Donald is an open book - it it appears this happened / then it did. If he accuses others of misdeeds. - then it is a self accusational statement intended to deflect guilt upon others to do to speak send the press and investigators off on the wrong scented trail . He is a very good criminal mastermind with giant arsenal of lawyers to buffer the storm with expensive cost set upon those intending to prove guilt.

Beware of him even as his mind fails. , those he hires are not suffering that fate and can be quite a formidable problem

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It’s becoming very clear that Trump genuinely thinks that people claiming asylum at the border means they came from an insane asylum, seriously go and listen to his actual words when he talks about asylum seekers, he genuinely thinks they’ve come from an asylum and are seeking one in the US

How this isn’t being covered relentlessly and not just on the late night shows but in real news is truly a mystery, just imagine if Biden just misspoke in a way that made it seem like that is what he was saying, the Media would campaign for him to step down from the Presidency immediately and wouldn’t let up until January. Meanwhile, Trump is not misspeaking, he really genuinely believes asylum seekers are mental patients seeking an asylum to live in and from the media we get crickets

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I read that 90 seconds bullshit from trump about Zuckerberg and I ended with a headache, thanks a lot!!!

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Here’s an idea too: stop listening to or quoting David Axlerod. A person who works as hard as he can against the Democratic Party no matter what is going on.

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I have a CRAZY uncle who posts much of the false political info he finds wherever. It is blatant and bizarre lies, but he puts out an average of 9 of these a day. How to stop this??? I wish I could blow up his phone from afar. I keep reporting this to Facebook but so far that hasn’t stopped him.

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The "how" is to block him or just make a second Facebook account and curate your friends list to only friends and family that don't puke out every nonsense thought or reblog others' insane ramblings. It's what I've done with my family members who have all the impulse control of a toddler with a birthday smash cake.

Facebook is going to do nothing because it's well documented that people who are angry and rage on their platform spend more time on their platform. They're the bread and butter.

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I blocked him for a while but concerned relatives “appointed” me his watcher. I check his postings every few days. He’s lost so many FB friends that I only report his shit posting when I see a “like”.

I suggested he get a Sh’(Tw)itter account where he would find like minded ilk! 🥴

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In 2008, my partner and I cerebrated Obama's election. Hell, we worked on Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992. In 2016, we were excited about Bernie. Now, she is a Trump cult member. She has always been into conspiracy theories, so she is a prime candidate for the cult. She only listens to non-credentialed "news reporters" and believes the most insane stuff. Yesterday, she told me that Joan Rivers daughter, Melissa, said that Obama killed his mother because she knew that he was gay and Michelle is a "trannie". I keep telling her that the right-wing is coming for gays but she denies it.

Fortunately, after years of getting upset about her insanity, I am able to laugh and tell her that she is spouting complete nonsense. Basically, she believes what she reads without a shred of evidence.

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Same with my ex husband (emphasis on the "ex"). He was also more right leaning than I was but at least he seemed reasonable and open to honest discussion. Between him, his family (especially his mom and sister) and his new wife? Well, let's just say this former network engineer was advocating everyone moving to Parler. I have a lot of legitimate gripes with social media and Web 2.0 but boo howdy, I didn't think he was that far gone.

I do not speak of him and it has caused a riff with our children but I just can't tolerate absolute nonsense. Life is far too short.

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So orange jesus did build his HARRIS WALZ!

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What a great morning read. Thank you for your message Charlie, and the pulling together of all these other pieces I had not seen. The 90 second sentence was really something!

I wonder what if any impact on Trump is impacted by S Bannon being a guest of the federal government?

Thanks for the family photos, they are the best. 💛

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I just can’t stop thinking and finding joy in the poetic justice.

It only took one “Black”woman.

Rosa Parks

Ruby Bridges

Not Hillary

An authentically “scary Black” woman.

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As I read this all I could think about was a new cartoon strip. With just two characters, Trump and Family Guy's Stewie. This dispatch is all the material you would need for the first half dozen, but animated would be the gold standard. Irrational exuberance about this idea. Musical intro could be just a few bars of the devil went down to GA. Always the same setting: huge arena, a few stragglers left (party's over vibe) & Stewie critiquing post-rally. Ex.: Telling him that JD s/b replaced by RFK, Jr. (higher recognition of initials and the bear thing/ratings and JD can go to his garage couch to get over it. What happened to the 200 lb suitcases with the $10 mil, are they in the mara lago bathrooms?? Childless cat women are VOTERS. Explanation of lizard brain w/ illustration of brain with fake blonde comb-over. Every day there would be more amazing material... the scripts would write themselves! Title could be 'Weird World.' This is a golden escalator opportunity : )

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Nothing gratuitous.

