Good for you! All these events will end up in a blurr anyway . It seems that it is even more reason to have clear thought

ahead and concentrate on what we,the AMERICAN DEMOCRAT, ,needs to focus on. I am an immigrant who a long time ago

escaped the Russian Bear. I will not ever understand why. AMERICANS so easily want to dismantle their FREEDOMS,improve what they have here. Some of these recent events frighten me. I must have miscued about the American Psyche.

Thank you for your work,Charlie Sykes!

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You and me both!

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Trump’s gift to the Dem’s Project 2025. How can you tell?? He’s lying about knowing about it even though there’s how many authors of it that are closely aligned with him??? And, at a Heritage Foundation event in 2022 he talked about it. Hammer it, Dem’s, at every opportunity. Make sure people are aware that their liberty and way of life are at stake!! It should be right up there with women’s health care rights. How about Orban’s 2nd visit to Trump’s alternative universe in Florida after he visited Putin and Xi. It’s time to wake up!!! VOTE!!

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Thank you for that gift article by Tim Alberta. So often I follow links to suggested articles only to find they are behind a paywall. Too bad magazines don't sell their material by the article, because I would certainly be up for that. I hope you had a restful vacation; I missed your commentary.

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Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue. 🥴

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I miss your voice and astute insights in my ear every evening. When will you be a guest on the Bulwark podcast?

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I haven’t been invited.

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That’s criminal. Bulwark listeners would be overjoyed to hear you back on the pod again.

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I’m voting for Biden no matter where you are currently!!!!

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They should change the name of the party to the Heritage Party...

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I remain committed to voting for Biden, BUT I will vote for any Democrat at the top of the ticket. ANY Democrat. I will vote for Rashida Talib and I detest everything she says and does, if she is the nominee.

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Don't know if a Canadian should sign. I know I can't contribute to a candidate's campaign. I don't want to jump in where it's not my business but as we say in Canada, when the US sneezes, Canada gets a cold. What happens down there has a lot of implications for us up here. But I don't want to weigh in where I'm not welcome. To quote Jackson Browne, "It's such a fine line, I hate to see it go." But he wasn't talking about international geopolitics.

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Biden definitely looked good last night. In fact, much better than I thought he would.

The gaffs I took as typical Biden gaffs, not as an insight into any age issues. He's screwed such stuff up all of his political life.

I feel better about his capability, but I still worry that he cannot win. Particularly when the Trump campaign admits they are totally screwed if they have to face anyone but Biden.

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You really think they mean that? I think it's an attempt at reverse psychology - begging us not to do the one thing they fear because they know they can't beat Biden.

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They're not bright enough to use reverse psychology. Never mind the fact that all of the polling data confirms they are correct - at the moment. As long as the Dems are in turmoil. the GOP is on a winning streak.

The bottom line is that if the Dems kick Biden to the curb and put anyone younger and smarter than Trump in his place, Trump is a loser because he cannot compete against such a Democratic candidate. His tactics that got rid of all of his GOP contenders don't work against someone out for his blood.

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I also agree that the Trump campaign isn't bright enough to use reverse psychology, but the folks behind Project 2025 are. They are the ones doing the grand manipulations we see manifesting. I believe they are cleverly behind the campaign to dump Biden and divide the Democrats at this crucial moment.... with maybe some help from Putin.

And just a thought - what were Clarance and Ginny Thomas doing on a trip to Putin's home town?

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Having just read that AOC has filed articles of impeachment against Alito and Thomas, it strikes me that the Democrats could do something brilliant if they nominated her as the candidate.... but short of something brilliant and spectacular like that, who is the alternate that could instantly unite Democrats? It seems to me that if there were such an alternate we would all know who that person is.

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They could do something brilliant like doing everything in their power to take up the articles of impeachment rather than letting them die on the vine.

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Heritage Foundation just added a new tagline to Project 2025 ; “Let Him do Whatever the Hell He Wants”

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Since the debate I’ve stayed off Xitter before I got either another week in Xitmo or complete ban courtesy of Fuhrer Musk and his cesspool of hatred. I’ve been educating others in my Facebook political groups on Project 2025 and it’s got people fired up. Like I’ve told them, democrats better shut up and grow a spine, run their own races since most didn’t even want to be associated with Biden just a few months ago when his approval rating was like 39% and they were winning in the polls. Yeah it’s fine to say I’m concerned and if Biden has passed all his tests medically then he’s fit to serve, if something happens he’s got a good VP that will carry out the remaining goals and term then put her in a good place to run successfully in 2028.

How the hell can we even trust polls since they’ve been wrong since 2016. Besides who answers unknown calls on their cell phones and the only people with landlines or voip are seniors, businesses and robo callers. Who are these actual people they’re polling? Ages, sex, employment? Focus groups can be fickle creatures. Look how many Sarah Longwell interviewed that still believed even after all the indictments that TFG was still fit to be president. Not many changed after he was convicted of fraud which just shows party over country and the hell with the constitution.

I’ve about had it with these so called political specialists and pollsters! We just gotta work harder to get the word out of what P2025 will do to peoples lives! (Yeah even the Zuck is fact checking any post written that has the full title, then he tried to get me to delete one over the F word about TFG, my page and I don’t hold back.)

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The Heritage Foundation and Trump are terrifyingly interwoven. I have found in conversing with people in shops, people walking dogs, receptionists, people at farmers’ markets, dentists, neighbors, basically the general public of all political stripes with the exception of my politically hyper-aware friends are surprisingly unaware of Project 2025. That must change! When I mention a few of the tenets of the plan everyone is uniformly terrified as they should be. But sometimes the response is to tell me that it is all too depressing and they won’t think about it. Remember, it is those who are complicit in their silence who line the path to hell. Pardon my thinking this is not hyperbole.

I love the doggie pics. And the sunset was amazing! So much beauty.

And thank you for the chance to sign in protest. I feel like a pleb, but if there is power in numbers…

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Thank you for gifting Alberta’s article; I just listened to it a few minutes ago. Oh, how I would love to hear an Alberta/Sykes interview again. So the stages of grief— you aren’t kidding how they keep cycling! After listening to Alberta’s reporting on the Trump campaign, I’m depressed again. Something I’m actually feeling positive about (not a pony, don’t get me wrong) is that I can tell people about Project 2025 without them looking at me like I’m some nut/conspiracy theorist! It’s finally being mentioned more widely, and I noted your photo of the convention signage. Thanks again, Charlie, as Ben W says, “You’re a great American.”

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