As every thinking person has already stated, it’s unbelievable this race is THAT close, which brings me to my sad and (to me, anyway) stomach turning truth. Yes, trump and his fellow sickos are awful people and dangerous power-mongers. But it’s 40% of the American voters who are actually worse. It’s those voters who have allowed then voice and votes. It’s 40% of voters who have willingly given themselves up to lies and utter nonsense. 40% of American voters who want this. And they are certain of their warped views. Our mushy laws and weak courts don’t help. Indeed, the courts are now so compromised they sometimes make it all worse. I despair.

So now I will look at Charlie’s pup photos again, and then go take my own pup for a walk in the sunshine.

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I live in a red county and I have to say these Trump voters are not "worse." Well, maybe some are--but my friends and neighbors here are very nice people. The problem is the media stew they live in that constantly feeds them disinformation. It then becomes self-reinforcing as (almost) everyone they know agrees with them. The way the whole republican party enables Trump gives a patina of "legitimacy" to Trump's lies.

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Thanks very much for your comment. I am sure your neighbors, and so many others of their political persuasion, are pleasant, friendly people. And you’re right, they’re enveloped within a toxic stew of conspiracy theories. But. But. Do none of them ever listen to trump’s harangues and cringe? Do none of them “think” and use reason that if trump lost all his lawsuits about the previous election and that on one has ever produced any actual, visible evidence it was stolen, maybe it was not stolen after all? And even after the governor of Ohio and local Springfield mayor and police state firmly that, no, The local Haitian population are not eating pets, they still believe it? Just two examples. Our friendly neighbors are not thinking. And they are doing all of us harm. This is the tragedy our society is facing.

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59 mins ago·edited 48 mins ago

I truly thank all that is good for Eli and Auggie at the end of the post. They restore some of my sanity :)

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Eli and Auggie are two dudes!! The rest is......yikes material!

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Where are all the Evangelical preachers when the force of the almighty hits the Bible belt? They don't seem too quick to recognize the wrath of God here, do they?

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Thank you. Good grief.

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Charlie, I know this is accurate and it truly makes me sick to my stomach . How can our fellow Americans still believe in Trump? Proven documented lying for anyone willing to see truth. How can they be so radicalized as to believe all the bull? I really think there are many in that cult!

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Has anyone been keeping track of what comrade Bannon is doing while he's in jail?

In particular, is Trump's Leninist receiving visitors? Is he allowed to communicate with the outside world? I hope not.

When Bannon is released, he's likely to go into overdrive to make up lost ground. He's the one who wants to frog-march federal employees out of the Justice Department building, etc.

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I don’t care I trust in GOD at this point completely 🙏🫶😇

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Ah, you've retreated to the world of witches, warlocks and dragons, have you? Reality bites too much?

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I trust God as well. The way the early Christians did as they were led into the arena. Sadly, I don't trust many of my fellow men, including the ones who say they are christians (yes, small c).

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I know I am supposed to feel some empathy for the people who lost so much money to scammers. And I am trying, I really am. But I just can't manage to do it. Too much of me knows that they deserve it for what they are enabling in this country. Screw 'em.

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If I had less of a moral compass, I'd be on Truth scamming the sh!t out of these idiotic MAGA scumbags. That place is the web's Mos Eisley: a wretched hive of scum and villainy. And small time fraud is rarely prosecuted.

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My hope is that the movement will die with its leader. I think that is our best chance. MAGA is so utterly dependent on the person of Trump, that his demise with spell its doom. MAGA "IS" Trump.

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I'm afraid that Trump is only a useful idiot (emphasis on the word "idiot"), who came along at the right time to be useful. This pre-dates Trump and is related to the Christian Nationalist movement and the New Apostolic Reformation. Research the latter if you wonder about that. The NAR believes that they have modern day prophets who hear directly from God and several of them have received word from on High that Trump is the Chosen One to lead America to it's role as a Christian nation leading the entire world to Christ. Trump loves this, of course, because it fits right in with his vision of himself as the best human anyone has ever seen before. Believers will argue that God sometimes chooses imperfect men to accomplish his will and may cite King Cyrus of the Old Testement as an illustration. This is a useful belief for overlooking Trump's multitude of character flaws. They believe that anyone who opposes the choice of God is following Satan and is therefore evil. You can pick this belief up if you listen to interviews with his followers, but if you dig a bit you can find info about this movement which began long before Trump came down that blasted elevator.

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Trump is Jim Jones to MAGA's People's Temple.

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I hope so too, but I don't think it will for a while. Not as long as we still have the Johnsons, the Grahams, the Bannons, the Millers out there. Unless they are made to pay in some way, they're not going away soon.

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The right wing media also needs to be put out of business.

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“It doesn’t matter if the race is close. It doesn’t matter if Harris wins 270 electoral votes or 420. No margin will prevent Trump from claiming victory and MAGA from embracing his claims.”

This is what keeps me up at night. There’s a good 30% of the electorate that will never again accept election results where their opponent wins.

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This is why I just got a puppy.

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Hold it close, give it love and respect, gentle discipline when it needs it, and earn its love and devotion. If I believed as Dante did, there is a special circle in Hell for those who abuse animals. I know there is one in Purgatory where they feel the agony they inflicted on those creatures.

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All animals are a gift from heaven. ❤️

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Though I might make an exception for mosquitoes and fire ants. :-) Though I suspect they do have a purpose as well.

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My grandfather was one of Steiner’s last students (biodynamism) - everything on earth has a purpose and use. Some are metaphysical. But, he did have a bug-zapper!

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"the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." Mitch McConnell

I'm pretty sure that's too low a bar for the MAGA mob of today....I mean really...a whole 4 years of Kamala?

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Mitch is such a RINO cuck.

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You really got to the heart of the matter, explaining the mindset of the most ardent GOP voter. Believing their political rivals are evil, and unworthy of political power, means you cannot allow them to win. Especially for the Christian Nationalist crowd, that means there is no measure you won’t take to ensure your team wins. Violence is not out of the question for them.

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As always a very interesting article Charlie (spot on), and frightening. Hopefully Harris wins by a landslide and Trump goes to jail. And we all live happily ever after...

What makes me worried are the polls...why is this a close race? And why are blue-collar men from the working class supporting the lunatic?


I love the dog pictures, they make you smile everytime 😊.

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