Great read. The problem is trump supporters will never read anything even that in-depth, it’s needs to fit on a meme. With explosions or beer cans in the background.

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Charlie, the dogs and Wisconsin sunset are a treat❤️ Trump and the RNC are counting on the ignorance of the MAGA base who wouldn’t know a tariff if it hit them on the head. If I were a betting person, I would have bet there was no way the Republican Party would go insane. As a retired nurse, I easily recognize Trump as a Narcissistic Personality Disorder Sociopath. He is classic. His picture could be in the DMS-5.

I don’t think we can convince the MAGA minions to see the truth, but perhaps regular Republicans who are now party-less and independents will accept education on the insanity version of economics and vote for democracy and Joe Biden. Keep up the good fight. We need you to hang in there.

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Does anyone remember what Trump's Bachelor of Science degree is in? ECONOMICS!

Is there any doubt that he did not do a lick of work on his degree? Based on this Tariff idea, I am absolutely certain that Daddy paid someone to get that degree for Donald.

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Daddy paid for his Gentleman’s degree, as it was known in the Ivies. Ex taught at Yale so I am aware of the bullshit of an Ivy League degree… can you say legacy or largesse?

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Biden should just ask Trump to name the Commandments he hasn't violated.

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I don't think Trump knows any of the Commandments except "Thou, the Donald, shalt have the ability to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue with impunity." - and while he has a limited vocabulary, he is woefully familiar with the four-syllable word "impunity".

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Charlie - You’re the best! Great post! I am unplugging when I am in Alaska in August… can’t wait and thanks for the advice on how to do it! Vote smart everyone! TFG = Mad man

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In addition to being the picture of joy, Pete was very handsome. Love your dog pics.

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Pete! ❤️

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

Wowza! What a sunset. Thank you.

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

Ah! Dogs at the beginning and the end. What a great add, Charlie. And, yes, a break is, indeed, warranted and appreciated.

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

Take the unplugged time that you need. Just know that my political-commentary world will wobble a little bit less on its axis when you're back. You, and the boys. And the lake.

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

The best explanation I have heard lately about how to understand Trump is simply to view him as living in a 24/7 “reality tv” show where he is always on stage as the star. The more original he is with fresh outrageous ideas, the better for his ratings. Twenty-five percent of viewers eat it up with a spoon, the rest look on with a range of reactions from fascinated disgust to absolute horror. And we can’t cancel the guy because he has his own network. Nor is he a professional politician who has policy in any sense. He is simply a self perpetuating narcissist on constant display who has perfected media manipulation and how to grift his way into the richest and more powerful office on earth.

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So very well put.

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

Thou shall not kill is a big one for him. Ask the families of thousands of folks who died from COVID because they believed what Trump told them that it was no big deal when Trump at the same time told Woodward it was bad. Really bad.

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

So good to see you relaxing at the lake with the pooches, Charlie. We know how hard you were working when still with The Bulwark, writing and doing multiple shows, traveling. While we miss you immensely (love to still see you on MSNBC!) there, it's great to see this!

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

I agree with Jdickerson. Good question!

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Jun 22Liked by Charlie Sykes

I, too, love the dog pics : ) And bookending, at beginning and end. But sunset photos are a very close second : ) Excellent explanation of why tariff replacement makes no sense and what the ramifications would be. More Trump insanity. Hope the CEO's are thinking about this, hard. Always learn and laugh reading your newsletter, and the dry (or gallows) humor is much needed relief from the Trump migraine. Look forward to every post : )

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