Gosh, Nervous Nellies! It was a just a debate for God’s sake. Sadly, a debate is more performance than practical substance, and that fits right in with Trump’s skill. But Let’s not bury Joe yet.

Check out John Fetterman’s opinion on this topic of Biden abandonment, especially after his own poor performance, yet he was still victorious over the likable Dr Oz in 2022

There’s still a lot of campaign left and Biden can bounce back with more teleprompted speaking of his real accomplishments, not just the bluster and false BS that Donnie offers. If Joe adds “repeatable, catchy” attack phrases on Donnie, then that’s what will put Trump on the defensive. And that’s where the focus should be; on the pure unfitness of Donald Trump. He’s given us plenty of examples!

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The press once again attacks Biden while minimizing the mad elephant in the room. This judgement on a curve is how Trump came to power. It gave us a SCOTUS believes he's above the law. Biden at his worst is still far better as an institutionalist than Trump could ever be. Debating isn't a presidential skill. Decision making is. In a qualified room of expert advisors, not in a room full of yes men.

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Nice try, but it's all bullshit. IF BIDEN STEPS DOWN, TRUMP WILL WIN. Obama had a bad debate. Clinton had a bad debate. Joe had a bad debate. So what?! Joe is still doing the job with the help of a lot of smart, dedicated people. There is no reason to think that he can't continue to do a great job. If he does falter during his next term he has a highly capable VP to take over the reigns. Trump is Hitler 2.0 and must never enter the Oval Office ever again. Biden must win!

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I too have done that but have now stopped. I think it is an outdated useless marketing strategy! It is like the Republicans are controlling social media while the Dems rely on the pony express! What is wrong with us? A friend of mine who was once quite involved in politics always says, Republicans are mean and Democrats are stupid. I am beginning to see just that!

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I will vote for Biden. His intellect and compassion and commitment is what we need . The other side is pure evil so no thanks!

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I dunno. A guy in a wheelchair with polio and an obese cigar-smoking alcoholic defeated a psychopathic dictator. The guy in the wheel chair brought the country out of the Great Depression and established economic safety nets we take for granted today. If Joe should become capacitated in office, Kamala will carry on. Point is, it’s clear the Dems must govern both Executive and Legislative branches, since the Judiciary is corrupted by its own lack of judicial restraints.

I don’t need to see Joe on the campaign trail. He’s fine behind the desk doing his job.

What is wrong with a people who accept the gruesome character that is Trump because he seems more animated and vigorous when he walks and talks?

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Hooray for fear! I hope it "scares straight" every Democrat and independent voter ... straight to donate to Dem campaigns and to vote straight BLUE in November.

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Question is… if not Biden, then who? Who at this late date can rally the country to keep tRump out of office.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Here’s another good argument for why Biden should retire from the race: Any candidate the the dems put up, who defeats Trump in 2024 will have the potential for TWO terms and all the advantages that incumbency normally brings with it in 2028. Biden is a selfish old fool if he thinks he is the only Dem who can beat Trump. Even at this late date, it’s not too late. There are many options, but the only one Biden would consider would also be the most financially advantageous one to the new candiate: He passes the Torch to his VP and Kamala Harris gets his delegates and campaign cash. That’s not the only way, but this is the way if Biden finally agrees it’s time for him to retire. It won’t be the most popular way, because of Harris’ poll numbers, however, she is vetted, she is highly competent, she is experienced and she would rip Trump to shreds if he were foolish enough to agree to debate her. But here is the most important reason of all for Harris to become the choice for a replacement candidate: She wouldn’t lose in 2024! If the media and the DNC got fully behind her as they almost surely would she would defeat Trump. Harris wouldn’t have been my first choice if it had been an open primary with Biden announcing in 2022 that he’s not going to seek reelection. But that not what happens. Where we are now though is she’s a completely acceptable choice to EVERY person who is going to vote for Biden, and she’ll bring a lot of people off their couches who aren’t going to vote for whatever reason. She would be completely acceptable to the Never Trump republicans. She would fire up the POC vote, the Women’s vote the Pro Choice vote and she would silence the critics of the Biden Trump rematch giving millions of voters a perfectly acceptable reason to not vote for either of them and to not simply waste their vote by voting for any third party candidate. Harris / Whitmer 2024 anyone? No? Okay, okay how ‘bout Harris / Booker 2024? Still no? Okay then what about Harris / Buttigieg 2024? NO? alright. Final fucking offer: Harris / Cooper (Roy not Sarah)

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If the Biden that showed up Thursday evening had been the one on display in Raleigh the day after The Great Debate Debacle, there would have been a real chance that the Democratic Party’s spinmeisters would have managed to assuage the growing anxieties of the Not-Trump-But-Is-Joe-Really-Up-To-It group of right-center and moderate-centrist voters. But let’s be realistic about Raleigh. To say the man named Biden was ‘en fuego’ on the North Carolina stage is simply lying. Sure, he had more energy and was more frequently on-task than on Thursday night, but that’s very much like saying that Phoenix gets triple the annual rainfall of Death Valley: true, but both are still freaking deserts, people.

