
Dan Pfeiffer, in his Substack newsletter: “The Pundits are Wrong: JD Vance Didn't Win the Debate.”

Maybe so (depending on the criteria and metrics), but I'll tell you what -- Walz had the most off-putting expression on his face while Vance was answering his J6 question (thank you, split screen)

WaLz looked like a blithering idiot -- I can't remember ever seeing a similar expression before


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From 1:35:50-1:35:55ff on the CBS debate video




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I didn't hear jd answer a single question. Instead, he spun bullshit .

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I'm starting to wonder if (like the asylum seeker / Hannibal Lecter stuff), Trump's obsession with migrants coming from jails goes all the way back to his first day in office, and the 'refugee swap' with Australia. Australia holds illegal immigrants in "detention centres", not jail.

I think ever since then, Trump just associates all refugees with "detention centres" and, therefore, jail. So he literally thinks all the refugees have been released from jail to get to the USA.


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America should be deeply ashamed about the stupidity and ignorance of so many citizens. Tens of millions of Trump cult members believe him & Vance. News institutions have been created to adore Trump, with all the lies fit to print to carry that out. A supreme (ha!) court whose conservative members can be bought and paid for. A justice (ha ha!) system that lets most rich, white men get away with their crimes. A constitution that says "all men are created equal" prompted Jim Crow laws, teaching Nazis how to legally kill Jews.

America has become decrepit. It is dying. Only one hope remains: America's past shows amazing resilience and the ability to reinvent itself. I worry that all of that juice has been squeezed out, and that only rancid hate remains. We shall see.

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After all we’ve been through, I find myself unwillingly having to give a nod to steve bannon for his “flood the zone” theory and his equally despicable maga mate, kellyanne for her theory about alternative facts. djt may look sad, old and orange but boy can he shovel.

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I just want to say, thank you for the pup pics! Eli's mug Lol God bless them all!!!

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I always feel like I'm strapping myself into the ride that is the scariest and also the most thrilling--the kind where you laugh and yell with fear at the same time--whenever I begin reading. And I'm never disappointed. Thanks to you I will be seeing rhinoceroses everywhere... driving home from work tonight the corner of major intersection in Martin County FL was filled with them. The flag of the Sorcerer's Apprentice was taped to their horns. It was unsettling, there were so many and it felt like they would ram my car if I slowed down. I did manage to have one finger raised while the others gripped the steering wheel, but my heart was pounding. Anyway, love the dispatches, much needed when living behind enemy lines. And really, really love the dogs. Oh, and also your wife's marvelous Tension Line. Two writers under one roof... wonder who gets the last word : )

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The dog pictures are such wonderful moments of normality and calm. Thanks, Charlie!

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Well after today, the Slick snake oil salesman may be obsolete with Jack Smith’s unsealed indictment!

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That face! Looks far more intelligent that You Know Who

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Doubles from Culver’s… those are like Snausages to those two… 😲

Happy Wednesday, Mr. Sykes!

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Culver's you say? Make mine a double as well. Yumm!

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It seems to me that that guy Walz was debating (I forget his name) used every question asked of him as an excuse to blame Kamala Harris (as the border czar) and her "open borders" as the reason the crime rate was so high; why the Haitians eat so many pet cats; why inflation is through the roof and why TFM lost in 2020. I am so damn tired of their bullshit, I can't wait until Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are sworn in as our next president and vice president. Maybe then we will escape this darkness.

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Just be prepared for the probable insanity Trump's supporters will inflict. I caught an interview with 3 or was it 4 former Trump aides, including that snake Navarro who went to jail. One was a woman - sorry didn't catch the name - she realized that Trump was a criminal and didn't go along, one was a congressman (I think) who opposed Trump right after 1/6. Well, basically Navarro and the other other idiot were saying whatever Trump wants, they're for because Biden is so bad that his policies (unspecified) hurt them personally. In other words, forget the Constitution, forget their oaths of federal office. All that matters is what they learned from their god-king Trump - it's all about ME, ME, ME! If I were that woman and the interviewer (his name was Ari?)), I would have taken a shower to get rid of the stench they carried. Absolutely disgusting.

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Read Rhinoceros in college. That Zero Mostel had created (for ny in '61) one of the leads caught my attention. Apparently he and Wilder did a film version, escaped me till now.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Joe Klein, Charlie? Of Primary Colors / Anonymous authorship fame? Who after staking his credibility on his denial of said authorship then admitted to the deed? Who cavalierly dismissed concerns of children being killed in drone strikes against terrorists in foreign countries by saying "whose 4-year-olds get killed?", callously justifying those deaths against the inferred diminished chances of 4-year-olds in this country being killed by terrorists as a result? That Joe Klein?

An author can publish under any name he wants and which a publisher will agree to. And I'm perfectly aware that any war, be it the war on terror or World War II, will have unintended and unavoidable collateral damage. And I don't object to Joe Klein being a knuckle head. Everybody's gotta' be something in this life.

What I do object to is that you'd think that I (and I suspect at least a few other people) would actually be interested in what such a disingenuous and self-serving knucklehead would think about Tim Walz's debate performance. Or anything else, for that matter. When it comes to the heavy lifting in punditry, Joe Klein's just another lightweight, undeserving of the plug you gave him here in a space where well-reasoned and intentioned punditry gets lifted on a pretty regular and on-going basis.

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I'm honestly starting to think that a big part of the problem with the "analysis" I've been seeing is the professional journalism/pundit class is mostly from the Northeast. I'm obviously not including Charlie in this assessment. I've seen a lot of comments about Tim seeming like a "bumpkin" or making fun of "Minnesota Nice being Minnesota Weak" or criticizing how he pronounced Iran. So basically, he's not some slick east coast lawyer like Shapiro, a politician designed for the northeast. I'd also like to see these armchair debaters hold their own on camera in front of 50 million people.

First, 90% of the country outside the Beltway pronounces Iran "Eye-Ran". Snarking on Tim about that makes you seem like kind of a condescending over educated a-hole. It makes me wonder if people like JVL, Sarah Longwell, and others in the punditocracy have ever met anyone from the middle of the country who hadn't already moved to the east or west coast.

Another problem: the "news" deciding it's not their job to grade on substance or facts, but on who lies the best on camera.

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"kind of"? No "kind of" to it. That's on the same level as saying that Vance's suit cost more than Walz's. I'm not surprised by much anymore, but reading that observation did land up there in the upper levels on my WTF?-o-meter.

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The point about Dukakis is worthwhile but in Trump world possibly not that relevant, but the fact that at least one post-debate poll showed independents felt Walz did much better than Vance gives me a bit of hope.

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