thanks for the photos! Dogs make life bearable. I'm sitting here with my rescued pit bull, sweetest dog ever.

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I also believe that the Democrats and the Republicans have made an unholy alliance since I keep saying they are one entity impersonating two warring factions. After the shitshow of the Grumpy Old Men debate they know their candidates are too stubborn to quit, so they just might have made a deal to get rid of both of them and then pair Kamala with one of the 3rd party candidates like Kennedy. Just a thought.

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I am not convinced it is as simple as left vs. right. I do not believe the guy they found dead was the shooter. All journalists on the ground went to Twitter and said Trump was shot with a BB gun. From that distance it would be like a mosquito on an elephant’s ass. I’m brought back to JFK’s assassination and the “Magic Bullet” bullshit. There were multiple conspirators and the milk ain’t clean.

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How I wish I could disagree with you😣

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Today I am wondering how Democrats hope to win this 2024 election when oligarch Trump loving owners of almost all the national media control and manufacturer the narratives. We’ve all observed that the media does not report the facts, it reports narratives and opinions. Those narratives and opinions largely driven by Trump co-conspirators. Then of course there are the Russian operatives who are literally poisoning the minds of Americans with anti-Democrat messaging and untruths on social media every hour of every day. And, low-life scum like Elon Musk donate $100M’s to Trump and the anti-democracy entities with no repercussions. Democrats really suck at counter programming the constant lies, gaslighting, sociopathic messaging from the Cult. Democrats are too weak and PC to attack instead of always being on the defense ( and they exploit that fact). Democrats always seem to have to beg for every $5 they can get while Trump is given money by the USs (and foreign adversaries) most wealthy (greedy and souless) donors. It’s very hard to remain confident in these times.

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We are watching the actual casting for The Apprentice: The White House Edition. And you have to hand it to djt, it’s going to be 24/7 every day of each year. And the commercials for trump junk are in production, too - tennis shoes, coins, hats, t-shirts, djt bibles, trading cards, djt flags, ivanka’s clothing line, melania’s clothing line.

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Hey, Charlie. FB removed your piece when I posted it to my wall…I think because of all the quotes from Republicans like MTG and Congresswoman Beetlejuicey… Ugh…

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I’m watching excerpts from the RNC pageant tonight and trying to remain calm. Trump is riding very high on the rapturous adulation he so craves. JD Vance pick as VP shows the intent Trump will use supplication as a tool to create his fever dream of rule.

There’s so much to write about, we leave this to you, Charlie… to separate the truth from all the lies and the heroin being injected into the minds of a vulnerable population.

The antidote to all this is always the pictures of Auggie and Eli and Pete… a most soothing elixir.

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Portugal is beginning to look better and better.

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What a terrible day. BUT DON'T GIVE UP! Despite the recent setbacks (baby judge Loose Cannon throwing out the documents case, the execrable J.D. Vance being chosen as VP candidate) - we must act.

It's the most perverse gaslighting that Democrats are now blamed for telling the truth about Trump - that didn't cause a registered Republican to try to assassinate Trump. That said, Biden's "bullseye" comment was the worst gaffe ever, much worse than mixing up names. The Democratic party has done terrible damage by not putting forth an electable candidate. And Biden's continued refusal to step down and let someone who might win step in (Kamala? Newsom? Whitmer? Shapiro?) virtually guarantees Trump's win in November. And now Biden's campaign is pretty much on pause? Sheesh.

However, there are STILL actions we can take to reduce the odds of the GOP turning our country into an autocracy. Even if Trump wins, getting Democrats in the “lower” offices still matters.

Focus4Democracy identifies organizations that have shown themselves, through rigorous testing, to be extremely effective at generating Democratic votes in swing states. Given that we are all bombarded with fundraising requests, Focus4Democracy helps us decide where to put our money and time.

The next Focus4Democracy zoom is tomorrow - Tuesday July 16 @ 8:00 – register at bit.ly/F4D16July - They do a ZOOM every 2 weeks. Get on their list and they’ll notify you of future Zooms.

If you can’t donate, pls. send F4D’s info to as many people as you can and urge them to spread the word.

Don’t forget other elective offices. If people are discouraged due to the Biden situation, they may not bother to vote – that would mean a lot of Democrats won’t get voted into Congressional and governors offices. (Remember that judges are sometimes elected, too.) Pls visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money, and also email our friends around the country to let them know.

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That's an amazingly long tail on Eli!

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Always with that paw…

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We desperately need as many pupster pictures as you can generate. djt begs for political violence and gets it. The flamenco dancer dismisses a case against the sex offender. And the crowd goes wild.

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I love that the MAGAs have no problem believing BOTH that Joe Biden is a drooling idiot who can’t dress himself AND that he is a master schemer who put together a covert plat to assassinate Donald Trump.

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My bad. I was under the impression that Ukrainian "special services" were currently occupied efficiently killing Russian soldiers.

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