Secretariat’s a great movie! Your dogs rock. We rescued what was supposed to be an emotional support dog for my daughter. Unfortunately, Coacoa, the dog needs as much or more emotional support than my daughter. Turns out, emotional support is like the Game of Monopoly, the bank can never go broke per the rules. You find whatever you can within you and use it as the emotional support “money” to continue the game. Vote Harris/Walz = democracy!

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Beautiful dogs❤️❤️

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Trump’s day of terror is a narcissistic sociopath’s wet dream. Get even day.

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Re: dog with beer photo - please Auggie don't start hitting the sauce already. We've got over a month to go

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Mike DeWine epitomizes the utterly pathetic nature of Republican men since the advent of Trump. Squishy. Weak. Fearful. Republican men should required to wear a button saying "Cowards R Us!"

For all of their bluster (sanctimonious liar Bill Bennett comes to mind) about "values," they've revealed themselves as having no values outside the toxic sludge provided by their god Trump.

Mike DeWine proves his credentials as a stupid, ignorant, & evil Trump cult member. This, despite his ersatz moderate Republican credentials. He's shown us his truth. They are so weak and sad. Same for that jerk Sununu. And they might win. America should be ashamed.

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Hugs and kisses to Eli and Auggie!! I was pleased to read that Jeff Flake has endorsed Kamala/Walz. There are some who have stood against Trump and sacrificed power. Flake is evidence that there is life after Trump.

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My stomach hurts.

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I just let a good friend go over her selfish ways. She is always griping about patriotism being gone , then she brings up Colin

Kapernik for the millionth time. Now she insisted she is not Maga but is voting for trump because of her small business, when confronted with truth then she was afraid for our national security. Now this is a person whose dad was a pow In Korea and constantly is about patriotism . The Arlington situation with trump or the medal of honor vs medal of freedom fiasco didn't make a dent. As a veteran I was deeply hurt. But she can't understand why I am upset. Said she didn't do anything to hurt me and takes offense. 😪 I believe that she is now Maga.

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Thanks Charlie. Thank Auggie and Eli. Secretariat is a great movie. The debate had no winner? Walz may have showed nerves but he knew the mission. Who was JD talking about? Because it bore no relation to what I observe daily in the taRump rallies and speeches. And did he lose the 2020 election? He failed

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God bless those pups! God bless the sane among us!

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DeWine is an idiot if he thinks he can manage Insane Clown from within. Does anyone think they can manage Putin from within? Anyone who tries gets thrown in jail or out a window.

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Harris really needs to drop a " Daisy" ad bomb on Trump. But instead of it being about whose finger is on the button of our nuclear weapons, it would be about "the taking" as people are grabbed all over the country for deportation. Remember this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eli%C3%A1n_Gonz%C3%A1lez#/media/File%3AJim_Goldman_and_Elian_Gonzalez.jpg

Now think of an ad with similar images except the takers are dressed in black, no ID, no insignia, dark goggles so the takers can't be identified. The people they assault try showing their papers and passports, which are just knocked to the floor. They are dragged away screaming. The voice over saying that they were guilty, guilty of having the wrong last name, or other such "errors" that have doomed them to deportation. Make it terrifying. I got my passport renewed early. It may not protect me, but I have it if I need to / can escape.

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Everytime I read that Trump is supported by Hispanic men who are citizens, I think that it won't matter if they have papers. There attackers won't care about their stinking papers. Your brown that's enough.

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OMG I never saw that photo and don't remember the story. Thank you for sharing it!

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Yeah, way back, 24 years ago now. It was a huge story at the time.

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It sure was. What's not well remembered is that Elian's father kidnapped his son. The mother had legal custody. To me, this was another example of America's idiotic obsession with Cuba. Get over it!

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Mr. Henri, my neighbour from Germany, once explained to me how Hitler happened. It happens when people do not stand up in the face of knowingly wrong acts, it happens slowly and methodically from one instance of violence to accepted acts of more intense and longer acts of violence. The remaining begin to tuck their heads and look to escape lest you are noticed and attract attention. Society begins to act like abuse victims trying to tamp down explosions of anger to keep everything smooth. Unfortunately this does not work, crazy is going to crazy and spreading hate is an aphrodisiac.

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You are 100% right.

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Some days, I can't handle anymore, and after reading a few paragraphs, I have to skip right to the dogs. Thank you SO MUCH for THE DOGS.

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I agree - the dogs are great and necessary!

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Watching the Bulwark thrive has been such a joy, and this substack is a thoughtful and exceptional coda that I'm so grateful for.

So I'm dying to know, what's your weapon of choice in that glass?

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My guess is a single malt scotch.

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I watched a documentary about J6. Much is told from those that rioted.

I believe the title was something like” the other side of Jan6?”

I sat downcast and saddened that so many ;

1) Believed the count in. 2020 was wrong

2) Many voiced they had a right to all 50 states recounting again. A transparent vote.

When all 50 states and multiple counties count: I believe it is a transparent vote.

3) those attending many appeared to feed off thr leader telling said lies” DT, Ali Alexander, Mike Flynn, Bannon, especially A Jones, Fuentes, many militant minds, stone.

4) many claimed the constitution. But called for revolution.

5) DT stoked the flames. The only time he finally said go home, was when he saw and was told the capital was secure.

This is incitement as well when you have that voice to stop something.

If you have lied and gotten others to stir the mob.

6) Watch this and decide for yourself. I watched the entire time trying to place myself in their position.

I could come up with logical conclusions.

1) if you believed in Constitution and rule of law why would you feel this was the only way to get a proper count done?

2) If you believed u are right? Why would u for evenly hurt those in Security?

3) why would you hit, fight , go into Pelosi desk?

4) why would u fight forcibly, the police?

5) Were u really fighting for a just cause ? Or just looking for an event to feel relative?

I found the whole thing eye opening.

You draw your own conclusions.

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These people are not good, law abiding people. They are miscreants who loved the idea of being a mindless force of destruction.

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I believe that far fewer people would insist that the election was stolen if Trump didn't say so. He said ahead of time "The only way they can win is by cheating." He was never going to accept a loss as legitimate, under any circumstances.

When he then claimed he really had been cheated, it was taken as gospel by all the MAGAs who - bizarrely - regard him as a great truth-teller standing up to a corrupt establishment and exposing its dirty secrets. He was the president, so he must know the facts!

If he had told his base what his aides and hired investigators were telling him -- that the claims of fraud were unfounded -- most Trumpers would probably have accepted it, because why would he say he lost if he had reason to doubt it?

So the main cause of the attack, and the fake electors, and the ongoing schemes to counteract some mostly imaginary fraud - i.e., to overturn results deemed unacceptable - was the psychopathic malignant narcissism of Donald Trump, an enormously destructive force in our politics.

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