In 1965 CEOs made 21 times the company’s worker’s pay. Today they make 209 times a workers wages. This discrepancy began when computer programmers were badly needed for emerging tech companies. Too many extremely wealthy people fear Kamala and her allies in her campaign are going to strip them of their dough. After that they believe she will simply apportion it to poor people. In my opinion, Kamala really needs to make a push for something tangible like Trade Schools nearby High Schools to promote the Trades that fuel our Economy. When she says she will govern for All people, she could reiterate that she’s a Capitalist. Then her push for more entrepreneurs and small businesses would make voters think about more electricians and plumbers and builders instead of less needed occupations. My husband and I have already voted for her, but too many of our Republican friends are planning to vote for FT because they have been convinced that we will descend into Socialism. [Are the ghosts of Roy Cohn & Eugene McCarthy haunting our election?]

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Mr. Werner hit the nail on the head. It’s about decency and a core morality, neither of which djt has ever had. From bad-faith business dealings to sexual perversion, djt has no decency.

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Nothing good.

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I early voted fittingly at the community senior center, and did so proudly for Harris/Walz. The closer it gets to election night, I might have to rent a defibrillator. But everything’s okay right? What could go wrong. 😑

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An emergency burger run! Haha!

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Trump is really letting it all hang out anymore. I watched his Univision town hall, and when one gentleman, after saying how he had long worked alongside undocumented workers picking strawberries and broccoli, asked him who was going to do that back-breaking work if he deported everyone. Trump’s answer went into his stump speech about how “they’re dumping the prisons and insane asylums into our country” and never did answer the question. He tried to convince another guy that Jan. 6 was a perfect day of love (I don’t think the guy bought it). And he’s trying to convince people of Kamala Harris’ dangerous condition of hay fever and allergic welts (worse than the heartbreak of psoriasis!).

If America still puts this loon back in the Oval Office, we may get a taste of fascism, good and hard.

I hope Mitch McConnell enjoys his book royalties.

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Terrific article and summary. I am increasingly concerned about what is going on behind the scenes in the former guy’s camp. They know they can’t win with Vance at the top of the ticket so they may be using him (DJT) to get the win and then they install Vance through 25 th amendment because we all know DJT would never go under his own volition. I know it’s a stretch but it concerns me. At the end of the day, I do have enough remaining hope and faith that Americans will do the right thing. Early voting numbers are giving me that hope.

On a side note, we all may need emergency burgers from Culver’s in the days ahead. Thank you for the gratuitous dog pictures!

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This was some of the best writing I’ve ever seen from Charlie - and some of the most enlightening and engaging comments. Maybe there is hope for us yet!

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Atta boy Mitch! So...I guess we'll be seeing you out there alongside Ms Cheney now?

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I joined The Bulwark because of Charlie Sykes. Thanks for your good sense and dogs. Another reason to reject Trump, can't trust someone who doesn't like dogs.

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Love your dogs Charlie . They are beautiful. ❤️

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Is it even possible that we have yet to see the worst of Trump? As the election deadline nears and if he thinks he's losing...are we going to get that "You can't handle the truth" moment?

I sure hope so.

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Charlie, looks like you've got a sweet pittie visiting - my favorite breed.

The grim truth is there’s a good chance Trump will win. We need to flip the U.S. House so we’ll have the majority in at least one chamber of Congress, to act as a check against Trump’s extremist agenda. Holding the Senate majority is going to be tough — with Democrats defending the seven closest seats — making the battle for the House a must-win.

Sadly, Democratic donors waste millions of dollars giving too much to long-shot candidates, safe seats, or donating too late to make a difference.

What’s the solution? Oath is a fantastic resource that helps you donate most effectively. It’s the one-stop-shop for political giving that helps YOU maximize your impact.

And they protect your name and email – I’ve donated to a number of candidates via OATH and have not gotten even ONE subsequent text or email from ANY of the candidates. You will not be flooded with more pleas for money! What a relief!

Read about how OATH works - https://app.oath.vote/donor?ref=ZEI3HZQZ

And go here to turn the House Blue - https://app.oath.vote?ref=ZEI3HZQZ&p=fh – They show you where your donations can make the most difference, you select a total amount to donate, and they divvy it up.

Good people, please help by re-stacking this.

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“If they elect Trump, they will know what they are getting.” -

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Sorry. Cut myself off. I meant to add that I listen to one genuinely right wing podcast. It’s it’s a strength training podcast. Mind pump. It’s hugely popular. The three hosts are former personal trainers have built a massive business giving weight loss advice to people. They’re very very good at what they do. Honestly, I follow their programs, it has changed my life. but their politics are trumpian. They understand they have to at least pretend to be even handed for the audience, but you can feel them straining to do it under the lash of their producer. They have a tough time. They are completely in the bag for him. The thing is, they’re not bad people. They genuinely care about the people who call into their podcast with problems that they can and do solve for them. They are all in on Trump. I find it difficult to reconcile sometimes. But then I think about the information system in which they live. They watch Fox, they watch Newsmax, they consume a bunch of bullshit right wing blogs. Even now, eight years after this disintegrating fascist wander down the golden staircase or elevator or whatever the hell it was, they still think he is a shroud businessman who will fix everything up, because they have literally never heard anything else

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And again, we see the cowardice within the Republican Party.

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