation together because it was good for people.

and i've always had an issue with the right claiming to be pro-life and pro family while being pro death penalty and opposed to any programs which would help pre and post natally.

at best we can assume that we all want what's best for families and lives and have different ways of getting there.

i do look forward to the day when we can hopefully have a strong left and strong right willing to work together and counterbalancing each other.

assuming we can ever get back to that.

the challenge is that it's not just Trump. he has transformed the party. what can you all do to take it back?

(and idon't think she used the term price controls (see paul krugmans article in NYT). )

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Six months ago, I put three bumper stickers on my Toyota Prius. One a sizable American flag, the second says "Love>Fear", the third says "United We Stand" with a stars and stripes motif. My daughter was embarrassed by this because she was afraid people would think we were MAGA. After this week's DNC she now understands.

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It will take several election cycles to purge the MAGAts before there will ever be a Republican party again. Buckle up and hang on for the ride with us patriotic democrats. I promise it won’t hurt.

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So many great quotes from many speakers here. That you didn’t and wouldn’t hear at the RNC. 😁

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(As I posted on your wife’s Substack…) The contrast is so clear, it’s almost stupefying!

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A terrific piece. The outreach is critical and will payoff. A new poll has Harris leading by 1 in NC.

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Really Charlie? You're concerned about price controls? I know you're old enough to remember that Nixon did that back in the 70s so get off that high horse right now! Yeah, it didn't work well, but if that is what you're complaining about, find a better subject.

It's interesting to see things come full circle. We're just barely old enough to remember when Democrats were the racists and Republicans were the abolitionists. Then Nixon and Co. came up with the "Southern Strategy" and that all changed. Well, now we have come full circle and the Democrats are the big tent and the Republicans are the party living on the fringes. I imagine this is what it has been like throughout history as political parties swap positions as happened in 1860 and 1904.

I think all of this gets driven by the pick of Tim Walz as VP. A regular Midwestern guy with centrist values. He has an appeal of everyman and seems to bring out the best in all he contacts. We shall see if that brings an election victory, but he has definitely energized the party and brought the focus to traditional values.

Nice to know your dogs are just as bright as most. Skunks are nasty and their spray is even worse. Hopefully he's de-scented now and not having to stay outside.

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