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Regarding the sexual smears: every accusation by maga/trump is a confession

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Did anyone see Michael Smerconish's interview with the mother of the soldier who Trump visited their grave site?

Oh my God. it was amazing! First, she had no idea what TikTok is. So that had to be explained. She then explained that the President and VP were also invited but only Trump took her up on her offer. Smerconish asked her about the appropriateness of being used for campaigning which apparently she had not realized she and her dead daughter had been so carelessly used by Trump & Co. and that seemed to end the interview.

The bottom line is that she is the epitome of the uninformed voter and explained so much about why Trump gets away with everything.

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This might be inconsiderate to her, but WHY would she ask the President and VP of the US to a private memorial ceremony? What makes her so special among the other 330,000,000 US residents that the President should attend what should be a private family/friends moment?

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I think she was just trying to look non-partisan.

The problem was that she asked Trump, the President and VP maybe a week in advance to attend. That is hardly enough time for any high up government official, least of all the President or VP, to clear their calendar to make such an event.

Had this been an actual official event, Harris or Biden would have attended and Trump would have been playing golf.

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Don't know if it's the same woman, but I saw a Trump campaign ad a couple of hours ago featuring one of the women who invited the Orange Snake praising Trump for going and blaming Harris for the death of her child. Also claiming that Harris and Biden were invited. Talk about narcissistic entitlement. Again, what makes HER so special that the President of the US and the VP have to attend what should be a private memorial for her dead child?

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The woman I saw on Smerconish did not realize she was in a Trump political ad, but I suppose she could have been fibbing to Smerconish.

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This is for Charlie. Reading “The Great Influenza” about in preparing for war (in secret) the US discovered that we imported much of our drugs and medical equipment. So opened companies to provide everything needed at home, during a war. I can’t imagine our situation now, but before we rattle any swords, don’t you think we need to make sure we can provide medical care without imports? I know out of the blue… but think of what we import from China and India. Yikes!

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Are We still going to call Trumpers who attend his carnival shows, just misguided victims of economic downturns? After 8 years, these people are not fine upstanding citizens. They are all in for the name calling and ridiculing. Let's hope enough of us have had enough of these despicable people and Trump.

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It is disgusting and despicable that the news media ignores this. If Joe Biden or Kamala Harris posted such stuff on Twitter or anywhere else it would make front page headlines.😣. The man is no leader… He’s a wannabe dictator.!

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TFG created the messy Afghanistan departure with setting the timeline in stone and Biden being stuck trying to honor it. But that’s not what boils my blood. My great uncle is buried at Arlington and even though I went as a toddler to visit the grave I was fully aware of the importance. My uncles on my dad’s side served and they still had military funerals (WW2) but were interred at the family plot in Wakefield, Virginia except my last uncle who retired as a colonel and is buried at the military cemetery in central Florida. TFG has desecrated Arlington for his greedy need to have adoration from a family that is so brainwashed that they were grinning ear to ear in his nasty photo!

Say what you will but honestly it’s too bad the guy in PA missed. The right side of his brain isn’t being used anyways (emotion, visual and spatial awareness, creativity, music, social cues) so no big loss other than an orange blob that couldn’t speak or type on his phony social media app. I hope I outlive him so I can deposit some bodily fluids on his grave unless he’s buried next to Ivanna then it will be overgrown with weeds and golfers will never know what’s in the rough.

Now I will tell God I’m sorry for saying and thinking that and sometime he will forgive me.

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"Trump Manages to Spoil One of Our Few Remaining Sacred Spaces - The Bulwark"

I know this space is sacred, but has he really spoiled it?

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Why isn't the "normal" media screaming about the insanity and insensitivity of giving "thumbs up" at a cemetery???

This is beyond derangement...and 47% of the country support him...now that is insanity mixed with ignorance.

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Man, Charlie, I wish I could nap as your pup seemingly is enjoying.

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That Trump can behave so contemptibly on so many occasions and still be (a) the nominee of a major political party for the office of President of the United States, and (b) actually be in the running to win the election is . . . discouraging. It’s been said many times of late, but it bears repeating nonetheless. We, as a nation, are not serious about our politics—which means we’re not serious about our own governance. De Maistre’s axiom, “Every nation has the government it deserves,” coupled with the present circumstances, should give us cause for national self-reflection.

But I don’t think we should expect much. Franklin may have, broadly speaking, seen this coming, prompting him to quip, in response to a query about what kind of government the Constitutional Convention had given the new nation, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

It’s not clear to me that we are willing to do the work necessary to keep it. I don’t mean just in this election. The current mess has been a long time coming, and there’s nothing even suggesting a guarantee that we won’t get more of the same in the future, near and far.

Enough of all that, though. Who’s your favorite dark horse team to make the expanded College Football Playoff?

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The insult to the public is that Trump's lunacy isn't first and foremost on all "normal" media outlets.

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You point out what is truly the most depressing aspect of all of this, which is not Trump’s ignorant, vulgar, boorish & classless behavior but the millions of p

Americans gleefully lapping it up chortling appreciatively at the vileness.

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Always look forward to your thoughts. Always look forward to seeing your pups. Thanks.

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Jesus. He is insane in this weirdo lie filled rant. It’s so not mentally stable. His cult is literally full of insane people. https://youtu.be/oZa5WIPGR-A?si=Za-lQ7IO4p5Sv22C

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Once Again Trump isn't being accountable for what happened. He won't be charged because of the physical intimidation of those who would bring charges. He has already come out with the campaign ad shot at Arlington. He knows he can get away with anything.

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