If the Cheney endorsement of Harris/Walz doesn’t bring the gravity of the danger to the Republic posed by Trump into focus nothing will!! This danger will affect freedom lovers everywhere. VOTE, if not for yourself, then for your kids.

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Great read!

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The “Fake Hoax” was, after all very real! Russian interference in 2016 forward through today exists!

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IMHO it’s a smaller deal that you think. She’s already been marginalized by MAGA. Sorry.

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If they are so outraged at being duped then presumably they well give all the money to charity

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Many of Cheney's elite, wealthy colleagues in the GOP feel the same way, but they don't have the guts she has. If Harris is elected, she ought to give Liz a prominent and meaningful post.

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I really respect Liz, but I don’t trust her because she’s still a Republican and has made that extremely clear by voting 94% in support of Trump. It makes me think she wants to replace Trump. Please forgive me for being such a cynic.

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Dick Cheney was one of my write-in candidates. But now with his endorsement of Harris I too shall heed and follow the words of his wise daughter.

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I have never thought the candidates' policy proposals deserved much effort to weigh and analyze. Character and temperament are always most important. First, vanishing few of the proposals, especially those of the "on day one" sort, stand a chance of being adopted. Second, and more important, the most difficult questions a President must deal with are the ones that are wholly unexpected. In 2000, Al Gore and George Bush were never asked about their response to a terrorist attack that killed 3,000 people.

As much as I disagreed with VP Harris's positions in 2020 or feel skeptical of her flipflops now - they are, after all, in my preferred direction - I will vote for her. Hell, I'd have voted for Biden in a coma with Mrs Biden reenacting the part of Mrs Wilson.

What are really tiresome are self-idenified conservatives who are still thrashing around about which candidate would be "better for conservative policies" or "the conservative cause". The one indispensable conservative cause, in my opinion, is preserving our Constitution and its liberal Enlightenment principles. The 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 issue in this election, then, is whether we can be 100% sure we will have an orderly election in 2028 conducted according to law.

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This is an exceptional insight into what it takes to a)acknowledge the threat coming from your side of the political spectrum, b)say I won’t be voting for my party’s nominee but the opposing party and c) graciously accept the consequences of your actions bcos you know there is NO choice but to do the right thing. Put country over party, country over personal ambition. I would say the Cheneys and Joe Biden have done more for this country in the last month than all the worthless Rs in Congress right now, combined. I am saddened by the fact that you say there is no coming back from that. I had always thought that the real conservatives, like those supporting Kamala Harris( Adam Kinzinger,Olivia Troye, Geoff Duncan to name a few), would be able to rebuild after trump is defeated, and in prison. Guess, I’m still pretty naive😌

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Where are the rest of your buddy’s?

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Always the first move of a MAGA perp is to claim to be a victim. The Tenet Media propagandists probably thought they were just making the usual trolling-for-entertainment junk, and if the payday was too big to believe, so what, who cares? Of course, there are real victims, such as the Ukrainian children blown to bits in their schools, on playgrounds, in pediatric hospitals--or kidnapped into Russia and illegally put up for adoption, never to see their birth families again.

This is what MAGA is. The cruelty and the grift are the point.

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Love it! Go Liz! Country over party!

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Yes yes yes and yes.

But also wait — *former* colleague Jim Swift??

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IMHO Liz Cheney set the barrier for receiving the Federal Metal Of Honor. If I were Dick Chaney, irrespective of his own political leanings , I couldn't be more proud to be her dad. We need many more Americans like her.

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Who knew???


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