When my Rottie had a cone, he quickly figured out how to scoop up a treat on the floor with the stiff lower outer edge of the cone, flip it up into the air and catch it in his mouth on the way down.Dogs are amazingly adaptable.

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Dogs make life almost bearable

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Dog pictures are the BEST. Thank you

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Jun 14Liked by Charlie Sykes

Hello Charlie! Since I left Twitter the day it became X i have missed you terribly. Your occasional appearance on MSNBC are not enough so I am glad to be able to follow you here.

But - and please don’t take to too personal - I miss Auggie and Eli even more! Hope the eye thing was nothing serious! Extra butter for the boys, please!

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How about Ashleigh Merchant for U.S. Attorney General https://shorturl.at/3bqnr

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How much longer does that poor baby boy need to wear the cone? Poor Auggie, sending hugs. 🐶❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️🐶👶

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Try Better off Dead for a romp in 80’s ridiculousness and a treasure trove of inane one liners. Aged much better.

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Charlie, you did Trump a favor by leaving out the pathetic MIT-connection bit where he once again calls himself "very smart"-- because his uncle taught at MIT but retired 50 YEARS AGO. Huh?

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And I'm glad that Auggie's surgery isn't preventing him from enjoying the damn ball.

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"Was it the whole January 6 thing?"

Yes, Neil, it was that whole coup attempt.

F Fox News, seriously.

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Jun 13Liked by Charlie Sykes

Great piece! Auggie with the goggles is perfection, he just needed a red Barron style scarf.

The shark 🦈 story was one of the most unhinged rants I have seen so far and that is saying something. If Biden even remotely said something like this, they would cart him away and rightfully so!

I hate to be “that guy” but for all of these folks who can’t find a spine when it comes to Trump, I always want to ask…what would your reaction be of Obama was doing this? What would you do?

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Jun 13Liked by Charlie Sykes

Thank you for the Augie updates. The cones made me laugh. Poor guy. I know it is harder on his parents than it is on him. Cudos you all. I'm glad he's ok.

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Jun 13Liked by Charlie Sykes

Charlie! Enjoyed reading your stuff! Glad to get some regular dose of Charlie in my media diet again! The shark and battery bit is classic Trump. He thinks he's so brilliant for sharing it and yet it illustrates just how unintelligent and insane he actually is.

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Jun 13Liked by Charlie Sykes

It seems that the media creates the politics, not the other way around.

For a different reason, but there is truth in the Trump claims that “the mafia is the enemy” and in crying “fake news”.

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Why can’t Paul Ryan and others take that next step and vote for Biden? They say Trump is unfit but in a state like Wisconsin, they’ll mess around and hope their vote for Jack Kemp makes a statement. To themselves, I guess. In a red state or a blue one, ok. But in a state where every single vote matters? It seems arrogant and reckless.

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Jun 13Liked by Charlie Sykes

My thoughts and love are for Auggie Doggie! Poor little fella! My Blitz went through a similar surgery next to his eye. After two days he bounced back to his old self! As for Paul...so disappointing that he is unable to see the forest through the trees. It's obvious his hatred for democrats is stronger than his love of country! Stay well Charlie and family!!!

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