Love the dogs!

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Pretty much ignore polls of registered voters. Their votes don’t matter unless they are likely to use them.

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With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel—

Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes

Hide your Elmer Gantry inclinations

Keep it all a secret, just Mark Robinson's affair

Most of all, you've got to hide your vile id

Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mr. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know

Whoa, whoa, whoa

God bless you, please, Mr. Robinson

Heaven holds a place for those who pray

Hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon

Going to the candidates debate

Laugh about it, shout about it

When you've got to choose

Every way you look at this, you lose.

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“Former President Donald Trump said if he loses the election in November, Jewish voters ‘would really have a lot to do with that.’”

The big headline here is: “Trump acknowledges that it’s possible for him to lose!” In 2020 he said: “It is statistically impossible” that he lost. Now he says it’s possible. This is a huge story.

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I actually have some sympathy for Robinson. He's utterly unelectable, of course, but there is a difference between 'sh!tposting' online and real world opinions. Doubly so for sexual fantasies. Triply so if it's in the online world of 2010, not 2024.

The real issue is the crossover to real life. J D Vance is the embodiment of this - almost every second thing he says is like he's quote-tweeting someone and adding his own snarky remark. He talks as if he's seeking likes from a right wing chat group.

So, Robinson should go down in a screaming heap because he's a grfiter, a hypocrite and and a MAGA zombie. But he can be as bizarre as he wants to be online.

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Today 3 of Robinson's major staff quit. And regardless of Trump's endorsement, he's not winning from the polls I've seen.

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What a huge relief to know that Trump is so concerned with the welfare of women.

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Superlative, albeit nauseating, roundup of the gunk under the sludge stuck to the slime at the bottom of the GOP barrel.

But then, like a blankie and a comforting hot beverage:


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Trees are turning... beautiful yellow (I miss fall 🍁🍂).

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Me too. One of the very few things I miss about the East Coast.

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Well, Trump is partly right (bear with me). The election is a mere few weeks away so four years ago, bar a few weeks, Joe Biden had won the election (yes Donald, he really did) and I - a woman - was experiencing profound happiness, relief of stress, and feeling rather optimistic and confident about the future. How do I feel now, four years (bar a few weeks) later? The thought of a second Trump term makes me scared and angry, which is not good for my health, and my confidence in the future, should he win, is rock bottom. Given all the crazy rhetoric about election fraud should he lose I do feel less safe as I worry what might happen given what happened last time he lost. Oh, and as for how he will protect me, a woman (as I previously mentioned) I think of his adjudication as a digital rapist and it makes me want to vomit. Ask E. Jean Carroll how she feels.

Thank goodness for dogs. Keep the photos coming Charlie!

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As usual, the dogs are great.

Hmm ... Who else blamed the Jews? It's right on the tip of my tongue! You know? That German! 😉🤦‍♂️😔

Oh, yeah, and if that doesn't work, let's shut down the government just before the election! Even Mitch McConnell got off his duff and said that was stupid!

It just makes you wonder, does he want to win? And if so, how in God's name does this sort of sh*t help? I cannot recommend this post from Chris Cillizza enough. While it explains so much, it really begs the question, "What the f**k is wrong with you people?" https://chriscillizza.substack.com/p/why-do-people-vote-for-donald-trump

Mark Robinson is beyond a clown. How this guy has gotten this far is just beyond me. To me it shows that Republicans are not serious about governing, they are just about electing dipshits that have no interest in doing anything other than collecting a check and making their supporters feel good about being dipshits! And it's not just Robinson, he's just one in a long line of ridiculous Republican candidates that could not manage their way out of a paper bag let alone manage a government. This is why I left the party because they are not serious, they just want power by whatever means they can get it.

And then you have the child abuser, Matt Gaetz. I bet his uber-wealthy daddy is just proud beyond belief of his boy! I wonder if his mother shares that belief? 🤦‍♂️ Surprising that we never hear from her about her boy's exploits.

I am so tired of polling because there is too damn much of it. Everyone is conducting polls. Never mind the fact who are the polling people talking to and are those people providing even reliable information? This is why the polls seem to be never correct is because everyone does it.

The good news is that early voting opened on Friday in Minnesota, so I will be voting this week to get it over with. My wife claims that Harris will win in a landslide. I think Harris will win but only by the skin of her teeth after a very contentious vote count that will probably not decide a winner until the very last moment.

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I'm a cat person but doggone! Life must be good at the Sykes household. :D

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

I had 2 cats for 20 yrs before my first little dog Bernie 24yrs ago. I thought of getting cats again after Tewlee died. Then I saw a scared little girl, shaking, afraid to look at anyone in a big concrete cage, and picked her up. And I knew she was going home with me that minute. I've thought about getting her a cat to tone down her puppiness (she just turned 2 I think). Then I have visions of the 2 of them tearing around the house. And decided I'm not quite that crazy yet. 😁

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I love the dog pictures…MORE PLEASE! They make my heart smile.

I stopped listening to or believing in polls or conversations about polls with Hillary. I have returned to believing in the Tom Bradly effect but with a broader theory. People tell pollsters what they think the pollsters want to hear or what they think makes them look like “good people”…and then go and vote differently. I this is why I believe this race will be a squeaker and that no matter how vile Drumpf is, many will still vote for him…and won’t have to hold their nose while they do it.

