Please leave Elvis out of it. He was the most influential entertainer of the 20th Century and a loving human being. He doesn't deserve your derisive comparison with Donald Trump or your carelessly cruel comments based on "common knowledge" which is oh-so often incorrect. Please, either stop mentioning Elvis or educate yourself about him. You can start with "Destined to Die Young", by Sally Hoedel or "The Strange Medical Saga of Elvis Presley", by Dr. Forest Tennant. Besides, were you as young and beautiful at 42 as you were at 22? Were you ever as beautiful as Elvis in 1969? I didn't think so.

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As Trump has said many times, he doesn’t need votes to win. He’s going to cheat again. He has MAGA surrogates in place that ultimately will not sign off on a State’s election results they will call for a new slate of electors and the House (full of MAGA peons) will decide the election. Trump’s meltdown over Kamala is maybe a distraction? Bottom line he will do whatever he has to do, with Project 2025 in his back pocket to destroy Freedom in America and the free world. VOTE people VOTE!

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The Right will run roughshod over all the court rules - they already have. I think more rules absolutely need to be in place to address the BS shenanigans

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ABC's Rachel Scott did an excellent job. Clearly, Trump is not accustomed to actual journalists.

Kamala gives me hope! But we can’t be complacent, we need to educate swing state and Independent voters to vote Democratic.

Focus for Democracy has cost-effective, time-tested programs to generate Democratic votes in swing states. Only $300 spent on outreach gets a Democratic vote, in contrast with other options that cost thousands just to get 1 vote. They actually have research to back this up. Focus for Democracy has decades of experience crafting effective campaign messages. Sign up for their next Zoom - https://bit.ly/F4D7Aug - it's Wed. Aug 7 at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT. They do a zoom every 2 weeks; they explain how they test and refine messages that generate more Democratic votes, particularly in battleground states. And they track the results. They need donations. But those who can't donate, you can forward Focus4Democracy's info to everyone you know. https://www.focus4democracy.org

Right now is a critical time in the campaigns.

Downballot races matter too. State Congress, governors, and judges are sometimes elected. States are particularly important in protecting abortion rights and voter rights if Trump is re-elected. Visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money nationwide - and we can also email our friends around the country.

Who will join me in taking action?

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"How would they feel if it was Donald Trump, as part of his 2025 agenda, who was proposing a dramatic change to the composition and independence of the Supreme Court?"

Republicans are have an insane 6-3 majority right now--a majority they are using to brazenly overturn decades of established jurisprudence.

How could it get worse?

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Trump would do away with a court, or pack it. What ever his handlers want. I'm for the democracy, and what ever it takes to repair it. The last twenty five years has been a slow assault from the right. Enough so, I've been voting democrat for decades. No Christofascist state. If the Republicans want to play that card, let them wonder around in a political desert for 40 years with their golden calf. I've been a fan of sorts of yours for years Charlie. I miss you at The Bulwark.

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The SCOTUS is not conservative. That is a misnomer. SCOTUS is corrupt. Bought by Billionaires. Discarding precedent. Speak the truth

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Nothing new here. This is classic Donald Trump showing us who he has always been.

Trump was in his classic abuser DARVO mode: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.

He heard his own rude words spoken back to him, then accused the woman who quoted them of being the rude one, then claimed to be a victim because the event started late, a technical issue she had nothing to do with.

Trump was in his classic racist mode: Denying VP Kamala Harris's identity as a Black woman, claiming she "switched" her identity from Indian to Black when she has always proudly claimed the heritage of both of her parents.

Trump was in his classic misogynistic mode: Claiming he wasn't certain if VP Harris passed the bar exam, implying that a woman could have served as a prosecuting attorney and a state Attorney General without having first met the basic qualifications of earning a law degree and passing the state bar exam.

Trump was in his classic delusional mode: Challenging VP Harris to a cognitive health exam and questioning her ability to pass the California bar exam when he daily shows signs of cognitive decline and has a history of paying others to take college entrance exams for him.

This is the best version of Donald Trump we're ever going to get from now on. His cognitive decline will only increase daily as will his sense of grievance and entitlement.

Kamala Harris for President!

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Rethinking SCOTUS is not wrong…it’s needed. Lifetime appointments in age where people live so much longer should be curtailed. 30-40 years is just too long. 18 years is plenty!

It creates rot.

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Biden’s proposals require an amendment. Something has been done 27 times before. Hardly unprecedented.

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If nothing is done about the Supreme Court, we won't have clean water, safe food or womens rights by the time Clarence and Alito have the decency to expire. I mean retire.

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Nice job … if you can get it, right?

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I’m sitting here watching Simone Biles mop the floor with her final floor routine. So proud of her and her leadership on the American team. Congratulations 💖 on your stellar career❣️

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It seems that time off did her a lot of good. I'm really glad to see theses athletes stepping back when the mental pressure gets to be too much. These kids are so young.

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What a great piece of news about the prisoner swaps. Quite the deal to pull off, but Biden and his team got it done. Congratulations to them and welcome home to those released.

Something has to be done about the Supreme Court. The ethics issue alone is a freaking mess, but lifetime positions is just looking for trouble, particularly when the court becomes political as it has now (Amy Coney Barrett being an exception). But a President cannot be the leader of this effort. This is a process that must be lead by Congress and in a bi-partisan manner.

Finally, Donald's dumpster fire from yesterday. Wow! I agree with George Conway that whoever on the Trump team that set that appearance up deserves an award for being a true patriot. Trump could not have performed better if we would have asked him. However, I hope other journalists took notes because this is how the Orange Great One needs to be treated by the media. We're done with just accepting the BS and it's time to start holding him accountable.

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In the spirit of the Paris Olympics, I give Trump’s performance at the NABJ a 10 out of 10. For those of us who want to see him get crushed by Harris in November, that could not have gone better. He sustained excellence for the entire interview and stuck the landing. He sure shored up the terminally online, stuck in the rabbit hole, white racist vote; sadly for baby man, that’s not a vote he was at risk of losing. For all the other voters out there, I guess he’s not interested in earning their votes. The whole prison cell of Damocles over his head this election is apparently not enough motivation to get him to regroup and recalibrate his message now that his opponent is a black woman. Archie Bunker can’t seem to figure out it’s 2024.

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The Court issue is likely bait in order to get the Court to move towards some real Ethics reforms. “Either do this, or we do that.”

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