Charlie, please don't refer to Kamala as a "progressive." That means the Far Left of my party (I'm a lifelong Liberal). She's running as a center-Left moderate, like me.

As her econ speech made clear, nothing she is running on could be characterized as "progressive."

BTW, are you aware that there are actually 4 shades of Blue/Left? See https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/11/09/beyond-red-vs-blue-the-political-typology-2/pp_2021-11-09_political-typology_00-01-png/.

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Care for a sick laugh: just saw some Congress idiot on a clip shown on MSNBC - didn't catch the name of the idiot as I was coming inside with Nomi - crowing about arresting Biden, Harris and everyone else he doesn't like, and - this is the fun part - deporting not merely illegals but also immigrants in general and ANCHOR BABIES if Trump wins. Let's see: Anchor babies: 4 of Trump's kids, his grandkids, Vance's wife and kids, and the list goes on. Maybe they'll go back 3 generations as the Nazis did in identifying Jews even among Christians. Damn - that would cover Trump as well. Hmmmmmm.

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The dogs. Just that. The dogs. They make my heart happy. Thank you.

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Sure, there's nothing wrong with a few hundred conservative/Republican endorsements of Harris. But I expect a negligible effect on the tens of millions of the stupid, ignorant, and evil Trump cult members. America is a very, very sick place.

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While I’m glad so many staunch Republicans are seeing what’s at stake and endorsing Kamala Harris, the idea that they need a “permission structure” to do so interesting and almost laughable. Really?

This group of patriots (and I agree they are acting as such in this instance) is still under the thrall of the Reagan MYTH. You know- Ronnie, at whose name every knee shall (still) bend and every head shall (still) bow. I was a college student in CA when Ronnie was Governor- spare me!

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George Will epitomizes the phrase "damning with faint praise."

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Charlie! I miss you man! How about a weekly Charlie Sykes pod?

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Still don’t understand what those other “conservative” voices are waiting for. Hoping they don’t wait too long. Sunset boys… we out here miss Pete too.

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Love pic of The Sunset Boys🫠❤️🐕

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May I copy an excerpt from this and post it in facebk?

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Of course

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It is disconcerting - to say the least - to watch one’s own country, a disturbing part of it, succumbing to a Hitler-like cult. I was born in 1950, so I was around (but hardly cognizant) for the McCarthy Red Scare but perhaps there are some similarities. (Also the reaction to Orson Welles famous “War Between the Worlds” radio cast.)

Trump and Vance lie. They lie shamelessly. Everyone knows; no one cares; the despicable come out to play.

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There's so much be sad about: Trump saw advantage siding with the White Nationalists.

He knew he couldn't win as a Democrat. He

turned to ignorant whites: all they needed was a leader who understood their hate of "vermin". Previously White Nationalists kept a low profile, but Trump was saying everything outloud and finally they had their leader.

We have all gone through so much anguish.

Now we have a candidate willing to turn the page.

I cannot count Trump's damages.

But with Harris, we have a chance to heal and

reverse his blunders.

We have alot to undo, but our new purpose and hope will guide us to a better future.

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I love the sunset boys❣️

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Since he endorsed Harris, I have thought that Will could be the biggest endorsement possible for those who are reluctant to take the plunge for Harris. I haven't heard any reaction from Trump yet about Will. It is kind a hard to call Will a rhino or part of the deep state. But I'm sure Trump will.

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Excellent article! Hear, hear! 💙🇺🇸🌊

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