RE: Rick Wilson on Nebraska State Senator McDonnell.

It should surprise nobody that McDonnell did not act out of bravery. He represents Omaha, which has that single electoral vote, and he has higher political aspirations, including wanting to be mayor of Omaha. So, yeah...

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I'd say his incentives were mixed. He's on Trump's shit list now. He hasn't made friends in his caucus. It took some small measure of courage to fall the right way - more than most R officials possess.

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Another great column and double the dog pics. Looks like the type of guests I'd want after another week of reporting on politics. BTW It was great seeing you and Tim with Nicole yesterday.

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Charlie, how was your weekend? Full house of dogs. You are so kind to babysit another’s dog. The other crap in the newsletter, while important, just makes my blood boil. Better to focus on dogs.

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This is pretty heinous. Maybe someone can report his criminal behavior to the ASPCA or better yet PETA.

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Kudos to the dogs, Charlie!

RE AI bullshit in, bullshit out. I believe, with no facts but a gut feeling, that AI is now being sold as the next "thing" that the masses "should have" to keep up with those Jones'. The Jones' must have a big house. But you are correct, is it live or Memorex?

Here is another approach to addressing the MAGApublican Clowns (MC) specifically the ringmaster of the MC, the orange clown who wears bronzer, a girdle, and has fake hair. Now I know why people are scared of clowns!

This is my view on what should be and is done to people who threaten others:


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My late sister lived in TFG’s world and constantly worried about me living in the hellscape of Seattle. I reassured her for a while and then we reverted to talking about recipes.

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I live in NC. Robinson won his primary handily over a normal Republican candidate. This is who the Republican Party is.

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Hi, Charlie, caught you and Tim on MSNBC a few minutes ago, a reasonably long appearance. You two need to be on more often. Much more often.

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The dogs💖

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First, loved the dog pics.

But speaking of dogs, what is it with these GOPers that have to kill innocent animals? First we had Kristi Noem and now Kevin Roberts. Worse, Roberts apparently killed the dog for waking him up constantly by barking. Why are these people not being charged with animal cruelty? My best guess is the statute of limitations but I'd still like someone to charge them just to drag them into court and then let the court let them off.

I really got a good laugh out of Mark Robinson's latest reason for his troubles - AI. Wow! Yeah, and then AI got out and deleted all of the questionable posts. AI is absolutely amazing! Not that it can do any of what he claims, but the fact that he's trying to find any reason (plausible or not) for his dumb f**kery. 🤦‍♂️😉

Lastly, the absolute insolence of MAGA is just amazing. I wish they'd drink the damn poison laced Kool Aid already so we can be done with this nonsense.

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Trump is a threat to the USA, and has already severely damaged the reputation of the USA in the world.

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And what happens in the USA affects the world.

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What an evil man, killing a neighbor's dog with a shovel and then burying the animal with no words to the neighbor.

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First I would like to say thank you for our much appreciated pup pics! I find myself hugging my pups every half hour minimum! (they keep me sane) Second, is anyone else thinking really bad thoughts about republicans/maga that make you break into prayer more often than normal? Stay strong everyone and stay together!!!

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And Kristi Noem.

Score so far: Republicans 2 Dogs 0

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I can tell I’m burnt out: I just want to discuss the dogs. It seems remarkable that shy Fern cozied up to Leo! How did you facilitate that, Charlie?

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I'm feeling burnt out as well. I caught some of Trump's newest insanities. He is getting worse and worse, now wanting to deport legal aliens. Those damn R fence sitters like Ryan, Romney, the retired generals, etc. need to get off their DAMNED ASSES and start talking. Otherwise we're going to be in the position of the German Resistance in hiding Jews, etc. from the Nazis if Trump wins.

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All maga an infected with a new to mankind disease TEPS. /. They’re eatin pets. Syndrome . Related to IWFM. /. I wallow for money disease . It’s contagious and given they refuse antiviral injections , may never be cured ! So know they are wimps , I confronted them in the south as rednecks in the past and they will always back away when presented with a will and an unwavering litany of truth and reason .

It takes time and respond to threats with // I guarantee a terrible outcome if they take steps beyond words

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