Yesterday I received a letter from Judicial Watch talking about illegals being allowed to come in the United States to vote to increase the democrats chances to win the election of 2024. They kept stating the number of immigrants that have been allowed to inter since the democrats specifically Biden, have been in office have increased by the thousands. I don't understand enough about this, most goes over my head but I knew it had to be all bullshit. Surely.

One thing that I can say with certainty is I will not vote for Trump. He's vile! I will be voting for Harris!

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Will the wheels fall off the Trump/Vance campaign with their Project 2025 Fascist roadmap? Hope springs eternal! VOTE Folks VOTE for the only party wanting to preserve freedom.

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He'll have to pry my dog park out of my cold dead hand.

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Things are getting desperate on the GOP side. Comer has opened an investigation into Tim Walz over China. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/16/tim-walz-james-comer-china-00174403

I'm sure like everything else Comer investigates, it's a huge nothing burger, but he's got to do his Majesty's bidding or get thrown out favor. So prepare for some wild tales of non-crimes and innuendo.

The only thing that would make it funnier is if this investigation leads to Comer being outed for something stupid he did related to China. That's what happened to him when he went after Hunter Biden.

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Two of the best - Charlie and Mona! Thank you for this.

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Is Mr. Vance aware that PEOPLE often socialize at dog parks as well? Even kids, sometimes!

Also, it IS a shame that the oppressive number of dog parks means there just aren't any parks for kids anymore.

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The explicit goal of the Alt Right was to make racism acceptable in conservative circles: https://www.tortugasociety.org/p/how-the-alt-right-won

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Picking a small nit here, but JD Vance wrote the "foreword," not the "forward," to the book. I keep seeing this word ("ward" - ha!) being misused.

Also, On Wisconsin! (This was the tune of my Florida high school's fight song for some reason). Glad they're getting their democracy back.

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As a NYer, I now know more about Wisconsin politics thanks to you Charlie, and I’m happy about it. And Keep those doggie photos coming.

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Listening to you at The Bulwark led me to volunteering with local Dem party. Great decision. Wish more would join. Taking action helps with the craziness.

Thank you as always.

Dog picks are great, plus seeing a smidge of you too was fun.


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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

Charlie, rather than just posting the racist and inflammatory things the Trumpers say, it would be VERY helpful is you could link to sources that debunk them. Otherwise, all we can do is be upset about them.

And the links should be current. The link you posted about his "misleading charges about crime committed by immigrants" is from 2O18. That was six years ago!I Since then asylum seekers have been dumped in northern cities. Is the charge of crime committed by immigrants NOW correct?

I was with some people last night who supported shutting the border down completely because of all the crime from immigrants. I remember reading a while back that citizens commit more crime per capita than illegals do. Is that still true? It would be helpful to know.

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“Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”

— Mark Twain

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I am proud of my fellow Wisconsinites for getting out and voting this week. I didn’t have a lot of hope that the ballot initiatives would be struck down, so I was very thrilled with the turn out and outcome. (I am in dark red Washington County).

The first picture of you with Eli, Auggie and Pete literally brought tears to my eyes. The love and joy in their eyes shines through.

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White Protestant religious leaders, counselors, Sunday School teachers, coaches, scout masters, cops and Roman Catholic priests are raping children with alarming frequency. It’s time this point is pushed in Trump’s face.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

since Walz is a former football coach, maybe concentrate on the clergy since they want more Christians in church.....

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Dog parks are happy places. Dog beaches are even more celebratory. What’s his face is a fool.

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Thanks Charlie. Great reads and love your writing. You can make me laugh or smile despite the madness of hate mongers out there. Dog Parks and today I heard an old clip of VD Vance agreeing with the host that post menopausal women are only good for taking care of grand kids. They are so small in their minds and hearts. They could be feeling the joy with our dogs and cats and childless families. As always love the dog photos and their opinions!

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Since I don't have kids and am going to be 46 next month, I guess I should either move in with my brother to help with my nephews or prepare for ritual suicide.

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