I’ll happily stipulate, just to get past some of the nonsense, that Biden is a kind, good man who loves his country and has worked hard for decades to help make America a better place, etc., etc. But, like the warnings about how the past performance of a stock fund doesn’t predict future results, that doesn’t mean we should just blindly pour more time, effort, and money into the cause. A. J. Foyt is a legendary race car driver, one of the best who’s ever lived, and he’s done more for American auto racing than just about anybody, winning the Indy 500 four times. But, although it’s his name on the banner for AJ Foyt Racing, it would be incredibly stupid to put him behind the wheel of the team’s car in the next big race. He’s simply not up to it anymore.

The same is true of Joe Biden. Protesting that he’s a kind, good family man, a patriot, and devoted to democracy, civil rights, and All That is Good doesn’t change two simple facts: (1) he’s no longer up to the job, and (2) everyone who’s paying attention knows it.

And now there’s number (3): Joe Biden cannot win the election in November. Let’s pause for a moment while the hard-core Bidenites scream about how he’s defied expectations before, he’s a fighter, blah, blah, blah. Again, same is true of A. J. Foyt, George Foreman, George Brett, and more. No one realistically expects Foyt to race Indy cars, to see Foreman back in the championship ring, or Brett to bat third in an MLB playoff series, as much as we might like those things to happen one last time.

Is voting for Biden better than voting for Trump? Well, sure, if that’s the only other choice. But the problem the Dems don’t seem willing to acknowledge is that there are people out there who are NOT devoted Never-Trumpers, and who are willing to vote for the candidate they see as something perhaps best described as The Less Unfit. For the (only modestly politically educated and attuned) American voters who watched even just a smidgen of the disastrous performance Biden gave, the simple matter is that Trump presented an image of being clearly Less Unfit. Despite the lies (“They all do that anyway”), his recently acquired convicted felon status (not exactly featured during the debate, and routinely seen by many to be a result of political enemies “out to get him” and “rigging the system”), and—ahem—his prior attempts to, yes, steal an election, he still had vigor. He was defiant, proud, and able to utter complete sentences.

It’s sometimes said that JFK won in 1960 when Nixon looked so bad on television in their debate. There’s of course more to that story, but it’s also true that Kennedy *looked* more fit, more attractive, more capable. More like a leader.

Trump, warts and all, definitely looked more like a leader.

Claire McCaskill, former U. S. Senator from Missouri, recognized and stated the key fact—that, in the debate, Joe Biden had one thing he simply had to do, and he failed to do it. But it’s worse than that. Not only did he fail to do it, but he performed so dismally that any reasonable assessment almost necessarily concludes that he *simply cannot do it*—the ‘it’ here being simply giving a consistent appearance of competence. The actual job? <shudder> One doesn’t even wish to ponder that.

The editors of the NYT are, at least in this instance, correct: It’s time to for Biden to withdraw. The sooner, the better. The country simply deserves a better choice. I’m sure that’s painful for President Biden and his close associates and family to hear. But it’s the truth, and they need to hear it. Because the question isn’t whether the country would be better off with a second Biden term, but whether there’s any reasonable chance that the country might elect Biden to that second term—and the answer to that is ‘No.’

A head of lettuce, a distemper-stricken squirrel, or one’s favorite slime mold—take your pick—could be elected to the White House and be a better choice than Trump. But that’s not going to happen, either. Biden and the Democratic Party need to recognize this and act accordingly.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Claire McCaskill is spot on! The Biden campaign needs to get the President out in the media every day to prove that he can operate without a teleprompter. If you do not, what are you hiding? Could it be that what we saw on Thursday night is how he works every day? Are the Hur comments accurate after all?

Perception is reality folks! And the perception right now is that he's a doddering old man that cannot keep his mind straight. That needs to be fixed and fixed immediately. If that cannot be fixed or you are unwilling to take that simple step, then you need to get the President out of the way and get people in place that can kick Trump's ass in November.

That is NOT bed wetting folks! That is the opinion of sensible, intelligent people that want to win in November and not end up under the rule of a tyrant.

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Just no Charlie… you are putting all your eggs in one basket.

Yes, the debate stage was awful optics.. from the guy who flew back and forth across the Atlantic several times earlier in the month and did/said good things.. which got crap for press, except for a crappy out take trying to make it appear he “wandered off” despite him going over to meet a service man who has just parachuted in.

Do better!!

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I’m voting for Biden but now I don’t expect him to win or drop out. I think we need to think of some ways of we can survive a second Trump and make sure we have a real election in 2028.

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“But we all saw it. Fifty million Americans saw it.” Charlie - the whole world saw it and those in Estonia, Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Sweden felt it. Xi, Putin and the Iranian Revolutionaries loved it. Allies like Australia, UK, Japan saw it and took an extra breath

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What amazes me is that he supposedly rehearsed on a mock stage, and I do not understand how anyone could not have we seen the look of befuddlement on his face. Did no one coach him on this? Forget all the other verbal failures. He looked like a man 15 years his senior. Who prepped this guy?

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