Thanks for first posting pics of an adorable puppy, a nice way to soften the blow of the content that followed. Charlie, what's that green object in your hand? At first I thought it was an unusual citrus fruit. Must be a dog toy or part of a leash.

Anyway, the brain worms...apparently these parasitic invertebrates trigger paranoia, disable higher brain function (assuming there was much to begin with), negate any communication filters, and ultimately transform the host into a psychopathic infant. Sadly there is no cure for these annelid cerebral leeches.

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Sometimes there is nothing left to be done in response but to put your head down and hold it tight in case it explodes from the nonsense.

Little pup was so cute with Pete!

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I'm reading this at 2:30 am in Australia. Can't sleep so having a hot milk and reading my emails. US politics sure is crazy and I often feel the dread you guys must feel. Keep the doggie photos coming Charlie. They're a good antidote to the crazy.

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Ron Johnson continues to be a festering embarrassment to my home state. Lucky for us he no longer chairs a Senate committee.

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I honestly can't believe he got reelected in 2022. What a loon.

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I think Barnes lost the rural counties which was enough to swing the election. Disappointing that we have that wing nut for another term.

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As a fellow resident of Sconnie, he’s a complete embarrassment!

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Is it any wonder that voters are worried about potential violence in this year’s election? The response toward Trump’s bloodbath comments seem to be more handwringing — among the media and at the White House. I know Biden has a full plate, but what is the plan to ensure that polling places will be safe? What’s the plan to put down violent protesters? What are the governors doing? Perhaps the administration needs to push for a summit that will address the issue of free and fair elections without the threat of violence. The time to stop the Proud Boys is before they cross the bridge, not after they’ve stormed the Capitol. Challenging Trump to debate by saying, “make my day, pal.” Is not a sign of strength. Biden needs to remind the American people that we are a nation of laws and that means we will use the law to ensure order. The administration is so afraid of being seen as authoritarian that it will unwittingly let us slip into authoritarian rule.

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I’m bracing for my worst nightmare, Trump is reelected. I’m feeling pangs of anxiety when I hear about Trump leading in polls in the swing states.

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That Atlantic piece was excellent. It reflected some of the tech bro themes of Kara Swisher’s “Burn Book.” If y’all haven’t read it, check it out. Kara was right about soooo many tech things when her (male) bosses disbelieved her.

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...have missed listening to daily podcasts. This helps.

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Charlie wrote:

*****On Tuesday, court papers were released showing that even more classified documents were found at Mar-a-Lago, even after the FBI search. But Trump and his MAGA loyalists leaped on a line in the document “which says officers may resort to lethal force only when the subject of such force poses an ‘imminent danger of death or serious physical injury’ to an officer or another person.”

This is standard operating procedure, which the chronically ignorant Julie Kelly apparently did not understand.*****


Perhaps Julie Kelly truly did not understand. Perhaps she is skilled propagandist who knows how to push the buttons of people who are truly ignorant.

Either way, the urgency that the decent and sensible stand up to knaves and fools grows by the day.


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Thanks for your perspective, Charlie. At least RFK Jr’s brain worms appear involuntarily acquired. The rest of the right is actively cultivating them. We have another 6 months to plumb the depths of MAGA stupid.

I’m surprised it took Trump this long to call attention to the judge’s Hispanic surname. “Take a look at where he came from!”- Columbia. When he was SIX. Obvious cartel plant. Take a look at where another judge on a Trump case came from- Columbia also! But no Hispanic surname, so she could not possibly be biased against him. Remember Judge Curiel? Take a look where HE was from- Indiana!! I’m sensing a pattern here.

If Biden sent the Feds to assassinate TFG, it was really stupid of them to make sure he wasn’t home first.

That guy is such a whiner. I’d be embarrassed to admit I was a Trump fan.

Your dog pictures are a great pallet cleanser to remove the taste of rank idiocy. Love to the boys.

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Wonderful photos of the dogs. We needed that. Right now after the news of Nikki Haley I am about to explode!!!!

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She was always going to do this. Pathetic and extremely harmful. Nikki Haley, Slytherin to the end.

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PETE! Thank goodness for PETE and for Eli and Auggie, and for all the other good doggos in the world, or I don't think I would make it through these times.

P.S. I haven't heard the word asininity in eons. Even though it was one of my Dad's favourite words, it is so sad that it has to make a comeback.

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May 22·edited May 22

So what if Sleepy Joe put out a contract on The Donald through the FBI? Per Trump himself, POTUS immunity from, umm - *everything*- covers that, no?

The *real* story here, which no one but me has uncovered yet, is that the endeavor actually failed because, due to budget shortfalls, the FBI subcontracted the enterprise out on a lowest-bid basis to some other law enforcement agency...


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The fact that THE MAGA horde will believe ANYTHING that Trump and his RWM enablers put out there is a very hard problem to solve. Add that to the large number of voters who are freaked out by Bidens age and his bumbles and the result could be..disaster.

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I don’t know how never Trumpers idolized Reagan, a noted racist. And he said that the government is the problem. This is how we got to today.

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It might make SCOTUS think twice about immunity. If they get out over their skis (which they have already by even considering that nonsense) it would mean Biden would be immune if that ridiculous conspiracy theory had even a grain of truth to it. But I question whether any of these people can rationally follow a logical train of thought without jumping the rails?

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