Just saw this thanks to Ron Filipkowski. Elon seems to be losing it as well. Wants to know why no one is going after Biden or Harris. https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1835482958649540717/photo/1

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Remember, the president, VEEP, senators, and Congress work for us… work for us. Would you hire Donald Trump for any job or JD Vance either?

Good grief! Not on my life! Trump was fired by us before. Let’s make it “You’re fired” twice 😎

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Charlie, please stop using highly sexualised terms like “fluffer.” As you no doubt know, it is related to preparatory porn “warm-ups.” Please do not go there; just don’t. It coarsens the discourse, offends me (and likely, other women) and when someone of your stature and eloquence employs such demeaning language, it makes me feel that regardless of outcome, Trump has already won.

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Your boys are on the job. Love seeing them.

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I think the reason why people like Megyn Kelly are so outraged is when there boy loses it will cut into their income.

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Charlie: "I said what I said!" Me: "Someone help me off the floor and assist me getting in bed. Goodnight!"

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Imo, this was the one and only debate, as Trump won’t do another one, and frankly all he has is repeating the same lies from his rallies. So now it’s about voter registration and turn out. Early voting starts in roughly 4 weeks and ballots will be mailed soon.

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Early voting starts here in Virginia next Friday!

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If Kamala could do this to Trump, what do you think Old KGB Putin can do? Wipe the floor with Donald.

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Thanks Charlie for your honesty. My girls would say Kamala slayed!

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What a debate! I knew you would get fully on board with Kamala. Your skepticism scared me for a minute. I think this has been your best Contrarian yet and another great article at The Atlantic. It’s all so exhilarating and frightening at the same time. Thanks to Eli and Auggie guarding you, the squirrels and the turkeys. Great way to remind us of what’s important in life. Thanks Charlie.

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Harris exposed what so many of us already knew — Trump can be manipulated easily by triggering his insecurities. Harris also showed us how she would conduct herself in the office — solid, methodical, measured and smart as a whip. It’s just puzzling what more the undecideds want.

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Probably a penis.

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"They're eating the cats."

Soon we'll be a country of childless catless-ladies.

“I thought that was my best Debate, EVER, especially since it was THREE ON ONE!”

It was four on one. Trump was his own worst enemy.

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Biden was never delusional.

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Charlie -Were the doggies waiting to watch the debate or getting ready to chase the mail lady?

In his confusion and reactiveness,” writes David Frum, “he seemed to have forgotten any debate strategy at all.”

Trump forgets everything as soon as it enters his brain. What comes out his mouth is either a lie or projection. This was on full display as kamala kept chumming the water and the orange one scooted around in his electric boat as he tried to escape the sharks or get electrocuted...

But seriously read this and understand the maniac's mind: https://drvincentgreenwood-89455.medium.com/the-science-behind-donald-trumps-dangerous-personality-disorder-49b3f8e416de

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I was listening to Sarah Longwell when she mentioned that one in her focus group said that it was the first time he has heard about Trump scuttling the Langford immigration bill.(Muir's question) I wouldn't be surprised if it was a FOX viewer. FOX is always silent on news that is bad about Trump.

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My husband has been a fence sitter all through this political season. He generally doesn’t pay a bit of attention to all of it and feels politics is a waste of time. He generally goes his own way. I on the other hand am a totally read in pol. I follow state, local, federal and international politics and news. At his insistence we watched the debate live (instead of my norm of tape and watch later). At the end of it he said “I’m going to go re-register to vote next week (we have COVID so he couldn’t go the next day) and I’m going to vote Democrate up and down the ticket. Any party that could nominate such a buffoon doesn’t deserve my vote.” Trump just lost a two-time Trump voter.

But I am a woman, who has fought both racism and sexism throughout my career, and I can tell you that even though VP Harris has been and probably will continue to be outstanding there are many in this country who will never vote for her (or any other woman) and will vote for the buffoon because she is a woman and he is what passes these days for a man. I am hoping that Ms. Swift’s and other young influencers’ urging will get out the unregistered young people who do not have such a foolish bias and motivate them to vote.

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