Charlie, I appreciate and admire your perspective, but I'm a little offended that you accuse all Democrat voters of being blind and in denial and therefore, our shock not being justified. I'm probably more of a consumer of political reporting and opinion than the average person, but I have other things going on in my life, too. I wasn't watching Biden closely, just paying attention to his accomplishments as well as the fails. Of course, I was aware of all the critiques re: his age and cognitive condition. But I did have high expectations that he would still be able to best that flaming liar. I expected "would you shut up, man" Joe to show up and that the reservations about him, especially on the part of uncommitted voters, would be put to rest. So, I was genuinely shocked by what I was viewing. I hauled out the Slane whiskey for my husband and myself to steel ourselves for the remaining 80 minutes. Our shock did not come from denial, friend. For many of us, we were being confronted for the first time by a tired, confused Joe. Unlike all the insiders you cite who see him or work with him daily. So, please, a little compassion as we regroup and the Dems (that means all of us who vote Dem, not just those who work the political and governmental machinery) confront a problem and have an honest and open discussion, as families do, about what comes next.

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I will vote for the Democratic nominee, whoever it is. We have been subjected to such a deluge of articles and opinion pieces about Biden's frailty that it is almost impossible to find out what Trump is up to now, never mind be able to judge for oneself what is going on. At this point, there is so much division in the party that if Biden does NOT step aside, there is little hope for a win in November by the Dems and a lasting fracture in the party.

And equally worrying, if there is a hesitation by some staff and Democrats in Congress to speak the truth about Biden's decline for fear of retaliation, then some in the Democratic party and/or Biden's inner circle have adopted Trump's playbook. That is truly frightening.

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Yes! 98%! (Leaving 2% undecided, lol). I’m glad you have broad shoulders; as an empathetic person, it bothers me to see the labeling attached to my anti-Trump tribe as turning pro-Trump, despite assurances that you(we) will NEVER vote for the former guy! THANKS for persevering, Charlie, and may your time with the Frenchies be blessed!

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Thanks for the dogs, Charlie, they are the only calming part of your newsletter.

This fucking SCOTUS...shameful, terrifying inexplicable 🤬

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Charlie, thanks for being here and being honest.

For the record, I’m a Democrat. And I’m terrified. Here are 3 action steps we can all take to help save us from Trump:

1) Call your Governors, Congress people, and Majority leader Schumer to urge them to pressure Biden to step aside. Since the debate, many officials and big donors can see that Biden would lose to Trump and are bravely calling for Biden to drop out; many more just need to gather their courage. If Biden doesn’t drop out he’ll be forced to step aside, which would humiliate him and harm his legacy. That’s the sad result of a popular figure being surrounded by yes-men and enablers for years. Staffers didn’t want to be fired, and of course family would be loyal. It is bizarre and worrisome that so many Democrats can’t make the distinction between Biden’s accomplishments over the years - and whether he is electable now, given his painfully evident mental decline. This is an emergency: We need a viable candidate who can beat Trump. Kamala would be easiest, but there are several Democratic governors who could likely win.

2) Remember all the other elections! If voters are too depressed about their Presidential choices, they may not bother to vote at all, which would hurt downballot candidates. In case Trump is re-elected, having Democrats in various "lower" offices may help limit the damage. Contact your friends all around the country to urge them to vote for Democrats for Congress (both Federal and state), Governor, and don’t forget that some judges are elected. If you’re out of state, you can still donate to their campaigns and notify everyone you know. https://app.oath.vote/ is a site that suggests which elections are critical and where donations can be more effective.

3) Donate and support Andra Watkins "Project 2025" sub-stack. Watkins has read the whole 900 page document and spends countless hours each month explaining the Christo-Fascist plan it reveals. She works 40-50 hours a week at this and deserves our financial support - particularly, given that if Trump wins, her life is at risk. https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/how-you-can-tell-everyone-you-know

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Great piece! Miss you on the Bulwark!

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We are so fucked

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The Dude abides

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Well I guess I’m not as mad as I was at you since you will still vote for Biden. You know they say being a president ages you fast, look at Obama with black hair at the start then the graying when he left. It’s alot of pressure. That’s why presidents have a great staff to do the heavy lifting except for the travel. FDR was never seen in his wheelchair the entire 4 years. So let’s just say it’s Harris, would she keep those same advisors that’s done so great these past 3 1/2 years? I hear she’s had many staff turnovers so what would she do? Then there’s who would be VP? Forget Newsom, Pritzger, maybe Whitmer, Secretary Pete is smart but the entire right would lose all their shit if he was named. (I was behind him in 2020).

If we don’t keep a democratic house and senate we’ll never get rid of the 2 SCOTUS that sold out and the 4 that lied to Congress to get picked. Might as well impeach them all. Jamie Raskin better be writing up new laws to pass to handle SCOTUS and corrupt presidents.

I politely btch slapped a Trump supporter and he couldn’t handle it so I got blocked. Not my fault he supports a man who’s actions and morals align perfectly with him. That excites him and makes him feel less insignificant.

