Damn,I must be on par with Mr.Bump. I referred to Ol Corey the Cu$t as Convicted Felon Trumps Linus blanket in one of my Facebook rants. 😂

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Who actually is Catturd and are we allowed to punch him? I'm asking for a friend I would never do that.

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As a country and as a people we deserve so much better than Trump. Shame on those Maga idiots dragging us down.

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It tells me the Republican nominee is losing.

Corey L. is not a trained or experienced political campaign professional.

Trump didn’t win in 2016 because of Corey. Trump won only because enough Dems didn’t turnout and vote. They will this time. More of other parties will too.

No real American will vote for any candidate who tries to overthrow our government. You can bank on it.

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Frankly, I think bringing this sleazebag is a positive development for the Harris campaign. It means Trump will continue his campaign of all insults all the time. And maybe, some of the rational undecideds will realize he offers no policy solutions to help ordinary Americans.

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I didn’t realize you could buy The Presidential Medal of Freedom! Holy Cow! What’s next buying a Supreme Court jurist? Holy Moly

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Folks, the Georgia board of elections has been taken over by election-denier Republicans. Due to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, if the states’ electors can’t agree by Dec. 12, the House of Representatives decides where their votes go - which can determine the next president. This is how Trump could “win” even if he loses the electoral college.

See these articles - Rachel Maddow explains it - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/19/opinion/trump-election-vote-certification.html -

Also - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/19/opinion/trump-election-vote-certification.html

A group called Fair Fight is working against the extremists' attempts to illegally cancel voters' registrations. The extremists are submitting records stating that some registered voters are felons, or are deceased – all lies. Check out https://www.fairfight.com/ They help registered voters who were illegally purged get their voting access restored. We can volunteer at Fair Fight, donate money, whatever we can do.

Let's get moving, folks!

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Remember, if the Dems win the House (a possibility now), then it will be a moot point. Congress gets sworn in BEFORE January 6, not after.

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So we have to make sure that the Democrats win the house

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Actually I looked that up and Congress gets sworn in in January just like everyone else

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What gets me is all these cops endorsing a known felon! No wonder why we don’t trust the cops! Oh and you forgot Jason Miller, isn’t he still around? Real upstanding guy there.

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Dunno, Harris looks pretty good as the devil. lil Donnie poops his pants thinks she’s purty. 🍼

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Individual 1- Jr just wanted his daddy to bring in Lewandowski so the two of them, Noem, and Guilfoyle can rail fat lines and each other's SO.

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The Medal of Honor comments are stupid even by Trump standards. It's apparent he never bothered to read what sort of conduct actually gets you that medal. Trump....reading. Anyway.

The actions of these soldiers are so bold, valorous, daring, selfless, impactful, .... (I could go on for a while) that if you were writing a script for a movie, your editor would tell you to dial it back a bit because no one would believe it. If you've never read any of the descriptions, it's worth taking a few minutes and perusing a few.


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Thank you. This means a lot to me.

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“Captain” bone spurs? 😂

That generously assumes he was actually in the military and promoted.

Mr. B S should suffice.

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What has Miriam Adelsin done but give Trump and his causes money?!?! THAT deserves a Presidential Medal?!?! Talk about disgusting.

Giving it to her and Rush Limbaugh has made the PMOF meaningless

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Good news re Lewindowski being welcomed back in the fold. I agree with one Lew parable “Let Trump be Trump.” Maybe Stone will be next? Just more proof that Trump does not deserve the honor of being the President. He never did. If it weren’t for Russian misinformation, and it appears an Egyptian Pres $10m donation, along with Comey’s interference, he wouldn’t be. Lew joining the team (of one) is absolute proof about who to vote for in 2024. There is only one party that supports America and freedom. VOTE for Harris/Walz to protect freedom. There’s time for policy battles when the GOP returns from Earth2.

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Medal of Freedom has been destroyed by trumps use of it. Of course he prefers it...he gets to destroy it on whim.

Dog pix save our sanity.

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Call him Cadet Bone Spur! He was never anything more than a high school cadet at NY Military (high school) Academy. He certainly was never a captain!

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