Can’t we just deport the Klansmen and white nationalists instead? I hear Russia is lovely this time of year.

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Tonight Trumpy is tell great lies out on Long Island.

Apparently, all out taxes are going to be cut. The latest, no taxes on overtime! Sounds great doesn't it? Now, if overtime was going to be a thing as it is being wiped out due to Project 2025. Whoops!


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Reality is now subjective. If enough people believe something to be true, it IS true. This is part of the 21st century zeitgeist. How far a leader is willing to manufacture truth reveals (1) the leader's character; (2) the leader's respect for the audience; and (3) what the leader will do, how they will govern, if empowered.

Any leader who comes to power by and through creating a self-serving reality will continue to shiftshape reality to suit their purposes and reach their goals. The path set by such a leader can lead to wherever the leader's sociopathic, narcissistic, delusions directs. It is unpredictable because it's not objective.

Subjective reality is chaos. It is unreliable, uninvestable and ultimately unsustainable. It ends very badly.

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Trump’s daily lies. 😲

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Anyone with half a brain could have anticipated the questions. Of course, Trump has half the IQ of all the people he demeans and he cannot conceive this development. I really think (hope?) that this visceral hatred and the ugliness it has belched forth will hurt asshole and his vile companion at the polls. Previously Trump made it OK to be a racist. Now, he has made it OK to be a Nazi.

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It’s a sorry state when you begin to fear taking a walk or bike ride in your neighborhood because MAGAts are threatening folks. That just happened to someone we visit with on our jaunts and it has me quite frightened. I know better than to put up signs or stickers on my car for fear of vandalism, but to be threatened with physical violence is going too far.

I so fear a trumpublican win.

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True American patriots will not be voting for a convicted criminal this election! I believe that VP Harris & Tim Walz will win, and it will NOT be close!! 🇺🇸💙

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To help Kamala win, we need to encourage millions of moderate and undecided people to register and vote Blue. Some voters in battleground states have had their registrations illegally cancelled– extremists are submitting fake death certificates! So even voters who have registered/voted in the past now need to check their status.

Registration deadlines vary: in Georgia it’s Oct. 7, but check your state. I don’t text or phone bank because these days, so few people answer a phone number they don’t recognize – it’s a waste of time. So I’m sending postcards to voters in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina. Postcards with the voterizer.org/ QR code lets people quickly learn if they’re (still) registered, they can easily register if needed, and request an absentee/mail-in ballot. Absentee voting is important because many people won’t feel safe going to vote in person, with the unrest we are bracing for.

Postcarding purists entirely hand-write each card for a personal touch. But how many cards can you send that way? If you order pre-printed cards you can add a sentence to personalize the card. You can download addresses by state - it comes in an Excel file, you can do a mail merge and print stick-on labels at home. Doing it this way enables me to mail hundreds of postcards!

If you buy cards that don’t have the printed voterizer QR code, you can print it yourself on a sticky label and affix it to the card. Or write this web address - “Can I vote?” https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote

You can buy pre-printed cards from either of the following:




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Can't respect a position spewed from behind a mask. Even if it wasn't evil.

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Charlie isn’t Tim Pool being investigated for taking Russian propaganda monies last week? Yeah, Definitely

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Using that font is a slap in the face for all who served in WWII

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Vance, translated: If I have to lie to create fear and hatred of immigrants to get elected, then that’s what I’m going to do.

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All three of the reasons that MAGAs act like they believe Trump apply. These are the same folks who hide out in encrypted chat rooms to defame Jews and Blacks and women and show pic of people's hands being chopped off. These are ferals, uncivilized folks with technology.

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Two meaningful bumper stickers during these days of political turmoil:

"Say hi to your dog for me."

"Be the kind of person your dog believes you are."

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There is a sickness in America. The ridiculous level of support for tRump shows this. The willingness to believe tRump's bullshit shows this. tRump is a symptom.

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Thank you , Charlie, for your service. I mean it. You have gone thru such h-e-double hockey sticks exiting from your Party. I just want to acknowledge your sacrifice, every day, every hour. (And I know where you sleep with those two big lugs: on the edge of your bed!! Me, too, with my 16 lb dachshund!!)

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