The center hasn't held for over 20 years now.

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Dock photo is AMAZING!💛

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Guess TFG wasn’t lying when he said he hated Milwaukee. Bet he told Lara not to bother bringing in any business.

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A second comment to say - that was a magnificent photo of the sunset through the trees. Paradise it is.

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Where can I hit a screen for Barry Mc?…. LIKE👍🏼 LIKE 👍🏼 LIKE 👍🏼

You know, MKE is such a horrible city, no wonder those rapscallions WITH GUNS won’t find any entertainment around town. No one really wants them here and people are pretty much fleeing. And as Rep Gwen Moore said “our crime rate figures will escalate the minute Trump arrives.”

July 15-18th will be a real cluster.

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Great information & suggestions!

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What a wonderful sunset photo. Yes, there is still beauty on the planet despite all the environmental disasters of storms, flooding and tornadoes of late. To win tonight Biden needs to address: High cost of living. He needs to passionately respond that electing Donald Trump is not going to lower your grocery bill. That the root cause is greed by manufacturers of those products and that by imposing his idea of tariffs, the cost of all items will dramatically increase for consumers. People seemed to forget that we were provided with Covid relief funds during the height of the epidemic which off set the increased cost of items due to the shut down. The difference is, those priced never came back down after Covid ended because of business greed.

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Just gonna leave this here about Biden's Economy

1 44.6 is the new 1776 https://tinyurl.com/z3bu64tt

2. Paying More to Live Worse is Bidenomics in a Nutshell https://tinyurl.com/2s7nd7fr

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This is the kind of day we especially need your calm reason in the face of surrounding lunacy. Thank you.

I trust you amble out to your beautiful lakeside after each media hit or perusal if the news. My backyard is my own Recombobulation Area.

That gorgeous photo reminds me of a Ziggy cartoon, where he sits admiring a sunset and cries, “Yay, God!”.

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Good questions for tonight. For that matter, nice summary of Mission 2025 or whatever it’s called. I lose track of all the stuff - there’s so MUCH!!!!

I’m a historian and feel compelled to watch it, but I’m a nervous wreck. Is Donnie going to rant but we won’t be able to hear it? Will it distract Joe but we won’t know why? So bleeping much is at stake.

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The main question hanging over tonight's sheetsorm...I mean debate...is can Biden get Trump to act the fool often and vociferously enough to get the dislike- despisers to show up in November. Come on, JB. Our nations turns it's stressed out eyes to you!

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I had to look up retromingent.

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Me, too. And I am now enlightened and my vocabulary is enriched! Thanks, Charlie!

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Swimming dogs in god's country...now i'm jealous.

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I went down quite the rabbit hole when I read the line about the President of the United States debating a convicted felon tonight.

For some reason, that took me straight to Romney, and his famous votes to impeach Trump. Which then led me to a fundamental contradiction in Romney's moral code. Extorting allies and inciting an insurrection is a step too far for Romney, but he's been the bishop in a Church founded by John Smith.

Which THEN led me to look up the crimes that followed Mr. Smith (I previously knew he was a criminal, but the extent of his criminality was surprising). Turns out John Smith was quite similar to Trump in many regards. It's fascinating.

1) The historical record indicates that John Smith was convicted in 30 separate criminal incidents, facing as many as 42 charges. Those numbers would make Trump blush.

2) Seems like the bulk of his convictions were for fraudulent behaviour, which resulted in charges of "being a disorderly person." He would hold him out to be a diviner, at the time referred to as a "glass-looker". One of his convictions was for a fraudulent scheme where he pretended that he had rocks that could divine where precious metals could be located.

3) Later in his criminal career he was also convicted of assault, illegal banking, and banking fraud. He fled Ohio to avoid those charges (convicted in absentia).

4) He faced similar charges in Missouri, being the next state he lived in. He was also charged with assault, threatening a public official, and TREASON. What was the context of those charges, you say? Smith incited a mob of over a hundred armed men and surrounded the home of a newly elected Justice of the Peace.

5) He was allowed to escape and flee the state, going to Illinois. In Illinois he was once again charged with incitement of a riot.

6) Smith's death was even ironic--he was killed by a mob while awaiting trial for inciting a riot.

Trump and John Smith would have been soul mates.

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That lake scene reminds me of the last scene of Star Wars of Luke Skywalker joining the universe. And always delighted by the photos of your handsome boys … good to hear Eli turned out to a seal.

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I will follow the debate through commentaries I trust, and of course your input. I can’t watch that orange toxin for 90 minutes.

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