What we need is more people getting the word out about TFGs Project 2025. Joyce is covering some but it’s just so much to dissect. Nicolle is trying but 30 minutes 5 days a week isn’t enough to go through the entire 960 pages plus the ones they didn’t post.

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Okay, I watched the interview. Hard to know how much his stutter causes his stumbling and if any of it is due to his age.

Two points of trouble that I see. He refused to have an independent neurological assessment and release the report. I get that answer. I'd probably not want that done either. But the worst answer was to George's question about if he lost the election. Wow! Just wow! As long as he felt he did the best he could do, he'd be fine!

WTAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'd be fine?!?!?!? I'd be so deep in depression I'd probably never see the light of day! But not Joe! Gee ... Sorry folks! But I did the best I could! Enjoy Donald and his Trump Dynasty for the rest of your lives. I'm out of here!

I'm never voting for Trump. Never voting for RFK Jr. But do I really want to vote for Joe? Not sure he gives a damn about me either.

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In 2020 many of is breathed a sigh of relief when the courts held up against right wing baloney. Now it seems like even the courts won't protect us, and have become another tool for Trump and his band of grifters.

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What happened between

Bidens SOTU and the

debate? What's happened

since many of his rallies and

the debate. Something sure


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Watching Friday’s Wisconsin rivalry was eerie. Fightin’, fiery Joe was back, but the Joe who touched the hearts of audiences wasn’t. There was no exchange of energy. Sorta like a best man’s speech getting a polite round of a few claps. I worry that every time he speaks that I’m going to be primed to see signs of the debate, like something that can never be unseen.

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Jul 5Liked by Charlie Sykes

If only Charlie Sykes would, just once, say something derogatory about Trump then Biden would be reelected and we could also have everlasting peace in Gaza, but no.

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Surely you're joking. Charlie has been speaking out against Trump since forever. And you think if he spoke out louder still Trump would be defeated? Can I have some of what you're smoking please?

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Please support Andra Watins, the Substack writer on Project 2025. She works at this full time. It's disappointing that people want no paywall. It's only a few bucks a month to support her work and it's urgent that people learn what the Republicans are planning. Her life is in danger if Trump wins. The least we can do is become paying subscribers - https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/how-you-can-tell-everyone-you-know?r=1byu3s&triedRedirect=true

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I never had my eyes closed. I know Joe Biden is aging. And I support him. Until he says enough, I am with him.

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1. The people who decide elections aren't thinking "I'll support Biden no matter what."

2. Joe Biden may not be the best judge of when is enough. His actions over the past week have not been an energetic display of a capacity to handle even a campaign, let alone another four years as president.

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I’m a normal person who decides elections. I’m good.

Respectfully, I disagree.

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So much wishful thinking among so many people. The election would have been very close, and since the debate, it's almost certain Trump will win with a large margin. And even if Biden's next few appearances go well, he's been declining for years. His recently stating he can't work after 8 pm would be funny if it wasn't so terrible. I guess he can tell Putin to only launch nukes before 8 pm. Peoples' putting their heads in the sand, ostrich style, doesn't change reality. The only way to prevent national disaster (Trump being re-elected) is to replace Biden with someone who is electable. Fortunately an increasing number of party leaders see this and are pressuring Biden to step aside. But among regular people, the denial is astounding. They think we're disrespecting Biden's accomplishments. We are not. We want Biden to step aside so the Democratic nominee will be someone different (Kamala is only one possibility) who can win. It's an emergency, and we must keep Trump from being re-elected.

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Disagree with what?

1. I don't know if you're a swing voter or live in a swing state, but I'm pretty sure you're only one person. As of now, swing voters are not decisively supporting Biden until he says enough. Swing states have swung into the Trump column and even some Democrat-leaning states might now be in play - mostly because a very large part of the electorate is doubtful of Biden's fitness, while a smaller portion is saying that Trump is unfit. II have always thought Trump is unfit, but many other voters think he's supremely fit or less unfit than Biden.

2. What has Biden done over the past week to demonstrate that he has the stamina and mental sharpness to continue as president into his mid-80s?

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So much wishful thinking among so many people. The election would have been very close, and since the debate, it's almost certain Trump will win with a large margin. And even if Biden's next few appearances go well, he's been declining for years. His recently stating he can't work after 8 pm would be funny if it wasn't so terrible. I guess he can tell Putin to only launch nukes before 8 pm. Peoples' putting their heads in the sand, ostrich style, doesn't change reality. The only way to prevent national disaster (Trump being re-elected) is to replace Biden with someone who is electable. Fortunately an increasing number of party leaders see this and are pressuring Biden to step aside. But among regular people, the denial is astounding. They think we're disrespecting Biden's accomplishments. We are not. We want Biden to step aside so the Democratic nominee will be someone different (Kamala is only one possibility) who can win. It's an emergency, and we must keep Trump from being re-elected.

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