Only 34? I thought Bragg added up Cohen’s legal bills and Trump’s checks wrong- should be 42!! Each check, each lawyer bill a separate Pl175.05 violation; a misdemeanor. But Bragg tagged in PL 175.10 and didn’t put the predicate other crime in the indictment. And didn’t put in any proof of “ another crime” at trial.

That’s really cool. What a great imagination. Until real appellate judges see this legal mess

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Trump’s followers are promising “condition 1”, which from my research means “cocked and loaded” guns, if he doesn’t return to the White House. I have also read too many articles that lead me to believe the trump cult doesn’t understand that this isn’t just politics as usual. I don’t believe they have any clue what living in a fascist, authoritarian country would be like. Their SSI goes away, homeless populations explode, and killing their neighbors may not be as easy to do as the Nazis made it seem….

I dance with as many woodland witches and forest fairies I can enlist to encourage the premature death of the trump cult.

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NO place for Pervert trump.

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At the outset, I should say that I detest the Maga Movement, Donald Trump, Unjust Justice Alito and the fascistic slime that are cropping up everywhere. However, we are making a big mistake if we think that the pre Trump era was an epoch of goodwill, nirvana and justice. Our political system was rigged long before Trump, but for reasons Trump does not understand. For examp;le, the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v Gore, which gave the 2000 election to Bush, was just as dishonest as Donald Trump (read Ginsberg's dissent in that case.) If you want to know how the system really is rigged, read this essay https://davidgottfried.substack.com/p/our-politics-were-rigged-and-rotten

David Gottfried Mad Dogs and Englishmen

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Yet, many of Trump's faithful followers still perceive him as a genius robbed of presidential glory and, long before the 2020 presidential election and January 6 insurrection, believe(d) the fantasy about his challenging the Deep State. As for “the swamp” he claimed to be draining, he himself was a part of it.

A revelatory review (by Geoff Olson, 01/10/2018) of the book The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy, however, notes that the book's author describes big oil CEOs and lobbyists in the U.S. as being a very large part of the American Deep State. Therefore, it would be a large part of the national Capitol’s swamp that Trump claims has corrupted DC and, ergo, was supposedly seeking to destroy him and his presidency.

However, considering the Trump administration’s kowtowing to big fossil fuel (mostly via the recklessly significant loosening of environmental protections), he, far from genuinely trying to “drain the swamp”, actually wallowed in it.


"This notion of a supranational deep state does not seem to be far-fetched to me, though I remain agnostic about rumors involving the [Trump administration's] Offal Office. I certainly don’t buy the alt-right notion that Trump is playing 'four-dimensional chess' against the deep state. The six-time bankruptee would probably lose at checkers to a nine-year old and tweet that he whipped Garry Kasparov."

—Geoff Olson, "A Deep State of Confusion"

... And someone should ask him what Putin’s used bathwater tastes like.

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Agree agree...yeah, but that picture of Augie-- WOW, beautiful animal.

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Augie is right. And so are you, of course.

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I'm with Auggie!

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Governors and citizens will have a say, so not so fast. https://shorturl.at/kD3IZ

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Thanks Charlie. If only Biden would stop supporting Israel I wouldn’t be so doubtful. People won’t support him based on one thing.

Ken Burns commencement speech spoke about voting and telling us that it’s not a binary choice this November it is a country choice. No color, religion, political parties. Just America, a country of immigrants who came and became part of the experiment, our ancestors. We have to keep it strong and move it forward. That’s the responsibility of every generation.

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So happy to read your excellent writing with my morning coffee! You state things perfectly.

Their boy was very effective at turning his fans against any non-Trumpified media. But even though they would not believe any bad facts about him, his lack of character and unethical business practices, we’ve known all along. Now we’ll find out how successful he is at turning them against the entire US legal system. Okay, Nikki, you STILL want to vote for this guy, for real?

This has been some bender the Republican Party may be on the verge of awakening from.

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Spot on Charlie, I hope you watched Dark Matter I am about the middle of it and it is getting dark. If all that is happening gets too much for you suspend disbelief for an hour of two and watch some Lucifer. Not much to say about what happened except the justice system works, I am like Tim I am just going to enjoy this for awhile.

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“The party of law and order is about to nominate a convicted felon for the highest office in the land.”

This is indeed mind-bending. So mind-bending, in fact, that now that the hypothetical has become reality, I cannot believe that the GOP will actually go through with it.

The polls indicating that somewhere in the vicinity of six percent of voters will reconsider their Trump support if he’s convicted simply must shift given this new reality. My gut is shouting so.

After a few days, surely the knee-jerk self-abasement the GOP usual suspects are demonstrating will give way to a sober reassessment of Trump’s true chances - which would seem to me now exceedingly slim.

Tell me gravity will indeed return!

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The laws regarding this need to change in the USA now. We no longer can count on good citizens running for office. Felons who can’t vote shouldn’t be able to run for office.

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