An episode of Trump’s new sci-fi series - Trump’s Imaginary World 2.0

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Hey got to say it’s nice seeing photos of your dogs. I was a big fan of Pete.

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Thanks for column. I’m sorry we were all subjected to that speech. It managed to be both disgusting AND boring. Ugh.

Thanks also for Lech Walesa’s letter—an inspiration for all of us trying to maintain the good parts of ‘what it means to be an American.

I found Trudeau’s press conference yesterday worth a listen (embedded here, where I compared it with Trump’s speech: https://www.trackingproject2025.com/p/more-tariffs-and-we-are-just-getting), and today, Macron’s call to arms in Europe also gives me hope for the survival of liberalism.

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Elisa Slotkin was on point

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IMO, it was a mistake for Slotkin to invoke Reagan. The absolute last thing the Dems should be doing is praising the man who set the U.S. on the road to Agent Orange. There is NOTHING to admire about Ronnie Raygun, and the Dems keep shooting themselves in the foot by trying to out-right-wing the right-wingers.

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Absolutely right: this was a bad week to stop sniffing glue! Thanks for another insightful piece. I am especially grateful that you shared Lech Walesa’s letter. I was coming of age when this visionary man came to power. He was a hero of the free world, and remains a voice we should listen to.

Regarding the response of the Democrats, I am becoming increasingly confused. They are perpetually criticized for having an ineffective response, but every pundit I read or listen to has different - often opposing - ideas. “Make noise, protest loudly, even if you get dragged out of meetings or events. Act with decorum and decency, because protesting makes you look like lunatics. Don’t act with decorum because you appear weak. Do nothing, just wait for the regime to implode, then step in and rescue the country. Don’t just sit there and do nothing while our national is in peril!” I would love a bit of wisdom on this issue.

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The mixed messages re Dem responses is exactly why the Dems are so ineffectual. They need to get a grip, decide they're going to take a stand, and stop backing down. Be LOUD. Stop being polite and following decorum. Continually being good boys and girls is bringing wet noodles to machine gun fights.

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Tom Nichols actually responded to my reply on BlueSky last night when I said I wasn’t watching the shit show to give Trump those so coveted ratings. Of course Tom said that there wasn’t tv ratings on a SOTU speech but there really is and someone said only if you have a Nielsen box which is also a lie cause streaming services keep those numbers too. I tried to catch Maddow fact check and excoriate but I waited too long. I had to take some time away from my emails for my self care. But I’m back reading now so look out for the snark of a fun sized person who has an intolerance for bullshit.

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What happened last November?

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Didn't watch the carnival at the Capitol. From all accounts it seems an intersection of Neil Postman's prophetic 40 year-old book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, and Jonestown.

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Cock-splaining ... excellent.

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Democrats should have all walked out when Green was tossed out.

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I love photos where dogs "hold paws."

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I'm sorry but of all the mtgs in the world, I'll take an AL green any day of the week. Passionately for his America is not a bad thing and if the guy from Texas took anything out of my hands and ripped it up, he would have gotten a swift kick in the balls. You take the high ground Charlie, I'll kick some ass. It's time

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Could not agree more, Cathy.

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I agree, Mr. Sykes. Senator Slotkin's official response was well written, salient, concise, and delivered beautifully. Many kudos to Senator Slotkin and the team that produced the official response. I hope Senator Slotkin rises up in the ranks to participate in leadership of the Democratic Party. Senator Schumer needs to step aside.

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Re: Slotkin - “and even invoked Ronald Reagan to shame Trump’s Republican fluffers.” Reagan is no longer relatable. That ship sailed decades ago. Today’s 30 & 40 somethings don’t remember him, newly minted voters not at all. The Republican Party I grew up in, in the 60s and 70s is looonnnngggg gone. I think using Reagan as a yardstick anymore is a foolish endeavor, and maybe it was all a lie all along.🤔

The Republicans have no shame, no ethics, no morals. It’s all cheap hits, insults, kayfabe, FOX News hits, corruption and self -dealing.

It’s WWE.

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I have nothing but respect for Lech Walesa. And every word he said is true. But, djt is not Woodrow Wilson. djt is not Franklin Roosevelt. They were statesmen. They believed in the dignity of man. They were capable of seeing the bigger picture. They understood the struggle that took place to establish America. They respected the men and women who fought and died and were maimed fighting for this country. They respected the American presidency. djt views everything in the world through the lens of what he can get out of it. djt’s extortion attempts on President Zelenskyy perfectly encapsulate djt’s view of the world. djt gives not a thought to the death and destruction in Ukraine. There are things in Ukraine he can monetize and there’s not a lot he wouldn’t have others do for him to get it.

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