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I cannot stop laughing at that word salad from Trump talking about Zuckerberg. He is absolutely incoherent and becoming increasingly so. I hope he just keeps alienating people like Kemp and his constituents - he can’t shut his mouth. Let him just run with his insanity. I want to see a debate frankly. Let’s see who blinks first.

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So sorry that the Frenchies had to go home already. It's tough when good times have to come to an end. The good news is that Auggie and Eli are looking as magnificent as ever!

Trump is indeed weak and frail and flailing. Why hasn't anyone focussed in how just how utterly unqualified JD. Vance is to be the Vice President? He should not be one heartbeat away from the presidency. At least Sarah Palin had been a Governor....

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Could you explain to @paulwells why it's long past time that Trump and Co. were dubbed "weird" and why it's okay to flog that beaded pony? Asking for a dual citizen Canadian-American who lived in SE Wisconsin for 30+ years and now resides in Saskatchewan. (It me.)

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I saw some shots of him from over the weekend. My mother wore less makeup and wore it better. I'm still fascinated that he thinks that his elaborate comb-over fakes anyone out when from the back it is painfully obvious that he is bald as a Cueball on top.

But it was this weekend's rants that were nothing but his greatest hits because he has nothing else to talk about. You'd think he'd want to trot out Agenda 47 to talk about. But, if you read his Agenda 47 (which is really just a watered down Project 2025) there is nothing in that document that any intelligent candidate would want to talk about because it will not play well with "The Base." That's because it basically says that The Base will be cannon fodder for Trump's corporate buddies that he is going to treat better than anyone else.

I enjoyed Trump going after Brian Kemp. No love lost there but how stupid? Kemp is adored in Georgia. Trump somehow thinks that MGT is the beloved one there when GOP people in her district are actively campaigning against her to vote her out of office. Yep, the people that originally elected her are actually tired of her do nothing shit. Unlike Lauren Boebert, MGT might actually get sent packing.

Then we have JD Vance (and now his wife) that keep digging a deeper and deeper hole surrounding childless people and parenting. It almost makes you wonder if they are digging a bomb shelter for what is coming from the Orange God.

I missed the implosion of Byron Donalds on Sunday as I was watching Fareed Zakaria. But, I did pop over to see the low lights from the link you posted. Wow! George Stephanopoulos gives people no options which is good to see. Donalds looked like a person that wanted to hide. He had no good answers and he knew it. There is no way to be black and justify Trump's and Vance's language. He ended up looking like a fool but he's a black man, so he's expendable to Trump which was why he was on ABC. I wonder if he realizes that now?

My favorite of the weekend though was the breaking news over Doug Emhoff's affair that broke up his first marriage. OMG! Twitter/X tried to go nuts with MAGAts thinking they could own the Libs over that news. But it went totally flat as they got overrun with Libs pointing out that Trump has cheated at least five times that we know of (most likely more than that), two of which torpedoed two of his marriages, and likely trashed his third, so look who's talking! That pretty much took the wind out of their sails and the trend when nowhere.

The bottom line seems to be that the GOP has nowhere to go but down, at least for those at the top of the ticket.

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Watching you on Deadline White House and Claire tickles me, the “Fat Elvis” and all I could see was his last photos of where he looked bloated, sweating his azz off on stage singing Dixie. 🤣 Ok so I was 10 but I remember the televised concert.

It’s quite possible he lost Georgia cause I decided to count signs between Cleveland and Dawsonville which is heavily red and many QAnon freaks, I counted 6 signs.

Sorry I haven’t been checking my emails or Substack but my precious 10 year old ESA kitty Harley Girl was diagnosed with cancer on 7/20 so I’ve been doing hospice care with her, trying to enjoy what time we have left in between crying.

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So sorry about Harley girl. Savor the time.

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So sorry to hear. I can relate...

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Aug 5Edited

Fat Elvis doesn't draw the crowds he used to. Sad!

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