I hope it's some consolation to conservative Never Trumpers that, if Harris wins, they can count on having the chance to elect someone else in 2028. If Trump wins, that seems to be a 50-50 ball.

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People are so hopeful with Kamala, but we can’t be complacent, Trump could still win the Presidency. Electing Democrats to all the other offices is critical. We need undecided and Independent voters to vote Democratic, particularly in swing states.

Right now is a critical time in the campaigns.

At the Federal level. we need to keep the Senate Blue. Don’t forget State Congresses, governors - and judges are sometimes elected. States are particularly important in protecting abortion rights and voter rights if Trump is re-elected. Visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money nationwide - and we can also email our friends around the country.

Who will join me in taking action? If everybody here will email this info to 20 people nationwide, it will make an impact.

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Watching the Olympics, I ignore the stupid commercials, I cheer and grin and shout for our beautiful team of athletes who come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds… America the beautiful. Our diversity is our strength. Our choice is clear: democracy or Fascism. The choice is easy. USA USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸❤️

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Go Tim Walz! He is the perfect counterpoint to JD Vance. All this common man fakery Vance is trying on for size turned him into Ron DeSantis faster than Ron DeSantis. Tim Walz really is everything that Vance is trying to look like. You know who makes the perfect Vice President? Someone who does not want to be President. Minnesota is the Land of Vice Presidents, let’s have another!

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Very good. A an independent I lean a little left of center. My mind was made up the day the jackass came down the escalator. Not a politician indeed. Just a massive bullshit artist who managed to hoodwinked more than half of America and grift from the most less fortunate and less educated to further his coffers. He is sick and a psycho.

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When she ran in 2019 her policy re immigration was very "progressive". Maybe "open borders" was a reach, but she still has a lot of splainin' to do.

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Your family photos on the lake are beautiful.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Charlie, please define "Harris’s style of progressivism". I'm a moderate Dem. I think the Progressive are wrong on a lot of things. I think Bernie is a progressive. Are you talking about how Kamala had to run to the Left of Pete, Amy and Joe in the 2020 primary? That was a different political moment. This one is more suited to the "law and order Dem" she is and had to put the lid on then.

And where she is on abortion access is where the majority of Americans are. That be definition is the middle, moderate, not progressive.

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Enjoyed your appearance on MSNBC. You mentioned how powerful the phrase “we’re not going back” is & I think it’s because it directly attacks Trump’s fake nostalgia. I know lots of people have commented on the phrase “MAGA” but it bears repeating: when is the time Trump wants to return America to? America is *already* great and will continue to be so long after any leader is gone. KH frames up future + patriotism = strong.

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All this kerfluffle over Kamala Harris’s past statements … has anyone actually listened to the utter and delusional nonsense Trump is saying these days?

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They wanna attack Kamala on the border? All she has to say is Trump doesn't want a secure border. He stopped a bi-partisan bill that would do just that, because he wants to attack Dems. It was the Dems who signed that bi-partisan bill. As president, I will sign that bill.

Something like that.

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A good Harris VP choice to dilute progressivism could go a long way. Also, let’s keep Vance in the game by pounding on how Trump only hires the absolute best people and must think JD is great. Trump can’t possibly have made a mistake selecting Vance, right? If Vance is a mistake, his VP for goodness sake, why should we trust Trump to staff his cabinet well? Or trust his judgment in general? No, he must continue to have JD Vance until it’s too late to change.

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Great piece Charlie, it is inspiring to know that we still have so many folks who disagree on policy but can band together to do what is right. Tom hits the nail on the head as usual, no need to get into lengthy arguments because what he said is the crux of it all.

The gratuitous dog pics at the lake are so peaceful. Hope you and your family are having a great summer!

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I'm sure you don't mean to imply that Thiessen is a never trumper, or that he's even in any way a sane, stable human being.

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Great column!

Write more!

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Another great column! Let's go with the Murder Hornets next time. LOL!!!

When they bring up the border issue, VP Harris can look right at the TV camera and say "based on my experience being in the WH, I've learned that we need substantial improvements in our current border policies. We had a very good bipartisan bill, which James Lankford, a very conservative Republican, did yeoman work preparing, along with Democratic senators, that would have addressed many of the problems our country faces at our southern border. However, Don-Old J Trump, decided it was in HIS best interests to kill the bill by instructing his acolytes in Congress to vote it down. So we have an un-elected politician, who thinks he is still the president, making policy decisions that are detrimental to the country. That's why we have to make sure he never again sits in the Oval office" . Let DJT suck on that for few days. The Harris campaign is free to use it at their discretion. Thanks!

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You are the second person to point this out. (I was the third, later in the day.) If we three subscribers know this, how does the great Charlie Sykes with his access to all the news that matters not know this???

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Well said!!

I hope the Harris campaign is reading your suggestion.

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