The GOP does not believe in small government or local control They believe in government that serves their interests. When they're in power government can be big and intrusive as it wants. It's only when they're out of power that they are offended by idea of big government or centralized government control. Every step they have taken at the federal level and in every red state is simply about imposing their will with glee.

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Keep up the good work gents.

May I suggest your next piece of content focus on down-ballot races in the US.

You focus a good deal on anti-MAGA, which is very much needed, but I think the real battles are happening at the state level in the next couple years. There are a few genuine conservatives on the stump, but the majority of (R) candidates are MAGA strap hangers who will not see much centrist pressure.


April 1: Wisconsin general election for a Supreme Court seat

June 24: NYC mayoral primary (a bit of an outlier from national politics, but important)

November 4: General elections in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. (Pennsylvania Supreme Court retention yes-or-no vote for 3 judges is particularly impactful)

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The GOP DOES NOT believe in small government or local control. They believe in government that serves GOP interests.

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Gorgeous pups. Seeing them really brings one’s blood pressure down. 🙏🏻

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Zelenskyy survived. He suffered so that the glass was washed absolutely clear on that Friday.

Phase I is finished-does the President mean these things? We have the answer - let’s not even ask again.

Now the question is - what should we do about it?

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Trumpism is a cult. The party should have moved away from him by now. He is a psychotic. He has taken our country off of the world stage as a leader. We are now considered untrustworthy. I am truly frightened at where our future lies. I think there is going to be a huge depression and only wealthy white people will be okay. He is a traitor, plain and simple. I am no longer calm. I am terrified.

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Pardon my ignorance, but in my opinion, Zelensky and the EU should say “FUCK YOU TRUMP AND YOUR RARE MINERALS DEAL!” and fight Russia on their own. My ignorance is in whether that would even work.

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I’m with you

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love that tagline "And remember, we are _not_ the crazy ones."

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100% agree with Adam on what Democrats in Congress need to be doing now and have been failing to do - the wasted 3 months!

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They wasted four years while they could have been putting forward a proper presidential candidate who could beat Trump. Nancy saying that Joe was the best candidate for four years?? And then putting Kamala in at the 11th hour? Unbelievable. And I’m a democrat, disgusted with the party.

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Luckily for all of us, SpaceX has competitors in the free market, for as long as it stays free. Liberty and free markets my a**. #Firefly


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You guys are heroes.

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@sykescharlie and @adamkinzinger, thank you for this discussion. After Friday, my thoughts wandered as to whether we could now expect to see President Putin being berated in the Oval Office for not being thankful enough about Lend-Lease and then being asked to pay off the loans we had forgiven. I explored that here - https://open.substack.com/pub/gregflo/p/want-to-make-a-bet?r=vqlmb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web, along with drawing some parallels about Lend-Lease and Ukraine Aid. Short answer, though, is I wouldn't bet on President Putin getting the President Zelensky treatment.

*These comments reflect my personal views and do not represent the views of my employer, the United States Navy, or the United States Government.

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I think more Americans are with you two than you think!

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Bottom line on all of this is that Big Boys have to have rules to play by and follow. Musksputin is cutting regulations that he and his friends had to follow or be fined. Big business does not care about the environment unless they have to clean up what they tear up. Big business does not care about junk fees they charge the little guy unless they are forced to follow the law by a watchdog. Big business does not care about an individuals healthcare unless there are rules and regulators making them follow the rules. The parts of government that is being destroyed is the parts that make big businesses behave. The rules that would have protected Picher, Oklahoma’s water table and a town would not have been poisoned at one time the number one toxic waste site in the US due to lead, Camdean, zinc….. or another one B.F. Goodrich burying Benzine barrels in a flood plain now the town has to watch a Benzine Plum in our Ground water these companies have gotten away with these things because Big Business think that it is good policy to run rough shot

Over the rules and regulations the way Musksputin is doing. We will see more towns poisoned by lifting all of these regulations. Big business does not give a damn!!!!!

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We need to speak up about this; Elon Musk knows exactly what he is doing. He is destroying everything that was investigating him and his businesses. He is destroying other agencies to distract from that. We need to be yelling this!

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I can only hope with each egregious move, it brings us closer to freedom from this horrifically long & dangerous movement that has hijacked our lives. Too much to hide and spin. The dam is breaking.

Side note: love the pics of the beautiful dogs. Thanks for sharing.

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