I live in a Red state but will vote Blue up and down the ballot…the GOP has done nothing but harm to the rural communities here; the miracle is that though no one votes for the harmful politicians they keep winning in landslides…see Bradley effect?

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If you want to get really depressed about the sanity of Americans, check out the Trumpettes interviewed at his rallies. They're as insane and ignorant as he is.

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Why shouldn’t Trump and his minion believe they can do anything without consequences? Trump will never be tried for any of the Federal charges? James Comer and Jim Jordan have conducted a Star Court with allegations and no evidence. The majority Republican House has passed little, or no legislation for 4 years, SCOTUS is run by a majority of corrupt justices, Trump and band of merry men lie and lie some, Fox paused for a moment during the defamation suit but resumed lying, the thugs Lewondoski and Stephen Miller are back, and now associates Nick Fuentes, Loomer and the Black Nazi Robinson. No accountability equal encouragement to continue their reprehensible behavior.

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I do understand why Trump and the sociopaths around him feel that there are no consequences for their actions. Trump has been a criminal his whole adult life and yet he has never been in jail. How did have a fraudulent charity and university and not be in jail? Trump has cheated on his taxes, valuation of his companies and self worth with no consequences. They lied about the Haitians with no consequence. They desecrated Arlington with no repercussions. The list goes on and on. I do blame Biden. For all that he has done, he has ignored the cancer in his own administration.

Merrick (sleep at the wheel) Garland should have been fired 3 years ago. The ineptitude of this man, single-handedly has made it impossible to prosecute the crimes of Donald Trump. Knowing the total corruption of SCOTUS, nothing has been done. Now loom ahead is Louis DeJoy, the Post Master General, a holdover from Trump that tried to sabotage the 2020 elections by delaying mail service for mail in ballots. He is about to do it this year again only he learned how to do it better this time. Was there nothing Biden could do to prevent this?

For all Biden’s accomplishments, he will tacitly be complicit in Trumps attempt to be president again

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Re Dejoy - the president has no power to get rid of him. There's a postal board of governors that can, but Biden's nominees to the board haven't been approved by the Senate. What most people don't know is that the Post Office is actually established by the Constitution, and the Constitution set the rules.

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Weren’t we supposed to see these massive red waves for Trump in 18’, 20’, and 22’? None of those materialized either. Polls are a snapshot in time; nothing more. And given how divided this nation is, and how fickle our electorate is, I wouldn’t bet on polls being that accurate right now. Maybe sometime in October it will happen.

That said, what wins campaigns is a great candidate (or decent when competing against Trump), consistent messaging, a great ground game (operation) in all seven swing states, a huge war chest, and a massive group of volunteers knocking on doors, and canvassing areas of undecided voters. Not to mention, having sane and respected advisors and campaign managers at your side.

Harris has all these elements, while Trump will be back in court, and relying on super pacs to execute his ground game which is lacking.

In other words, Trump’s money and time will be spent at the courthouse, while he outsources his operations to former DeSatan campaign managers and operatives, who quite frankly, managed to blow through $250 million dollars for Zero primary votes. What could possibly go wrong??????

Bottom line: this election is over. I’m not saying it won’t be a nail biter, but Harris will prevail. As we get closer to the election, and things continue to go badly for Trump, with one unforced error after another, he will self immolate and self-destruct.

If we can count on Trump for anything, it’s Trump being Trump! IMHO!….:)

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My husband agrees with you...but I warn, don't be too sanguine, turn your eyes to the Middle East...

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I Agree it’s still an issue, but seriously, Trump would be far worse. If Harris wins, Bibi’s days are numbered, and a ceasefire will succeed. Bibi is currently slowing rolling the process, hoping for a Trump win.

If Trump wins, Bibi will get everything he wants from Trump. Conservative Jewish billionaires will be making policy by giving millions to Trump; the most transactional president we’ve ever had. Bibi and his cabal of religious Jewish fascists, will then try to expel over a million Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza. This is their main agenda. Expel and appropriate land, making any future Palestinian State an impossible task.

That said, I’m Jewish, support Israel and Palestinian self determination, and believe in a two state solution. I have no love for Netanyahu, or his fascist government, and would love to see peace breakout. In my opinion, it’s a complicated issue that is getting more difficult with each day of violence.

I’m not sure what or where the answer lies, but any Palestinian or Muslim who would rather extract their pound of flesh, instead of electing Harris, will get the government they deserve and their people will be worse off for the effort. And unfortunately, so will the rest of us.

That said, I still think enough youth and Palestinians know what’s at stake with a Trump win, and will hold their nose and vote for Harris. If not, then we’re all screwed, even Trump’s supporters; they just haven’t gotten the memo: yet!….:)

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I too believe in the two-state solution, but fear that unless Bibi is removed, and the US finally shows its claws that may never happen. Right now, I believe that Bibi is attempting to start a hot war (they seem to have never not been at war) with Hezbollah to forestall peace. I think he believes a hot war would damage Harris and elect Drumpf...he may be right. I think the way to pour cold water on all of Bibi's machinations is to quietly inform him that though the US will defend Isreal from unprovoked aggression it will quietly join the rest of the world and stand by and let it take the consequences of its own aggression. I think knowing that he would be on his own if he starts trouble might change his behavior.

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