Trump never answered the question about bringing down the cost of groceries and refuses to answer the question of how they are planning to collect and deport 11 Million illegal immigrants. Perhaps people should start hitting JD with that question on air and see if he gets that deer in the headlights look.

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To Mars and beyond.

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I’m a Republican who will be voting for Kamala Harris. I just put together a short post to help wake up fellow Republicans, and I think it offers some eye-opening insights. It’s a quick read, but it could make a big impact. If you have a moment, please take a look—you might find it thought-provoking. 


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Could there possibly be three more vile creatures than Thiel (German), Murdoch (Australian) and Musk (South African)? All came here to exploit our Democratic freedoms, made themselves obscenely rich, now spend their billions to exploit the vulnerable and destroy all we hold sacred. Special place in hell for these three.

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Muskrat is no dope. He wants Insane Clown to be elected and be appointed Secretary of something or other. Then will engineer a coup and throw Insane Clown out on his fat ass and Muskrat the new tyrant.

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Charlie - I want to say those dogs are very handsome, noble and obviously part of the family! Catless child lady here!

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When let’s see he groomed his stepdaughter since the age of 4 and just had his second child with her. That’s planning and he should go to jail

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Is it, and I mean the broad sweep of the past decade, as simple as a deep yearning to be one of the bro's? To lead the bro's?

If Musk had to choose between saving the planet and Joe Rogan liking him, would he choose the latter?

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“Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

Groundbreaking new discovery!

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"Bad Monkey" watched by good dogs.

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I know someone who leans pretty far to the right and thinks the Democrats are no good -- but also can't stand the conspicuous amorality of Trump, and when I mentioned Elon Musk, he said "That guy is evil." Which I found reassuring.

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I thought that Musk invented nothing. He got his money from his parents & bought everything he now owns. I know that this true about Tesla.

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the good witch waved her magic wand at Elon and said "Off you go to mars and leave the ruby slippers here."

Toto and Charlie's dogs approve of this action. The only thing hurt were Elon's feelings....

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