Scott: “I just love youuuuuuuuu!”

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Throw the bum out

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djt’s veep pick is looming very large.

Love the dog pics. Keep them coming.

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Originally from Wisconsin, I take offense to trumps gibberish. Also a lot of young men listen to that asshole joe rogan. Flea infested scumbag.

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Jun 16Liked by Charlie Sykes

Thinking about first-time 18 year old voters. The cohort was ~ 14 years old at the end of Trump’s term. They were ~ eight years old when Trump was elected. Thinking about that time span and where most were developmentally.

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Jun 15Liked by Charlie Sykes

Most Americans are not easily conned. We never have been.

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‘“I would be buying ad space in every conceivable social media platform that gets 18-30 year old voter traffic and begin ‘Did you Know...’or ‘Donald Said This...’campaign to let them make the decision (now WITH knowledge) …:”’


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Jun 15Liked by Charlie Sykes

Ah! I finally read my favorite word from Charlie; "beclowned!"

THIS has made my weekend. Thank you, Charlie, for your consistently interesting take on the goings-on ahead of our national election.

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I'm with you, Charlie. I think Trump's campaign -- and his whole persona frankly -- is a crumbling house of cards. I'll never underestimate Trump's ability to blow smoke and shovel BS -- or people's appetite for said BS -- but I'm looking at the playing field and I'm not buying that a majority of Americans are as stupid and nihilistic as Trump and the his quislings in the GOP think we are.

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Jun 15Liked by Charlie Sykes

I just watched Johnson on Fox( to only stay informed). His talk is what defines what’s happening . He isn’t even whispering.

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Jun 15Liked by Charlie Sykes

“Make a career out of gelding himself”….that describes an awful lot of folks these days in the MAGA movement but thank you for the laugh out loud moment.

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Jun 15Liked by Charlie Sykes

Yes, that’s another superb turn of phrase today, along with “Omnishambles”. Thank you, Mr. Charlie Sykes, and yes, the dog pictures are heartwarming as ever.

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How fast things change, I forgot about that, a couple of weeks ago most of us were convinved we couldn't get rid of Trump

Now, finally, some things are changing for the good

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Jun 15Liked by Charlie Sykes

Having sailed into Milwaukee many times, whether to the McKinley Marina or the South Shore Yacht Club, we always enjoyed the city and found it to be nothing like that described by the Mango Menace. It's a true gem of the Great Lakes, though not without the usual urban challenges. It has made great strides since its industrial nature of the 1960s, a credit to its residents of all political persuasions for recognizing common interests and the benefits of working together. While I might abhor the Bradley Foundation's politics, the late Marian Bradley's collection donation to the Milwaukee Art Museum is awesome for its size and depth. The Donald just doesn't get it.

Dogs and lakes are a great combination. While we don't live on one or have a dog, we live across the street and up the ridge from one of the most beautiful in the world. So we get that. Have a great summer!

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Things I like about Milwaukee:

1. Summerfest

2. Brewers games

3. interesting architecture in the Downtown area

4. peaceful and clean

What I didn't like:

1. no Sausage Race finger puppets for purchase at the Brewers game.

But then, I'm just a little old lady from Canada, so what do I know.

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Looks like the Biden campaign has latched on to Trump’s diss of Milwaukee as well. ;)


I've only been to Milwaukee once, summer of '86 I believe. I spent a week at a horn workshop in Madison, then spent the next week or some part of it visiting the rest of the state. I spent a few days in Milwaukee, attended a concert by the Milwaukee Symphony, JoAnn Falletta conducting, stayed in a nice hotel there that I probably found in the Auto Club book, visited Kenosha, where my car at the time was built, and also visited Lake Geneva and Yerkes Observatory. Nothing but pleasant memories.

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Jun 14Liked by Charlie Sykes

Yes indeed ... FFS.

Love the dog pics, too. They temper everything.

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