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Agree. Is there any brain left or has it all been eaten. Oh, I think I know the answer.

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He has gotten so ugly yikes 😱

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Can’t actually take credit for the chainsaw …


A classic Mobey Dick tale with the whale chasing the good mariner until on their own schedule and without requiring further provocation….

Hahahahahaha. Omg… sawing a whale’s head off with a chainsaw….. a piece of work that, good sir!

Hahahaha. Clearly my favorite….

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That’s why they will dump if he gets in and put VPVance in the position— God forbid. Esp if we can’t flip the House!

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I don’t know how this slipped into my dark hole of email masses last week but I’ll just add, weirdo, freaks with a dead mammal and Putin fetish. The GOP is now and the MAGA party. Sorry Charlie but the phoenix isn’t rising anytime soon. But glad to see Tom Nichols is smart enough to see that. Please tell him to get another cat, it adds to his character. 🐈

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Rich Lowry lost his integrity years ago. I used to be an avid listener of LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTER (LRC), and as a liberal, I often was surprised to find myself agreeing with Lowry’s thoughtful observations. But after Trump was elected in 2016, Lowry rapidly grew unprincipled and unhinged, before finally quitting the show altogether. LRC eventually imploded and is now an empty shell of its former self. Ultimately, Lowry was replaced by toxic rightwing reactionary Sarah Isgur, who will say anything for attention, no matter how untrue or outrageous, but somehow is given deference and respectability by a lot of mainstream media outlets.

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Can you please give some examples of behavior and/or statements indicating Sarah Isgur’s “toxic rightwing reactionary” nature? I’ve read a couple of pieces by her, and listened to her on at least one occasion, and haven’t noticed anything I’d rate as “toxic rightwing reactionary”.

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Hive mind.

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That’s a good name for him. “Brain Worm”

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…not just GOP, he lives in so many democrats heads even though he’s not a fucking cause, he’s a fucking symptom

…he can be defeated, but MAGA is here to stay


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This is the Tom Nichols line I love the most:

“It’s one thing to sell your soul cheaply. It’s another to keep taking out second and third mortgages on it until all that’s left is debt and shame.”

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That's an insult to worms!

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Nichols forgot about Lowry's adulation of Sarah Palin: "...sent little starbursts though the (TV) screen".

Lowry's always been a stooge.

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Trump's adoption of the "Nelk Boys"! My oldster head is exploding. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/30/us/politics/trump-politics-nelk-boys.html

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more like his diaper changers.

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Not sure that Buckley would be appalled. Have you read God and Man at Yale?

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